Yeah, how on earth does one get the gray sqauare? I've gotten a few of those, and I don't even know what they are.
Neutral rep, when someone with no good rep, or recently got bad rep, reps you. doesnt matter if it is good or bad rep, it'll always be neutral.
...You're so immature, you actually care about your rep? It's a little green block that no-one needs... Damn I have a grey square too, grrrr. the rep you have affects the amount of rep you give when you rep someone? I didn't know that...that actually explains a bit.
reps calibrated with how long you've been on the site, how much you have, and I think your post count too but don't hold me to that. Gray rep just means that that member hasn't been on long enough to emass enough for the first greeny.
no ._. i was on for a year before i actually got rep (i hanged out in the code vault) i could only give neutral rep then D=