I'm all out of Redbull, it's 4:09am and I have to have my lab report done for like 9am D: I really should have learned from the last time this happened, but alas =/
I've got over half of it done, and the rest is pretty simple. BUT IT'S SO BORING AND I CAN'T CONCENTRATE D:
What sections need the most work? EDIT: I found the discussion section of my lab report that I just did was really annoying :.-.:
Lol yeahh. I just had to make **** up and use lots of fancy words :lolface: As I said, the rest is pretty simple. I still have my introduction and Background Theory to do, but they are just like copying stuff out basically =/ I'd say the hardest bit will be to do the references xD
really? you mean finding them? or paraphrasing them into your work? when you say background theory do you have to have a section where you explain the fundemental parts of the study and what previous studies have discovered?
I mean both finding relevant ones and somehow working them into what is already there. Yeah, basically the theory we were given in the lab booklet as well as previous work.
I was going to give you a website that I used for my lab report that is full of pdfs from journals. But then I realized I do a different science and the website would only help if you looked into the psychology of physics. D: