Oh boy...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Hayabusa, May 25, 2013.

  1. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin

    xD I don't even know the storyline but I've heard a few of the songs which I quite enjoyed so I'd most likely be sitting there singing or just bouncing along to the tunes even when they're super dramatic.
  2. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    To make a long story short it is a movie based on a musical based on a book based on a real life French revolution that ended really badly. Oh and a guy who jumps parole and starts a new life for himself.
  3. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin

    Oh my, well that does sound eventful xD Thank you for the sum up BIU! I will definitely have to watch it.
  4. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Do enjoy yourself!
  5. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male

    Mostly just jokes, but enjoyable nonetheless.

    Also the one for Avengers

  6. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Cat showed me these, and the Avengers one just pissed me off. Like, 70% of it is nitpicking and personal gripes. Most of the others keep that to a minimum, but it seems like this guy had it out for that one film. That or he loved it so much that he was reaching to the far corners to find fault in it.

    Then again I'm just weird like that I take games and comedy seriously and everything else is either a game or a joke to me
  7. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    It's obvious (to me) that he loved the film and is just having fun with it, like most of the videos...though some movies do deserve it...like this one.
  8. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Ok as long as somebody else thinks so

    Sometimes I have trouble telling, I am not a bright child
  9. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Still it is always nice to see the flaws in big budget movies we think are really great. At least for me, I took media and theater classes in high school and a scriptwriting class in college, so to see the big names mess up like this is like a nice one up for the little guy "Whoooo they're not perfect!" if that makes sense
  10. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    It totally does, I do that with the books I read.

    also omg so jeluz all I ever took was like one intro to film class

    which is where I discovered The Host which is now one of my favorite movies ffff
  11. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
  12. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    I thought the The Avengers was successful in terms of pulling off the seemingly impossible task of bringing together franchises under one roof in harmony. Granted, the storyline is cliche with its "putting aside differences to save teh world," but I say that's the basis of the superhero/comic book genre anyway. It was definitely not gonna "wow" audiences with deep and contemplative themes, but rather just the enjoyment of this movie taking the bull by the horns and having a good time doing it. I think the only thing I'll be skeptical about is Marvel topping the commercial and critical (more of the latter than the former) acclaim this movie has made with its god knows how many sequels they are planning. It's a good movie nowadays to show on a bus trip, but I think thankfully I'm out of the craze it spurred last year.

    So yeah, opinions change. >.> <.<
  13. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    i don't care what anyone says lol les mis is such a great movie like ugh i can't even describe how much i love it ; ^ ;
  14. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    The Amazing Spider-Man didn't have Emo Peter and all the narm that came with it. Or that convoluted tangle of a mess that was called a romance. Comparing the two seems a little weird in my opinion as well. The Amazing Spider-Man is a new start and is setting and building things up while Spider-Man 3 just takes what's already been established and messes it up completely.

    I'll agree that Venom did look better than the Lizard but every time he opened his mouth and Topher Grace's voice came out, I was expecting "Hangin' Out, Down the Street" to start playing. I just couldn't take him seriously most of the time.

    How about all the fights between Spider-Man and The Lizard? The action seemed much more fluid imo with much more agility and webplay and omg the snark! The best thing about Spider-Man and they got it right! YES! Or how about the scene at the bridge when Peter finally becomes an actual hero instead of some vengeful vigilante? Or how about Gwen? Instead of being your typical damsel like Mary Jane in the original trilogy, she risks her life by staying in the lab until the antidote is done and she even fights off the Lizard with a flamethrower.

    How does he suck at his job? The way I see it, Peter's still getting a hang of the whole hero thing in this movie like he does in the comics. He doesn't go from zero to hero after Uncle Ben dies like he does shortly afterwards in the original trilogy. The kid is a teenager after all so he's gradually maturing throughout the story which I personally liked.

    It's cheesy but I liked it. xD
  15. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Flippin' love that movie.
  16. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    First off:

    And now onto the real post.

    Although I agree that the Avengers had their fair share of problems, and the movie could've been done a bit better, I still loved it very much, and it's one of my fav movies now. I think that one of the biggest obstacles in making a movie like the Avengers is they just had far more plot than they did screen time. They not only had to successfully establish the characters of six emotionally unstable superhumans, but they also had to establish the characters of Loki, Fury, Coulson, Hill, and Selvig. They also had to establish the threat of the Chitauri, explain the Tesseract, Write a battle scene that managed to showcase each of the Avengers AND keep the battle from appearing too one-sided. And, a quick note; the council's decision to nuke the Island of Manhattan was not to save the people of Manhattan, but to contain the alien threat and stop them from spreading into the rest of the world. While I sided with Nick Fury on that being a stupid decision, they still were trying to save lives. Just in the stupidest way possible. In a way, Nick blowing up the quinjet in order to prevent the destruction of Manhattan is the same decision on a smaller scale. Sacrifice the few to save the many. While I personally HATE such a scenario, I understand that it sometimes needs to be done, and I feel sorry for whoever has to do it, fiction or otherwise.
    I agree though, that the nuke blowing up the entire Chitauri army was a bit silly.

    The main reason I love this movie so much, though, is that it introduced me to Marvel. Aside from the first two X-Men movies, Spiderman 1, and the first forty issues of the Amazing Spiderman comic book series that my grandmother happened to have when I was visiting, I really had never done Comics. On that note, those forty issues are why I hate the Spiderman trilogy, and why I love the Amazing Spiderman, which I received as a birthday present. The movie managed to capture Peter's personality perfectly, while also accomplishing the not-so-easy feat of translating a universe that started out in the 60's into today's modern world. Because let's face it, an umbrella-toting suit-wearing clean-cut nerd with wire-rimmed glasses and an ancient aunt who worries over the dangers of playing volleyball just wouldn't work in today's society. Not to mention, the movie was funny. It really was. The library scene with Stan Lee's cameo as the deaf-to-the-world librarian had me on the floor, and my sister still loves the line "I had a rough night..." recited by Peter after he delivers Aunt May's eggs.
    Also, while some people may argue that the Lizard has the dumbest backstory in the world, I always liked the poor guy. He wasn't an evil man; he just had horrible things happen to him, and he let them get the best of him. I think the movie did a very good job of translating that; he did the human testing on himself because if he didn't, they would test on the veterans, and he had nothing to lose. As the Lizard, he only hunted down one person, and yes, he didn't particularly avoid the injuries of the innocents in his path, but he only actively hunted the man who had driven him to such extremes. In the lab, he could have very well killed Gwen Stacy, but instead, he just ignored her. And after it was all over, he saved Peter's life and obviously felt regret for what he had done, hatred towards the man who taunted him in prison, and concern over Peter when the man mentioned him.
    While, with every movie ever made, there were inconsistencies, I absolutely loved it. It's all about the suspension of disbelief, like afore mentioned. Yes, people don't turn into giant lizards, no matter how messed up the experiment. We can all roll our eyes at that one. But really, it's all about the struggles of dealing with the horrible situations we sometimes find ourselves in. It was a common comic-book theme of inner demons being portrayed as physical manifestations. It's the same thing with Bruce and the Hulk, it's the same thing with Norman Osborne and the Green Goblin, it's the same thing with Tony Stark and the Arc Reactor. It's all about creating an impossible thing that still somehow relates with the basest of human emotions. And the movie carried it very well, imo.
  17. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Pffff no dude the '06 Korean one is so much fucking better

    It's like a Tarantino-level pastiche, equal parts monster movie, family drama, comedy, tragedy, thriller... and it balances them all perfectly. I mean perfectly. If subtitled films don't give you headaches, it comes highly recommended from moi




    Narm is what makes it so amazing


    #f l a w l e s s

    Gotta agree with 'Boosa on this one (lol like I we haven't been riding each other's coattails through this entire thread), none of it really stuck with me

    ...Hah! Stuck. Webbing. :L

    For... like... a minute. Against one nameless thug. And then he barely said anything funny for the rest of the film. Bang-up job, gang!
  18. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I could watch her jam forever.
  19. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Just because its a new start and whatever, doesn't excuse it having qualities of a bad film on its own. Spider-Man 3 at least kept a camp-like humorous tone to it throughout. I've already stated that 3 is still pretty bad, but Amazing didn't wow me either.

    Yeah, Eddie Brock should have actually looked like Eddie Brock, but the Lizard should have actually looked like the Lizard, NOT A GOOMBA FROM THE MARIO BROS MOVIE. Argument for that goes both ways.


    Sure the action scenes look a lot better, but there's more to a story than those. Want a good example of substantial plot while also having cool battles? Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America. As Sforz said already, I remember Spidey being snarky all of...two times in the film: the car burglar (which was awesome) and a little with the Lizard in the school. He is snarky as Peter Parker though, but it needs to be consistent...with development. I'll get into that later on in this post. Also, Gwen isn't all that smart either when she goes for a guy that openly breaks her father's dying wish. To me, she's no better (or worse) than Mary Jane was...though Emma Stone is smoking hot. Honestly, she's the second best character in the film, first being her dad.

    During the final battle against the Lizard, the freaking cop chief guy with a shotgun does a better job fighting the Lizard than Spider-Man...

    Not to mention, he randomly remembers OH SHIT THERE'S A GIANT LIZARD I NEED TO FIGHT right after fighting him the night before...this Peter Parker doesn't seem too bright to me.

    Also cops manage to actually almost capture him...SIGH.

    Still terrible, and anyone with knowledge of how to make a good film or story will agree. Even my friend who actually thought the movie was decent hates that scene, and for good reason. It's literally a 5 minute filler that serves like no purpose except to fill the slot that the original movie had of NYC folks helping Spidey against Goblin, or in the 2nd movie where they're carrying him through the train.

    I actually know who Peter Parker, Spider-Man, The Lizard, Aunt May, etc. are, no need trying to tell us. And how you can like the newer movie while hating the old ones YET HAVING READ THOSE COMICS is just...I can't fathom this. The old movies had a sense of wonder and silliness to them that I remember vividly from the old Spider-Man cartoons, video game (before the movies ever came out), and some comics. This one attempts to be SUPER SERIOUS for far too long throughout the story. Which is not what Spider-Man is about. He's a smart kid who makes jokes but learns through a tragedy that he should be using his new gifts for the right things rather than for himself...y'know, something that Amazing Spider-Man forgot.

    And I did like the Lizard...the real Lizard. This lizard's world domination plot doesn't fit at all with a film trying to look serious. His whole sympathetic sad story that I remember and was really hoping would be done well was botched and thus turned the Lizard in this film into a super cliche throwaway evil villain. HE EVEN HAS THE OVERDONE "OH I'M NOT REALLY EVIL I WAS JUST NOT SURE WHAT TO DO" TWIST NEAR THE END WITH SAVING PETER. His whole transformation into a lizard is alright, but why he wants everyone else to be lizard...uh, can I get an actual explanation?

    Peter Parker's whole motivation to be Spider-Man has been switched to pretty much rip off Batman: while he was supposed to have been using his powers for the wrong thing, this film saw it necessary to make Uncle Ben's death the result of him just being immature, not even using his powers. He kinda acts the same way throughout the film, while a true Peter Parker would have been nerdy and introverted in the beginning and then becoming snarky and cracking wise and taunting people. Amazing Spider-Man's Peter was immature at the beginning and immature at the end.

    I had high hopes for this movie, but ultimately it felt like a wasted chance, not to mention already having been an unnecessary reboot. The first film, while not perfect, did Spider-Man's origins so much better.
  20. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Aww, but I enjoyed Les Mis...

    Agreed with all of the above but the Batman movies. Say what you will about Nolan's trilogy being super overrated, but you gotta admit that the performances and cinematography were pretty darned good.