Of Monsters and Men

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Magick, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Callum said very little as he walked along with the others. He was beginning to regret agreeing to not kill them. Well, beginning wasn't the right term. It was more a case of he was simply really regretting it. At least they were paying him though, but that brought about another question; was there enough money in the world to pay him to not kill these people? Apparently the answer was yes, but it was mainly due to Callum liking the idea of having more money. "If she comes looking for you, I'm not going to stand in her way. I'm not being paid nearly enough for that" he said, providing his stance on that matter immediately. Better to get that out of the way and let it sink in than to have them get too drunk to remember anything, as is what seemed to be happening.

    As Teliana and William left, Yana had shrugged her shoulders and continued her adventure into the cave. There was no point getting annoyed at it, for though it was frustrating her toys had left there wasn't much she could do about it. She didn't get very far before she found exactly what she was looking for. It was a small mushroom, almost stuck to the side of one of the walls in a deep, dark corner. Picking up the mushroom, she grabbed it and made her way back to Annabelle. Tapping on the small shield thing her apprentice had made, Yana spoke. "Minion, I found the thingy I needed. The mushroom that's going to make you aaaall better" she said, before simply waiting for Annabelle to let down her shield so they could actually move on.
  2. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Will's pov:

    Will Snow banner.png

    He stood at the open portal thinking back to the cave. There was someone going in, but he should not worry about it to much. There was Yana he thought about telling the man about the crazy person in there, but if he and any sense he would not stay for long. He looked back to the cave once more before steeping though the portal it closing shorty after he steep though. He looked around. He ended up in the middle of some sort of field. This was not the right place at all. He was sure where he wanted to go, so why was he here? He looked in every direction hoping he was off by a little. He kept on looking as far as he could see there was just a open field in every direction. He must have put himself way off then because he wanted to go to the village he grow up in and this place was not it. This time before he opened the portal he thought about where he wanted to go. The portal opened up and he steep though. He found himself in the exact same spot and he closed the portal. Now he was sure he was in the right place, but where was the village? There was nothing but open fields. Something was not right. He continued to walk to he found a rather large hill by a stream. There was something he could find out about digging this up he could possibly find out what happened to his village. So with that he held up his staff and the water moved towards the hill moving the dirt that was around it. This was going to take forever. What he would not give for a earth mage. It would go by faster. All he had to do was move enough to see what was going on.

    Ethan's pov:

    Ethan Banner.png

    The forest went on forever. He kept on Walking and walking. He then past a rock that looked like a rock he past hours ago. Well there was noting left to do, but keep on walking and that was that. He did it just for the hope of finding his way out. Then he walked into a clearing. There was what looked to be fire that was put out not to long ago. Well if he kept on walking sooner of later he would find his way out if he kept on walking in a direction. After what seemed to be forever he walked out of the forest. He found a dirt road not to far from the forest. In the distance he could see a women. Finally he saw a person. Then he made his first mistake, he put fluffily down to wave to the person. A Rabid dog came leaping out of the forest over his head. The rabid dog soon took a hold of fluffy and started banging it around like a dog toy. The stuffing flying everywhere. "Leave fluffy alone." He yelled at the dog. The dog soon took its hungery eyes on him. It jumped.. "Stop" His eyes glowing. Soon he lunched a large rock at the dog sending it flying into the air. Then when the dog cm down again he lunched it back up with another rock. The dog was probably dead by now, but he was not aware of it.

    In memory of fluffy Oct 2- Oct 26 2015 Rip:
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Veera frowned in response to the stranger's words, but she did follow his suggestion and lower his sword. The second male that had entered her peripheral vision hadn't escaped her attention either. "It's not a typical man that decides to find the source of screaming." She commented, stepping back in order to keep everyone in front of her, and the wall at her back. It didn't help she could practically smell the magic coming off of him. This man was a mage, and it didn't take instinct to tell her how powerful. She had felt the floor boards roll as the earth, or what she assumed was earth, moved to his command.

    "Could have used you earlier." She let her sword point at the ground, but didn't put it away just yet. Mages were tricky, and while she hadn't had the unfortunate luck of fighting an unfriendly one, she knew of those that had. "But now that you're here, I have a proposition for you." She eyed the
    second man for a moment. He didn't look like a soldier, and he certainly wasn't a witcher, but her medallion was silent. He wasn't a doppler, and at the moment, that was all that really mattered.

    "I need to contact all of the witchers from here to Vizima, and any mages in between that you can find. I have no coin to pay you, but you will have the gratitude of a witcher, and those that align themselves with me. What do you say?" She asked
    Evander. While the question was directed him, should this second stranger have any interest in helping, she was more then willing to take whatever she could get.

    "I'm Veera, of Velen." It would be quicker if they didn't know who she was, but any doubts about the power of her offer should be washed away with that. Or so she hoped. For
    Tatiana's sake, she wanted to get them away as quickly as possible.

    "I would need to be transported, through a..." she hesitated, grimacing at the thought, "portal, with my friend. My
    human friend, before the others were contacted."

    Teriana's dress brushed against her legs as she walked to the edge of town, hesitating for a moment to roll her foot and then crack her neck. She hated walking such distances when she could help it, but it would have been more work to call up a second portal. At least she got to enjoy the scenery on her way in. She sighed at her own sarcasm before starting forward. Her movement was halted by a drunkard and his friends. She recognized them as the local farmers, and sighed. Not this again.

    "Gentlemen." She greeted them, trying to step by. They backed up, albeit barely keeping on their feet as they swayed with the inhibition of a day of heavy drinking. "You should probably be out in the fields, working to feed your families." She wrinkled her nose when one stepped forward, the smell of his bitter breath more foul then most of the plants she picked.

    "Why don't you join us out there?" Luvely day." The leader commented with burp. She waved the fumes away with a heavier sigh.

    "You just don't lear-" he grabbed her arm, forcing her to drop the basket and scattering the flowers. Her eyes flashed with the wrath of the gods, and in an instant the man was screaming as his very palm. He dropped her arm like it was burning him, which it was, and stared at his palm in horror as the skin bubbled with blisters.

    "I suggest you go home and see if your wife will do something about that. And make sure she knows not to ask me for help." Teriana sweetly suggested, watching them rush away with a smile on her lips before turning and kneeling down. She hated getting the dust of the road on her clothing, but it was already ruined from her foray into the cave. With a whispered curse to all drunken and married men, she began to pick the flowers up one by one and put them back into the basket before they were trampled by any wandering passersby.

    Bryce clenched his jaw as Seth's words. "What exactly did she deserve?" He asked in biting tones, hand clenched on the pommel of his sword. He had a very good idea what Seth had done, and even worse, he had done it in front of a witcher. It seemingly hadn't even occurred to Seth that Callum would walk with them back to town. Just perfect. Just what I need. Gods give me patience. Or luck. Something. "Seth, you are going to come with me. Not out of mercy, but because you need to see exactly what you're endangering with your actions."

    Because Magick is bored and an impatient f*ck, they walked into town with Zack barely saying a word, Bryce walking in an angry man walk, and Seth and Callum doing whatever their creators wanted them to do (and yes Gabi, I know this gives you very little for interaction on the way and I'm sorry.)

    Once they reached town, Bryce led them to a certain square, and stopped. There was no way he was going to show a witcher the exact location of their hideout, or how to get in. It was named Sanctuary for a reason. It was because of this he was upset when a slim figure stepped out of the shadows, nearly startling him into running her through.

    "Bryce!" Tessa wrapped her arms around the taller man, looking up at him with a smile, completely oblivious to the danger she had put herself in by startling an armed man. "You're back! I closed the tavern up a little early to come see you, they weren't happy but I promised to stay open a little later so I'll still make the same money and it'll be okay! Also, I only thought you went to get Zack. Who are these two?" She smiled sweetly before letting go of Bryce and moving towards Seth, wrapping her arms around him and staring up into his face. "Welcome to Sanctuary!" She quipped, before turning to Callum. "Are you a friend too?"

  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    It seemed that everyone was gone and Yana was now tapping on the shell that she created. She slowly lowered the shell and looked up at Yana, fear and confusion still apparent in her eyes. Annabelle looked away as she began to cough from Yana being near. She hoped that Yana would make whatever she needed to make soon so she could hopefully feel at least slightly better. Always being sick was getting a bit annoying and hard to concentrate and hard to sleep. Sleep actually sounded really good to the girl given she hadn't properly slept through the night in a while. "Do I get clothing after?" Annabelle hesitated to ask, but she was cold without any and she didn't want anyone else to see her, not like that. It was more than a little embarrassing and people assumed the worst about her situation, though it was bad.
    "I'm nineteen." Aaron responded. Then Olivia seemed to take his comment too seriously. Aaron made a point of paying no mind to it. He shoved his hands in his pocket as he entered the library. "There is a lot of interesting things about a library, I love them, but there is one area in particular that I love." Aaron explained as he lead Olivia through rows of book cases and around various corners, heading into deeper and darker area's of the library. Finally he came out at a back wall after going through a labyrinth of books. The back wall was covered in tapestry. Above it was a stain glass window casting a colourful glow on old intricately designed books. "This was always my favourite place to come to get away from people. Not many people venture this far into the library, and it isn't easy to get and easy to get lost in here." Aaron explained as he ran his fingers over the intricately designed tapestry.
    "You know what she deserved." Seth said making a humping motion. "Don't worry, I paid enough in the first session for the second one which I took advantage of later. She will get plenty of money for the entertainment she provided me. Unfortunately for our greedy witcher friend, I might have spent too much on her and can't afford to give him more, but if he is with us he can't tell her where I am." Seth stated not batting an eye at the annoyed voice of Bryce, or Callums sad attempt at getting more money out of him.

    When the arrived at the sanctuary it didn't feel like a punishment being brought there. A really pretty girl approached him, wrapping her arms around him as she spoke.
    "I am Seth, and you must be Michael because I have never seen an angel that could top you." Seth said as he wrapped his arms around Tessa's waist and gave her butt a squeeze. Hey she was asking for such things by coming so close to him. Seth was not afraid of flirting in public, and if the girl didn't like it, well he had been through a lot worse than a slap on the face.
  5. Frosch Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 20, 2014
    In your cereal box
    Halfway through the Witcher's 'proposition', Evander was already getting bored. He had absolutely no interest in going off to save the world and its inhabitants, assuming that was what she even had planned, as she hadn't exactly given any detail on what was so urgent that she needed half the goddamn mages and Witchers in the world. No, he would much rather turn around without any more discussion and head to the nearest brothel for a good helping of ale, and at the very least three women.
    He wasn't about to leave however. He still hadn't figured out who had been hurt and why. Perhaps this Witcher had simply forgotten to mention it, but she could very well be hiding what she had done and was now trying to make him forget what he had come here for.
    Her name stirred a faint memory in his mind though.
    “Veera of Velen,” he said pensively, looking at her closely for some visual clue as to why he would know of her. Then he snapped his fingers as remembered. “Otherwise known as the White Lady. Pleasure to meet you.”
    He paced over to the side, away from the door, and leaned against the wall in a position that allowed him to watch both Veera and the newcomer at the door. He didn't know if the two were working together, or it was some random guy wondering what was going on, but he Evander didn't particularly feel comfortable standing with his back to him.
    “So, your plan with the portals and scrying is all very interesting, although you haven't mentioned at all what the hell it's for, but none of that is what I came here for.” His gaze became much more serious now. “The girl who was in pain. Where is she?” he demanded. “Then maybe we'll talk some more.”
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Veceslav Furst, Kaer Morhen

    He had returned to the Keep several days prior in preperation of wintering as was his tradition, the older witchers all did it, he had taught it to the newer generations of witchers but his words hardly ever hit home. He breathed in the cold mountain air, standing on top of the walls looking westwards to the mountain pass. Soon it would be impossible to traverse, with the snowfall blocking the passage the Keep would be isolated once more. He had returned here every year, it never hurt to hone one's skill or refresh one's memory on the characteristics of monsters and it was good to see some of his older collegues. He had ran into a few of them already. Every year the group got smaller one or two who didn't make it back in time. Sometimes they'd turn up the next year but often they never returned at all. He finished his morning walk over the outer walls and then went inside. There weren't many witchers around. He decided to go and brush up some of his potion recipes while he had an exceptional memory he too forgot things at times, important things that could have made a difference for people. He was reminded of the events with that Forktail as he walked on to the library.

    Normally the library was a quiet place and he could hear two people talking. One was a voice he had heard before though it was atleast a year ago, the other he didn't recognise. And in his years he had kept track of every resident of the Keep while it wasn't impossible there was a new arrival, he doubted it, the voice sounded, too old to be a new pupil. He decided to investigate and eventually found himself looking at the newly-graduated witcher Aaron and at the outsider. "
    What the hell do you think you're doing here" Veceslav demanded "I thought the rules were crystal clear, Aaron, were they not? Leave this room immediatly." Clearly the lad hadn't received the proper training or he had forgotten about the rules. This place kept secrets not supposed to be seen by outsiders. The information about the mutagens for example. Veceslav would have every single witcher and witcher in training gathered in the courtyard later to remind them of the proper rules. particularly all the new graduates that didn't take to the road yet. This was unforgivable and he would see to it that everyone involved in this fiasco got punished.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    It would see that there wouldn't be much entertainment from watching the two go at it as the male had gone ahead and tried to make amends by explaining his reasons for breaking in. Kruez hadn't heard anyone screaming, but by the time he had arrived, the other man had already broken into the house.

    "Why do you need to contact that many people?" Kruez questioned, still standing where the door once stood. He'd been used to not getting any money for doing something as a mage, which was why he learned alchemy. However, he wasn't the kind of guy to take a job without knowing some more information about at least the reasons behind doing it.
  8. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    "Cursed creature! Turn and face me!"

    Damn this guy was persistant, Solomon stumbled onwards, his undead weren't doing a great job at holding back the vampire. It was times like these he wished the undead worked out, but of course they couldn't, they were dead, unless you had a coffin with a built in gym, that would be an interesting idea... nevertheless, back to the topic, where was he? Oh yes, being chased by a vampire. He had just been casually ressurecting a graveyard when he'd been quite rudely interrupted by a knife to his throat, barely escaping with his life he thought he'd lost the man, until he'd heard a screech from above and was swarmed by bats. And now here he was desperately running for his life. Funny the way things went, wasn't it? Gathering up the magic energy Solomon stopped and created a portal
    "I'd love to stick around and chat but I've got to be going" he quipped as he fell backwards into the portal, hoping it led somewhere safe "Ta ta for now"

    "Coward! Craven! You won't escape my wrath!" catching up with the necromancer Prince Vyle managed to leap through the portal before it closed. Vyle had heard tales of a dark necromancer that abused mortals and had decided to track him down, he certainly wouldn't let the dark mage out of his clutches now. He grabbed the man and pulled out one of his many knives "For god's sake just die!" As they hit the ground the knife was knocked out of his hands and he gracefully tumbled away, the necromancer however landed roughly and something cracked. Vyle took in his surroundings. A road, a village, a little girl picking flowers. Oh dear, Vyle's knife had landed by the young girl's feet. Curses. He really did not want to reveal himself to humans. Trying to straighten out his clothes Vyle walked forwards slowly. The Necromancer was not a danger, he was moaning on the floor. Vyle would deal with him once this interloper was out of the way. "Greetings" He said softly to the girl "I appear to have dropped a blade, could I, ah, please have it?"
  9. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Veera frowned. "I need to transport those of my kind, and those with power, because a threat must be exterminated. I need help to gather them, otherwise it will take too long." She answered Kruez, before sighing. "The girl, Tatiana, was assaulted by a doppler. I did the best I could, but..." She pinched the bridge of her nose after putting away her silver sword. Steel would work well enough if they turned on her. "If you must see her, she's in the room back there. Take care you do not harm her," Veera warned Evander with narrowed, yellow eyes. "That girl is under my protection, and any further trauma caused to her will not be taken lightly." She stepped to the side, allowing him to pass. "You would both do me a great service by agreeing." she added to both Kruez and Evander. Gods if she could just get some luck today, perhaps she could begin to make amends for this mess.
    With a slight popping noise, two men fell in front of Teriana. She blinked, looking up from what had been her simple job of picking up the mess those miscreants had made. Something skipped and clattered over the ground until it rested in front of her. A dagger, much more ornate then the one she carried. She reached over and touched it, a shudder going through her body as the metal whispered to her of tragedy and blood. It was faint, but enough to raise the hair on the back of her neck.

    One of the
    men stood and approached her; his footsteps silent. His aura quiet and too calm. This is not right. Teriana got to her feet, her heart beginning to pound in her chest. She had lived around enough people to know when they were human. This man was not. However, he wasn't yet a danger to her, and so she held the dagger at her side, leaving her basket of flowers on the ground. "Since it is yours, it would make me a thief to keep it. However, I would first know what you are, and what you want with him." She nodded at the groaning man on the ground. If she was a betting woman, she would have said that man was a mage. She owed him more kindness through their shared bond of magic then she owed this.....person.
  10. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Prince Vyle narrowed his eyes, this reminded him why he hated dealing with humans, so demanding, they always wanted to know your business. Vyle stood tall and imposing "You have no right to inquire about who or what I might be. But since you ask I am obliged to answer. I am a hunter. A hunter of those who abuse and exploit humankind, alike in purpose to the ones you would call witchers" With a dramatic flourish he gestured to the Necromancer lying on the floor "And this man... this man is hardly a man. A mage who abuses the sanctity of death, a necromancer"

    "And quite a good one at that, nobody resurrects a corpse like me" Solomon sat up and interjected

    "Silence warlock! Your devious ways will go on no longer" Turning back to the girl he continued "I intend to bring this man to justice, so could you please pass me the knife and I'll be on my way"

    "You forgot to mention the fact that..."

  11. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Ana narrowed her eyes, then smiled sweetly. The same smile she had offered the drunken farmers earlier. "A hunter, hm?" She twirled the dagger in between her fingers. Her heart was still pounding in her chest, but she wasn't afraid. Or as afraid. Perhaps more wary then afraid. "You're a bold one, to compare yourself to a witcher. All the same..." She stepped closer, batting her eyes. "I don't think a hunter would mind if I....kept this. After all, there are other ways to murder a mage. A hunter should always be prepared."

    All the flirtatiousness left her manner in an instant as the dagger, gripped in her hand, was suddenly surrounded by flames. "That man, necromancer or not, is my brother by magic. And it is not up to an outsider to punish him." She was reminded of William, speaking of codes and rules and a council. Perhaps something would be needed after all, if there were more then just Yana about, practicing necromancy. Come to think of it....

    "I suggest you hand him over to me. I have questions for him." The fire burned brighter around the dagger. It was more for show then actual purpose, she didn't want to damage such an intricate piece.
  12. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This was going very well for Solomon, a moment ago he was dead, now he had a chance of survival. This mage woman was being very helpful, he wondered how he could turn the situation to his advantage...

    "Petulant child!" the vampire muttered, and flicked out two more daggers "Indeed I am always ready, but I'd like my property back" That was when the girl decided to set his dagger on fire and threaten him, first there was the fear of the fire, then that fear became rage that rage bubbled inseide him. But he could not let it loose, he could not, would not, become the monsters he fought.

    "You should probably question this guy too, he's a vampire" Solomon interrupted, beneath his mask he was grinning, people didn't like necromancers, but they hated vampires

    Vyle looked back at the necromancer with an expression of extreme hatred, he considered denying the truth, pretending he wasn't what the mage claimed. Yet it was difficult to hide once people knew "There is not denying it..." He looked back at the girl and hissed at her, showing off his large fangs "Prince Vyle Blackwing, a High Vampire, and you dare threaten me? Be grateful you're still alive, my kin would not be so merciful" He looked from the woman, to the necromancer, and back to the woman. He could certainly take this mage girl in a fight, but the fire deterred him, as well as the fact that they were in the middle of a populated village and Vyle did not want to draw attention to himself. "Very well, but I cannot be blamed if this creature escapes yet again" And with that he became invisible and slunk into the shadows. An observant watcher would have noticed a swarm of bats flutter away into the night.

    "Thank gods, that guy was crazy, he was going to kill me!" Solomon stated, fear and sincerity present in his voice "Do you mind helping me up? I think I broke something"
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Teliana sighed with relief. She looked down at the dagger as the fire faded, her hands shaking. She had only suspected the man of being a doppler, but a vampire? "Prince..." she bit her lip and clenched her hand around the dagger. A powerful vampire. F*cking fantastic. "What have you done, Ana?" She groaned, before turning to the mage, Solomon. Brother in arms or not, he was still a necromancer, and she didn't trust him. "I may be inclined to help you up, after you answer a few of my questions. I have some healing items back in my home that you may use, as well. But first." She pointed the dagger towards him, hand still shaking slightly.

    "Where did you learn necromancy? Why did you choose to teleport here? And why is that vampire following you?" If she was smart, she would ditch the knife in the river before Vyle decided to come back and claim it. She was skilled, but it would tell a lot more then hell fire to rid the world of a High Vampire.
  14. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "Hardly a friend, more just a paid acquaintance, if anything" Callum stated bluntly. He watched Seth carefully as the man squeezed Tesa's butt, and he began silently hoping the girl cried out or at the very least felt remarkably uncomfortable by the gesture. He was hoping for that mainly for amusement, but more than that he was looking for an excuse to cut him apart there and then. The gestures he made, the way he spoke, they reminded Callum of the way his father had been, and he hated his father. Besides, he was paid to protect Bryce and nobody else, and even that was on shaky terms right at that moment.

    Yana held up the mushroom in front of her to show the little girl. She was standing at her full height, much taller than Annabelle; she wasn't going to crouch down to the girl's level, she was way more awesome than her minion and saw no reason to put herself on her level. "Of course you'll get clothes, you can't walk around naked forever. I mean, you can but you won't. After I use this to make a potion, you should feel much better, then we'll go get clothing and then after that we'll continue training. Sounds fun right?" the young witch asked. She turned and began creating a portal, and after a few minutes she had succeeded. The portal didn't lead very far, just to outside of the cave, but walking was for poor people.
  15. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    The woman seemed scared, rightfully, she'd just threatened an incredibly powerful vampire. But what Solomon found more surprising was the vampire's retreat. He could clearly have killed the woman, that would have made for an excellent show, Solomon kinda was looking forward to it. Yet either way Solomon was alive now so perhaps this was the better course of events. Suddenly the woman rapidly questioned him
    "Woah woah woah, one at a time" Solomon objected "1) Why do you want to know, do you want to learn it too? Well sorry but some secrets I have to keep close to heart" Solomon analysed the situation as he spoke, a mage with a weapon, she probably wouldn't kill him unprovoked but she was still dangerous "2) I didn't choose to teleport here exactly, just anywhere safe" Let's see, he could summon undead to hold her down and then he could steal the dagger, he could use black magic to incapacitate her, but the problem with dark magic was it always took something out of the user, and Solomon wasn't in the best shape right now "3) I have never met that vampire before in my life but if you believe his speech he seems to just hate me. Perhaps a repentant vampire? Probably just wanted to suck my blood" Every plan he could think of was risky, he did not know this woman's capabilities "Either way, I don't think he's quite given up the chase yet, he'll probably wait until we're vulnerable and strike. He might kill you next time, you can never trust a vampire"
  16. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    "Yes, thank you. I needed reminding." Teliana snapped at Solomon, lowering her hand with the dagger. He too was playing with his cards close to his chest. Fine. She knelt down in front of him, still warily keeping her distance, but close enough she could reach out to help him up, if she chose. "What is your name?" was her next question, as she gently laid the dagger on the ground next to her. Her skin tingled, the power of fire not far from her reach. She couldn't, wouldn't trust this man.

    "I very much doubt he was chasing you in order to simply drink from you." She murmured, more to herself. It wouldn't have been all too hard to subdue him. A mage, however strong, would be no match for the physical prowess of a vampire.

    "So, ready to tell the truth?"

    Tessa, in the bat of an eye, grabbed Seth's arm and turned, bringing it down over her shoulder. Not quite hard enough to crack, but she then stomped on his foot, and elbowed him in the stomach with the other hand before stepping away to review the damage. "That wasn't polite." She said sweetly, brushing off her dress before stepping up to Zack and hugging him, with much better results. The last one was Callum. She looked up into his yellow eyes, frowning slightly. "You guys killed my parents, you know." She said sadly, but nonetheless wrapping her arms around Callum. "But I can tell you're sorry." She stepped back, her shoulders slumping a little. "Maybe my parents deserved it. Maybe they were bad. I don't remember." She shrugged.

    "But it's all in the past!" Tessa said more brightly, nodding to Bryce's question before casting an exasperated eye over Zack. Men, they never learn.
    "So, what's your name?" She asked
    Callum, turning so she could see if Seth left. While she hoped he had learned his lesson, she didn't want to give him an excuse to grab her again. That kind of hurt.

    Zack accepted the hug, blinking in surprise before watching the girl go to the witcher. Having had completely missed what Seth had done, he became more distressed as Tessa moved closer to Callum. Wait, why was she hugging him? He would kill her! Zack started forward, but a wave of nausea rendered him useless. He dropped to his knees, hand over his mouth to struggle from losing his rather liquid meal.

    Bryce tensed at Seth's actions, but relaxed after Tessa handled the situation. "Never bother a barmaid." He muttered, hand tightening on the pommel of his sword as the foolish girl went to hug the witcher. He was distracted from hearing her words as Zack fell to his knees, nearly retching. "Come on, you.' We'll get you to bed shortly."

    He pulled Zack to his feet, holding the fellow doppler slightly away from himself in case the poor kid did decide to puke. "We're going inside now. Witchers aren't allowed. Tessa, maybe you should stay here." He hated leaving the girl, but it wouldn't be for long, and she hated being behind walls. He waited for her nod, before turning and dragging Zack away. "Coming,

  17. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    "Yes, the truth is..." as he said this he begun to raise dead from beneath the earth, their desperate claws digging upwards with intent "You should never trust a vampire, or a necromancer" the skeletal hands burst forth and grabbed Teliana, as she was close to the ground it was easy for them to quickly swamp her. Solomon sprang up and skipped around her for a moment, brandishing his staff, which had been cracked in half by the fall "Foolish, foolish girl. You should have listened to the vampire. For your information my name is Solomon, and next time I won't be so merciful" he whispered, before melting into the shadows with his dark magic and fleeing away, he couldn't risk staying here for one more second, that vampire could be anywhere. Quickly he summoned another portal, where would be a nice place to go? Hmmm... yes, he'd see what it was like around there. Without wasting any time Solomon stepped through the portal and disappeared.
  18. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Holy fu-Her thoughts were cut off by another hand wrapping its bony fingers around her arm. Not quite decomposed fingers. She swallowed a scream as another grabbed her foot, effectively holding her down. Fire burst her through skin, trying to burn through the dead, cold flesh that clung to hers. Unfortunately for her, fire didn't burn through rotting bodies that had been buried, nearly as well as it did on the ones above ground. Solomon. "You rotten son of a bitch." She tired again, the flames rising higher around her body as a muffled whimper slipped past her lips. The fingers were not prepared to let go of her any time soon, even though the necromancer was gone. She inched her hand slowly towards the dagger at her side, her fingers slipping on the handle. Just a little bit more.

    She managed to swipe the handle and stab at the bony hand grasping her arm. It did a little more damage then the fire, but there was one problem. Her laugh turned into a shriek as the hand came off the rotting arm, still digging its fingers into her flesh. Her other hand was still held captive as the hand began to crawl up her arm, and she could only watch it, unable to stop it.

  19. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Ethan's pov:

    Ethan Banner.png

    He stood on the edge of the road and watched a women walk past him right before the first dog attacked him. What was he invisible? Oh that right, he had forgotten that he was wearing his invisibility cloak, how did he forget about the thing? He took off the cloak and that was when the first dog attack him. He was going to put it away for later when another dog came out of nowhere destroying the cloak oh well. He sent this one flying to a near by tree with a rock. He took farther steeps to, but himself on the dirt road. He then looked the farm town not far from where he was standing. He watched at a portal open up and two men come out. For the most part he ignored what was going on. He had to face the fact that no one was going to help him. He was starting to get use the fact and tuned to head in the opposite direction. He then spotted the leftover parts of fluffy. There was glowing orbs one brown and one a mixture of colors he was about to take hold of one when a another dog came out from nowhere. Should he yell for help or what? He did not know what to do. His eyes glowed still throwing a rock at the beast. It was starting to get dark.

    Will's pov:

    Will Snow banner.png

    He stood at hill waiting for his water to take hold and reveal something. He was not sure what he would find, but the hill was not here the last time he was here. So something had to make it. Well the last time he was here there was a small village here and now there was nothing, but a field. It was not like a earth mage was going to fall out of the sky. Maybe it could. It was not likely that a earth user would just He was able to reveal enough of arm. He took a closer look at the arm. There was burn marks. So some sort of fire happened here and by the sate of the body it been some time. He need some answers and knew just where to find them he opened a portal hoping the next place was not in the same state as this one. He stepped though the portal it closing behind him.
  20. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Zach had long abandoned the chickens. They weren't going to get fat anytime soon, and even if they were he didn't really feel like eating them. I mean, he kind of needed them to make money. And so he had made his way into the small town, arms folded behind his head as he walked along. Gods, today had been such a slow day. He needed something to do, and he needed it quick. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, he saw a woman being dragged down as though the dead were trying to claim her as one of their own.

    And apparently nobody else was willing to do anything. There were plenty of people around, but they all looked horrified and as though they were going to pass out at any moment, pale as the undead themselves that were reviving. While the idea of being buried alive and dragged to hell by a horde of zombies was not an appealing one to Zach, in fact it terrified him to no end, but was he going to stand by and watch another innocent person have that happen to them? No, especially not when he actually knew the person.

    Quick as a...uh...something that was very quick LIKE A MONGOOSE THANK YOU MAGICK, the werewolf in human form dove into the fray with his dagger unsheathed. In the span of about not even a minute, the work was done. Amidst several growls Zach had cut off every single arm, leg and other bits of undead that had been clinging to his friend, making her completely free from the undead threat and no longer being even so much as touched by one of them. With that being completed, Zach bent down and looked straight at Ana, concern in his eyes being evident. "Well, this isn't what I expected to see when I came into town today. Are you okay, Ana?" the werewolf asked.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
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