One thing I'm not liking though is that it looks like all of these gods have children :< do not want.
Are you sure that it's really their children? It could be a form of the god's powers rebirthing themselves, or, if their powers were stolen to such a great degree that they were resorted to these "infant" forms. Why does everyone assume all gods and goddesses instantly start out old and know how to work with their powers? XP (I haven't really been keeping up with the Okami news front, so, sorry if it seems like I don't know much. :stupid: )
I only played little of Okami, but I saw most of my friend playing it, and she absolutely loved it. I'm looking forward to checking it out, this seems a lot of fun.
Woah, it looks great and the story seems interesting. I'm definitely buying it, after I bought all the other DS games I want. ;_;
I wish i had the original Okami. It is so hard to find it in stores -_- This one looks amazing as well. Must have it.
Awesome, it looks great for a DS game. I loved the original, so I'll definitely get this. Too bad it won't be released until next year, though.=/
I never played any Okami game, but I heard they're good games indeed. I don't think I'll give it a shot though.