You shouldn't be that worried if you actually own the CD's the music comes from :> Though to actually help, Seagate hard drives are the best option if you're going to get a new one (if you don't already have one I guess)
Out of the 7300 songs I had in my library, I owned one album (Metallica's Death Magnetic). So yea. Though apparently you can copy the songs from your iPod back onto your computer. I had no idea you could do that, so this isn't as much of a tradgedy... Though it'll take forever to transfer the songs.
You can't be a real music fan if you barely own the albums in hard-copy D: That's my own gripe with the whole iTunes and online music buying thing: if your computer screws up, you lose your music. Also, you don't get a booklet or CD or case when you buy it :< Try burning the music onto CD's when you can?
oh my ****. Sorry, got distracted by the fact you have an Iphone and your Ipod is apparently named John's Incite.