Oh, screw it.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by LostMemory, May 19, 2012.

  1. LostMemory Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 6, 2012
    Wutai, Gaia
    Aeris dies, L dies, Spike dies, Neo dies, Trinity dies, Jack Sparrow dies, Obi-wan dies, Qui-gon dies, Yoda dies, Padme dies, Boromir dies, Gandalf dies, Everyone in Evangelion turns into orange juice, Bambi's mom dies, every major character in FF Tactics dies, Krillin dies, Chaozu dies, Yamcha dies, Vegeta dies, Piccolo dies, Goku dies, Goku dies again, Goku dies again, Goku dies again for real this time, and then dies AGAIN, Tellah dies, Mariko dies, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, Soylent Green is People, Bruce Willis is a ghost, Princess Leia is Luke's sister, Winston gets reprogrammed, they find Nemo, they all went to the same daycare, Rosebud is his sled, Wander dies and is reborn fused with the dormin, Gretchen dies, Donnie goes back in time so he can get killed by the falling plane engine, Macmurphy gets lobotomized and is killed by Chief, Alex is "cured", You Just Lost The Game, The Planet Of The Apes is Earth in the future, Tyler Durden and Edward Norton's character are the same person, Mercutio dies, Romeo dies, Juliet dies, Caesar dies, Hamlet dies, Tony Almeida dies, Deckard is a Replicant, the boy shoots Ol' Yeller, one of the gay cowboys dies, the black guy dies first, Rocky loses, Rocky wins, Rocky loses, Rocky wins, Rocky wins, Rocky wins, Redrum is Murder spelled backwards, Willard kills Kurtz, Rocky loses, then wins, Scarface dies, Spock dies, W.O.P.R. was just playing a game, the wizard is the Gatekeeper, They never find the Grail, Simon and Piggy die, Jay Gatsby dies, the answer is 42, all 300 Spartans die, 28 Weeks Later everyone's still screwed, Jason lives, and Snape kills Dumbledore who is gay.

    Ahem. I left this website a couple o' months ago to avoid KH spoilers but now I'm bored so Imma just go spam. Yeah. kthxbye 8D
  2. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    All 300 don't die so get your facts straight, one loses an eye so runs back to rally the army.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You forgot Hamlet, he dies. Along with his Uncle-step-Father, his whore of a mother, his lover, his friends, and a man named bob.