Of Higurashi? No. It's a totally different visual novel. EDIT: Ever17, it's a visual novel. I love games with good stories/novel games but I have to look hard to find them because I can't stand h-scenes, and this one's supposed to be one of the best ones without 'em, so I tried it.
Oh god I lol'd so hard. Got any suggestions for visual novels? I don't really care what genre it is to be honest.
Ever17, Higurashi/Umineko, I watched a version of Saya no Uta online with all the H scenes cut out since there's no all ages version and it was good, KiraKira is supposed to be good, Hourglass of Summer is supposed to be okay, and then there's always the next best thing (adventure games/adventure-novel hybrids): Phoenix Wright, Time Hollow, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Trace Memory, and stuff a bit more puzzle oriented like Professor Layton.
Saya no Uta has a full fan-translation and Kira Kira has a full official translation (By MangaGamer), along with Higurashi. Kai is in the works right now. Ever17's was official too, by the now-defunct Hirameki International... The only other publisher I can think of who you might wanna check out is JAST USA, I've never looked at any of their stuff though. EDIT: ...Kay xD. I just finished the bad ending of Ever17 and it was brutal, btw. Definitely a good visual novel though.