Of Monsters and Men

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Magick, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Darick's pov:
    Darick Brook banner.jpg
    The other mage went in the portal before he could do anything, he quickly followed to see the guy beating on yana. He used couple of his spells to help the other guy and soon that battle was over yana defeated. He saw the other guy talking to the young one. "Glad your ok, you can be free now. You wont have to deal with someone dangerous like that hopefully ever again. What magics do you know?" He asked the girl.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Annabelle sat and waited nervously when a man appeared in front of them. He began to spout something about doing something in the name of someone, but Annabelle didn't really catch that. All she caught was Yana immediately trying to fight them. Well apparently this was not the person that they were waiting for. Annabelle, not sure what to do, hid behind the log that she had been sitting on. She was not ordered to fight so she did not involve herself in it.

    As the fight finished Yana ran off, leaving Annabelle behind. This was surprising but she probably ended up trading her life for survival or some crap like that possibly. Either that or she would see Yana again later, tearing her away from wherever she had found safety. Now that was not a pleasant thought. Annabelle slowly looked up from behind the log where she was hiding at the man. He seemed nice enough, and he was strong enough to beat Yana. Perhaps he could keep her safe? But before she would think too much on that, she should answer the question asked of her.
    "I am Annabelle... Annabelle Fisher." It felt weird saying her entire name. She was never called that anymore and she really didn't have to introduce herself much due to not being allowed to really talk to other people. Then another mage stepped through and began to talk to her. This started to become a bit too much for the poor girl. "Er em... I know earth magics." Annabelle spat out as she hid behind the log more. "What do you want from me?" She then asked.

    The idea of leaving made Tatiana a little nervous, but still she knew she couldn't stay here forever. After all she wasn't supposed to be here in the first place."Wouldn't it be dangerous to sleep while riding a horse?" She asked. However in the end she did really need the sleep and if it was preferable then perhaps she should just do it. "I guess we can try to go soon. I'm just a little tired. I will be fine." She tried to convince Derrick, and herself. Given the phantom pains, the tiredness, and the confusion, the trip sounded scary to her, but still, she would do it if for no other reason than to get out of Derricks hair.

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Veera hesitated. Was this too good to be true? She was tempted to think so. First a half crazed mage showed up, giving her the keys to the kingdom of her goal, and then disappeared without trying to kill either her or Aaron. They had managed to get out with their lives, undiscovered, and get clean. And then this man showed up, offering them shelter. Maybe it was a trap. Or maybe, just maybe, the gods agreed with what she was doing, and were showing their support through good fortune. Veera had never been much of a believer in faith, but today might just be enough to change that.

    "We would be in your debt if you could house us for the night." Veera replied, adjusting her armor before dropping her hands. Although if this is a trap, I pity your fate. "It would be best if you would tell no one. We are not the most popular of guests in this city."

    Teliana halted in her angry march to go back to her home. "Kaer Morhen? Are you joking?" She turned, her cheeks flushed with the effort of trying not to yell and attract any kind of attention. "Do you know how mages get in there? No? Let me tell you!" She stepped back towards Vyle, poking at his chest. "They get invited. Because witchers like to fuck. Get it?" She poked him once more for good measure. "I'm not becoming a whore because of your enemy."

    But, she did owe him. It was her fault that Solomon had escaped. "Did he give any hint towards where he was going? I can portal us there. But I would not risk my safety or my life to stroll in among the witchers."

    Zack tried to rub away a streak of blood on his face. Him? Take care of Tessa? Not what he had in mind, but at this point he was just glad Seth had agreed to help. "She wants to find Bryce too. She would look for him." Zack stopped, and looked at Seth. "What do you mean it's not safe for Bryce? He's killed a witcher before, whatever or whoever did this, he can handle them." It was Tessa who didn't know. Even Zack, who didn't know much of anything, knew that the girl was naive, and wouldn't be able to protect herself from the unknown danger. Which was why Seth was supposed to be with Tessa. Point.

    "If we can figure out where Bryce went, we'll find Tessa. The only thing I know is that Bryce has an office, in the eastern part of town." He started towards that way, though if
    Seth had a better idea, he was willing to change his direction.
  4. Frosch Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 20, 2014
    In your cereal box

    From what Evander could tell, Will didn't seem hostile or deceptive. It was a bit worrying that the guy had fixated upon the idea that Evander was a mage, he couldn't possibly know that unless he was either a practitioner of some very specific magics, or had witnessed Evander practicing his own magic. Neither seemed particularly likely though, and as such the earth mage wasn't prepared to entirely trust this Will. First he would have to prod deeper.
    Looking up and down the alley with a final furtive glance, he leaned in slightly towards Will, talking in a low, quiet voice.
    "Listen, William, I'm not sure who you think I am or why you think I know anything about mages, but you should probably keep such questions to private spots where the only ears present are the ones you want to listen."
    Evander sighed, rubbing his forehead roughly. "Right, so I don't know much about this Coucil of Mages of thing other than it was disbanded a long time ago. Mostly just a story old men tell the young ones," he said dismissively, before darting a surreptitious glance at Will. "'Used to be a sight to see', eh? So am I to take it you were alive to see it over a hundred and fifty years ago?"
    Evander slowly stretched a finger to point directly into Will's face. "Who exactly are you?"
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Have you ever faced a really pissed witcher. Probably not. Most do what they do without thinking or caring. Though if it is who I think it is, there is a lot more trouble to be had." Seth explained. "Lets head to his office. Micheal shouldn't be anywhere near this. Lets just get to her, and find Bryce. If anything happens to either of them, there will be a price to pay." Seth said. The price wasn't due to carrying for Tessa or Bryce, but for his own guilt. If they died and it was who he thought it was, then there was no forgiveness to be had for him, only avenging their deaths followed by disappearing himself. Seth followed Zack at a brisk pace towards Bryce's office. Hopefully either they would be there or there would be some clue to where either had gone off to. He had to stop them before it was too late.
    So it seemed that they were going to accept the offer of shelter. It was a risk, and a big one at that. Either the man would shelter them, and that would probably delay Vec finding them. Or he would rat them out and they would be in big trouble. However they had little choice. The only other option was to stay in an inn, and that would probably be plenty easy to find them in. Aaron stood up straight and walked towards the man. "Seems the lady has agreed to your offer. Well shall we go then?" He asked the man and Veera. It would probably be good for them to get out of the way soon. Lingering in one spot for too long could prove to be their downfall.
    As Zephyr walked into the room to deliver the bad news, Terra cursed under her breath. If she had been more careful when going to bed, this wouldn't have happened. There wouldn't have been a fire, so no reason for her to go outside. This was all her fault and it was time she fixed it. Terra ran past Zephyr heading outside. "Which way?" She asked as she headed out. Her abilities would be little use until she picked up their track. If she knew where they were then she could stop them. However that of course meant revealing herself, and that would cause a lot of trouble. But in the end she had promised Sara that she would protect her, so she would do just that. As much as she wanted to create a storm to slow flight of the person who took Sara, she knew better than to erase possible tracks. It was up to Zephyr to direct her right now.
  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Raymond Mercator

    Raymond got a bit more relaxed as the witchers accepted his offer. He had no intent to tell anyone else. "
    Why of course Master Witcher, I know you people aren't the most popular, but what they all forget is that at the end of the day it is you people who save simple people like meself from Cockatrices, Basilisk, Wyverns, Wraiths and everything. And that you take a few children away so yo may continue to do so is a just sacrifice on our behalf. One is expected for a service like that. Sadly many a folk disagree with that opinion. But not me. And Master witcher you owe me nothing for my hospitality." The peasant said, then Aaron said the lady had agreed to the plan and started to lead the way to his humble home. Walking down the dirt road between the fields it was rather quiet out in not too long he made his way to his humble home and opened the door, holding it open for his guests "It ain't much, but make yourself at home." He stated, the home wasn't all that big, had a small fireplace, a bed, table with 4 chairs and several shelves and sacks. In front of the fireplace lay a rough fur rug. It wasn't much but he called it home.
  7. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    "Well, personally I think that we ought to get going. The quicker we're there, the quicker we can help your friends." Derrick said. He offered her a hand to help her get up and prepared to lead her to the horse in the stables. His RPer had no idea what else to do at this point and so ended the post here. They really needed to get down to Oxenfurt. Like really. Okay, I'm done with this post.
  8. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Will's pov:

    Will Snow banner.png

    Evander told him that it was best to keep and should probably keep such questions to private spots. "I am not afraid." Evander then started telling him about the Council of Mages. That it was disbanded a long time ago. "Why would the Council of Mages disband? There were the strength of the mages. They were the ones the kept the order of the mages. Is that why mages are running around doing what they want? That there is no one to lead? There is no one to keep the mages in check." He now knew what he had to do. He wondered if this man would help him. Evander said that the Council of Mages was mostly just a story of old men telling the young ones. "The Council of Mages is just more then a story. The Council of Mages met a lot to the mages everywhere." Evander then asked him, 'So am I to take it you were alive to see it over a hundred and fifty years ago?' "You could say that." Evnder then asked him 'Who exactly he was.' He was somewhat confused by this. "I told you who I am. William Snow. If you mean the whole over a hundred and fifty years ago thing. Clearly I am a time traveler," he said trying to bring some humor into the conversation. "In all seriousness I rather not talk about it. It is somewhat hard to think I was frozen for that long."

    Ethan's pov:

    Ethan coat.png

    He walked out of the inn and towards the black smith. Maybe the person that worked there could tell him something about the sword he found in the woods. He walked up to the shop. "Wilfred Hoover," he greeted as he reached the shop. "I was wondering what you could tell me about this sword." He pulled out the sword to show the man.

    Sword description
    [black Sliver chained Magic sword (uses fire)]
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Whether it be because her not blaming him or this not being the time, Terra said nothing to Zephyr at first as he followed behind her outside. When she asked him which way, he pointed down towards the alley. "They went down that way." Zephyr could still feel Byakko's presence, thus he was still following after the assassin and Sara. Good, now they just needed to find them and handle the situation at hand.

    Kruez followed behind Tatiana and Derrick cause that's all I can think of him doing atm.
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "O-okay." Tatiana agreed as she took Derrick's hand up. She seemed a little shaky as she followed Derrick. She didn't know how well she would do on this journey, but she had to try. She was still scared to even leave the safety of Kaer, having to go back to the world that only wanted to use and hurt her. But yet she could not ask to stay longer, she should just be grateful for the help that she was getting. So Tatiana followed Derrick and allowed him to do what he must to get them to their location and allow her as much rest as possible on the way.
  11. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    Bramwell sighed and put his jacket back on. For a moment he thought about leaving, then looked back at the girl. Perhaps she could be used as bait to bring the mage woman back? It was worth a try "Well, Annabelle, I'd like to invite you back to the palace at Novigrad. Have you ever seen a palace before?" Bramwell smiled in a friendly way "You must be so hurt and tired, I'd love for you to come along" He turned around and saw the new mage "You're a mage too aren't you? Would you like to come along?" Archon was always looking for new recruits to the Order of the Supreme.

    "You have failed" Archon sat high above the hall on his throne. The monster hunter, Zavarius, was standing in the middle of the hall, the walls of which were lined with mages, as if he was on trial.
    "Please, I tried my hardest" Zavarius pleaded
    "Then your best is not good enough" Archon stated with judgement in his voice. The God King would not tolerate incompetence "You are currently Chief Hunter of the Order, and were one of my most trusted mages. No longer. I am demoting you" Zavarius was about to object, but closed his mouth as he didn't see the point. There was no defying Archon "Additionally, you will be sent to Anaxagoras later" this time Zavarius did cry out in objection
    "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS" the mage screamed and fell to the floor begging, two guards ran in to restrain the man but he threw them off "I WON'T LET YOU DO THIS!" the monster hunter screamed, "YOU CA-" suddenly he was cut off mid sentence as Archon waved his hand. abruptly Zavarius fell to the floor clutching at his head. Archon was staring directly at the mage, his eyes burning with intensity, a low throbbing could be heard. It felt, to the gathered mages, a bit odd. But it was much worse for Zavarius, who felt like his mind was about to explode with so much pressure it would paint the walls red
    "As I commanded, you will be sent to Anaxagoras for disciplining" Finally the mage fainted and guards dragged him away...

    ...Zavarius awoke shivering in a dark cell. There was no sound, no light. Slowly he crawled and felt for the bars of the cell. Surely he could get out... surely he could. He knew what happened to the people who were sent here and he didn't want to end up like them. Trying to summon magic he found the effort futile "please..." he croaked "I shouldn't be here" his calls echoed menacingly. Suddenly he heard a rattle of chains. Thrashing about he tried to back away to the edge of the cell. The scrape of metal on stone gradually got louder as it approached. Zavarius was crying now, he didn't know what happened to people down here but most of them came out irrevocably changed. The scraping stopped. Zavarius couldn't see a thing in this pitch black darkness "...who are you?" he croaked out in fear. Suddenly a glaring light shone straight at the mage's distressed face, he tried to shield his eyes but found himself too exhausted even to lift his arms. Zavarius, through squinted eyes, could just about see a hulking grotesque figure shining a bright white light into his eyes
    "Anaxagoras" rasped the inhuman voice. The creature approached slowly, Zavarius couldn't do a thing, his body ached and his joints grinded painfully as he tried to move. "Please... don't struggle" a flash of steel. A glow of magic. Zavarius's eyes widened. The resulting screams echoed throughout the dungeon

    Vyle looked at Ana with an expression of deadly seriousness "I already told you, Solomon went to Kaer Morhen. Fine if you won't go, I will" Vyle pouted "Make me a portal. I'll gladly risk my life to save many more from that necromancer"

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The shapes in the alley shifted and changed as Solomon weaved his illusion. The boy was also a mage apparently, as he sent in a spirit tiger to track them down. Solomon smiled, it seemed as though things were about to get interesting
    Huh, so this Zephyr kid was a mage? Made sense. Her trap was falling apart but she could salvage this. Quietly Willow got out her bow, aimed down the sights, and shot the tiger in the forehead. Quickly reloading she aimed a shot at Terra. Swiftly she dropped down into the ally and slashed violently at the tiger, she didn't know what could kill it but hopefully this would work. She turned to face her targets and saw a very strange scene played out
    His temporarily ally was engaging. What fun. Solomon quickly darted around stealthily and popped up behind the two targets. With a whisper Solomon waved his hands and skeletal hands began to to burst out of the ground and grab the feet of his victims. With a giggle the mage danced back as the undead began to crawl out of the ground with murderous intent. "Come one, come all, let the games begin" Solomon chuckled with a maniacal grin.
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "A palace?" Annabelle questioned as she slowly moved out of hiding to look at the mage better. He seemed nice, he was being friendly towards her, how could she refuse? Besides she had no where else to go, no where was safe. However a palace? Perhaps that was just the place to be to keep safely away from Yana, when and if she returned. Annabelle looked around and found her ragged stuffed bunny and held it tight. She wasn't going to go anywhere without her bunny, there was not a chance. She slowly looked up at the man before her. "I am..." She admitted to being tired and injured, but then she looked down. "Are you sure it is okay for me to come? I am not really fit for a palace, not with the way I am." Annabelle admitted. She hadn't known much about palace life, but she knew she wasn't even fit to be seen around a normal person's home. How was she ever supposed to fit into a palace. However if it was alright for her to go, she would go.

    ooc. Sam you are allowed to move Annabelle after this if you want. No sense making a post of her following later.
    Terra nodded as Zephyr pointed her in the right direction. She took no time heading into the ally way. Terra had not made it far when the attacks started. First an arrow was shot, but missed, and this was followed by hands reaching out from the ground and undead popping out. "Zephyr, inside now! I will handle this!" Terra instructed as she began to work her magic. A roll of thunder echoed through the ally as it began to storm. Bolts of thunder struck the earth and the undead, though controlled enough not to strike her or Zephyr. The mage woman knew that this was a bad idea, using her powers in the open like this, but she didn't have much choice.

    As the undead came around her she would create barriers of pure energy around her, forcing the skeletons back before they could get too close. This was followed by blasts of energy. Terra kept her eyes all around but Sara was all but gone. She would track the girl later, perhaps even hire a witcher, but now more than just a single child was in danger. Given the situation the entire orphanage was in danger of being attacked, all the children killed. She needed to stop this now. The storms were doing wonders for helping. Soon she even created a tornado to help with the clean up as well.
    "Stay away from my children, and out of my life." She screamed in anger assuming this was another thing to do with one of her former employers. Damn people wanted to ruin everything that she had created. They wanted to drag her back to the life she escaped, but she would not let them. She would never return. She had become someone different, someone Eric was proud of. She would not lose that.
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Veera kept quiet on the road, keeping a watchful eye for anyone who might report to Veceslav. The old man had always had his ways of hearing whispers of goings on in the lands, and she wouldn't be surprised if he had already received word of their work earlier that day. After they had arrived, and stepped inside, Veera murmured her thanks. "My home wasn't much either. And while Kaer Morhen is where we gather, it is not as much of a home without a family." Yes, the witchers could consider each other their family, but it was hard to do so when they disappeared to the far corners of the earth often enough.

    "Thank you, again ser, for your hospitality." She strolled to one corner and set her armor down. She and
    Aaron would have to take turns keeping watch. It wasn't that she didn't trust Raymond, she was more distrustful of who might have seen them. Veceslav was a force to be reckoned with, and while she planned to strike quickly in order to do as much damage as she could, she knew she wouldn't outrun the old man forever. She might be the White Wolf, but he was the Alpha.

    Turning away from the other two men, she grabbed the amulet around her neck, gripping it tightly enough that the edges nearly pierced the skin of her palm. "Please, brothers and sisters, aide me now." she whispered, shutting her eyes tight. She had no doubt it wouldn't work, but nothing like a little faith to help tide over a desperate moment. "Please." If their amulets were spelled with the same magic, it wouldn't be so far fetched to think that magic could connect them, could it?

    Veera's fear and desperation have caused the magic in her amulet to call to its siblings. Any witchers will be able to hear Veera's plea and choose whether to answer the call.

    Ana had the sudden, but strong urge to beat her head against the nearest solid surface. Which at this point, was a tree. A very solid looking tree. Teliana wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she was afraid of the witchers. After being treated so poorly, who wouldn't be? She lived out of the way, far away from anything to do with them for a reason. She had tried to help Zach for a reason.

    Her hands clenched into fists, and she turned on the tree, fire growing underneath her fingers and heating her palm until it swarmed up her arm, singing and burning the sleeves of her dress. She tossed it at the tree, growling as she did so, to create a burning pyre. She didn't stop tossing the fire until she was tired, and the tree had burned to ashes. Then she turned, focusing as she held her hands out, calling up the portal out of the ground. "Let's just go. And if I don't make it out, then you can have my death on your conscience." she told

    She didn't look back at the pile of ashes she had created as she stepped through, landing on the solid stone of the one place she dreaded above all others.

    Kaer Morhen.

    "I don't think they're the ones who paid it." Zack muttered, thinking back to the mutilated bodies he had helped clean up. He remained silent the rest of the way, until they reached Bryce's office. The door remained ajar. He glanced back at Seth, worry in his eyes. Not good. "I don't think he would leave it like this." Poking the door open, he stopped, then pushed it wide. "Damn." The secret passageway lay wide open. Clearly whoever had walked through it, hopefully Tessa, hadn't bothered to close it back up.

    Zack turned and grabbed one of the swords from the handily ready weapons rack. It was iron, and wouldn't do much damage, but it was more for his confidence then actual killing that he took it before setting off down the dark passageway.

  14. Frosch Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 20, 2014
    In your cereal box

    Listening to Will, Evander concluded that, while the guy might not give off any negative vibes and probably wasn't out to get him, Evander still didn't have even a remotely good reason to trust this person. Nothing personal if it came down to it, just a matter of habit.
    "If you're not gonna talk about 'it', whatever that may be, then there's not really any incentive for me to talk either." Evander shrugged, the motion indicating his dismissal of the matter. "But hey, not really of any interest to me anyway. I'm just a guy with a sword who really can't help you with this mage business, and you're probably mixing me up with someone else." He smirked good humouredly, and said, "perhaps being frozen has addled your head a tad."
    Patting Will on the shoulder, and then stretching his arms as if to indicate that he considered the conversation over, he prepared to leave Will behind. "Like I said, be careful about who you ask these questions of, and who can hear them, but good luck anyway. You'll need it if you're going to find anyway who's prepared to speak with you."
    Now, will he be so easily fobbed off?


    Having spent a few moments in companionship with Oak, Ellyn had decided to take a stroll around the town before returning to the inn for breakfast. Even though it was still extremely early in the morning, the air carried the clatter of tools and the calls of farmers who had risen early as was their habit, and the smell of fresh bread and the occasional rasher gave the dewy air a deliciously smokey smell.
    Pausing at a short wooden fence, her attention was drawn by what perhaps was a young man and his father. They had their backs turned to her, preparing for the days work ahead, and she watched them curiously despite having absolutely no idea what exactly it was they were doing. Her previous life experience did not extend to farmwork.
  15. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Will's pov:

    Will Snow banner.png

    Evander said that 'there was not really any incentive for him to talk either. "Fine if you must know I was sent on a mission to check out a cave to look for resources. The cave was wet and lined with various stone. I did not see anything of value. That was when I thought that maybe there was a under water path I could fid that would lead me to resources. That was when I found a large deep water basin. That was when I was going to jump into the water to see where it went. Unknown to me I was being followed, by someone that wanted to kill me or something I do not know. The man set to kill me was unusual at best. That was when the mage shot a sharp wind blast at me. At the last possible moment I was able to move the water to defeat the incoming attack, but I did not for see what may come of that. I managed to save myself, but the result of the attack left me frozen in ice and snow. The last thing I could hear from the assassin was, "This was better then I thought it could be, no one will find you and will die at one time". I then watched the man leave and that is the last thing I remember." That was when Evander said 'you're probably mixing me up with someone else.' "I do not think so. I tracked you. I used a form of scrying to find you. So you are not going to get rid of me that easy." The Council of Mages he could not stop thinking about it. "I can not help but think that I saw you before, but yet you look different." He began to think of names. "Have you heard of the name Alaster Cloud"

    Alaster Cloud was a famous wizard from over 200 years ago that helped train Will and was apart of the Council of Mages.
  16. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    Derrick led Tatiana out as carefully as he could, knowing that in her condition she was fairly fragile. He didn't want to hurt her when she was so vulnerable. On the way out, he picked up some food supplies that they might need as well as some leather. He was going to tie her into the saddle and he figured that leather strips would be more comfortable than rope and he didn't forsee anything that would require the stronger rope happening while they made their way to Oxenfurt. When it came to mounting up, he guided Tatiana on to his horse first. One she was up, he tied her legs to the saddle so they wouldn't slip. Next, the Witcher himself mounted, then placed her arms around her chest and tied those together to ensure they didn't slip apart. He rolled up his cloak around his shoulders so that it was thick enough to make a makeshift pillow. That way, she wouldn't be getting a face full of hair and armour the whole time and could be at least somewhat comfortable in the saddle. It wasn't perfect, it probably wasn't comfortable, but it was better than nothing. The mage Kreuz made his way out as well, and as Derrick went to set off he spoke to him.
    "Tatiana and I ride for Oxenfurt, we've business there." Derrick spoke. "Follow us if you wish, or go your own way." With that, Derrick of Kaedwen rode for the city, with Tatiana riding at his back.


    Wilfred was setting up for the morning. It was like every morning really. A pounding headache from the last night's drinking, 'cause that was what it took to get him down these days, then sticking his head in a cold bucket of water he filtered and boiled to get all the (literal) **** and whatever was in the river water out of the damn stuff to really wake up. The Pontarsfork farmers were getting to work, as they did at this time of the morning and he opened up shop in the forge. He retrieved today's project, a steel plate that he was going to work into a new shovel for one of the farmers. He actually forgot a lot of their names. They were all country folk and were kind of the same to him. But hey, all the same meant they were all friendly and not likely to kick the **** out of him for being a Non-Human. Delaine shot him a lot of funny looks, but she was Novigrad city folk and apparently not too badly off so it was hardly surprising. City folk were all the bloody same. As the dwarf looked at the piece of metal he was about to work with, someone entered his store.

    Weird looking fella to be sure. Dressed in all black like that, but he didn't look too threatening under the hood. That was the fun part of being a Dwarf, it gave you a whole new perspective on people. Most humans would have trouble with hoods but no, not Wilfred Hoover. See right up the hood, **** up their shins so they're down on his level and when you've got a human down that low, they're at the Dwarf's mercy. The stranger came in with what usually would be a quite a pedestrian request, but this time not so much. This time, the Dwarf would admit to being a little confused as to what had been brought to him.

    "Pass it 'ere lad, Ah need a look at et." He took the sword and lay it down on a nearby table. He examined it for a few moments, taking care to examine the blade and the edges, as well as the hilt and the crossguard for clues. He also prodded it with an ingot of Dimetrium to see if anything happened. Something definitely did happen, he could feel it. He removed the metal and placed his hand on the blade. It felt a little warm. He applied the Dimetrium again. Cold. Wilfred frowned and turned to face Ethan. "Yer toy's a weird one, ta be sure. Ah'll be level with ya, t'ain't something Ah've come across much in me life. Ta start with, et's Silver. Ta me, tha' screams a Witcher's blade. But, et gets stranger. There ain't many a Witcher tha' galvanises their sword ta make et black." He hefted the weapon.
    "However, Ah'm keeping a second guess en mind. Ye see, et's enchanted. Ah cannae tell ye what exactly, but et seems ta have some inner heat. Might be a flame enchantment o' sorts. Tha's saying ta me et's an Aen Seidhe piece. Seen a couple o' pieces like et en Mahakaman." Wilfred judged. He handed Ethan the sword again and stroked his beard. "Where'd ye get a weapon like tha'? They en't common. Et's not like ye'll just pick one o' these up lying in the woods like ye might a shittier blade."

    Meanwhile, out in the fields of Pontarsfork the men of the village got to work. Among them in their own field, were Dave and Gordon Buttle. As they ploughed the field (not that sort of ploughing), Gordon chanced to look up and spotted a knight riding through the village. He had seen the horse stabled outside Delaine's inn, so he could only assume that h- she? had stayed the night. He nudged his father excitedly.
    "Da!" He exclaimed. "A lady knight! Surely she'll help find Matilda!" Dave could only groan. Gordon was trying to make up for it by doing whatever he could, but this was too much. They didn't have the coin to pay the knight and besides, h- She? would probably just ignore him anyway.
    "Gordon, I know yer trying to help but-" Gordon wasn't going to have it.
    "Plough that Da'! If you won't find Matilda, I will!" Gordon threw his plough to the ground and raced off across the fields. Gordan sighed heavily. Oh, the follies of youth. The young farmer intercepted Ellyn along the way with a frenzied wave. "Sir lady knight! Sir lady knight!"
    "Me sister's gone missing! Can you help me find her?"
    Gordon asked with a hint of desperation. He fixed Ellyn with a pleading look.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  17. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Olivia's pov:

    Olivia Fulmar banner.png

    ~ some time ago. Right before she headed towards the stables Derrick said that he would drop by soon. Wait for me, but don't make yourself hard to find. She gave him a nod before heading off, but said nothing. She was now at the stables. "It is time to go", she told the horse. Oxenfurt was where she was going. Without farther thought she got on the horse and started her track to Oxenfurt. At some point she passed a clearing. ~some point later on her trip. She had no idea how long she was traveling for. She wondered if Derrick would keep his promise or if she would have to go back and kill him. She would not show weakness to him or anyone. The witchers had to be a strong race and that was that, there was no other way. She then came across wolves. They being to look at her. One jumped at her horse. She jumped off the horse pulling her blade out at the same time striking out at a wolf.

    Ethan's pov:

    Ethan coat.png

    The moment the Dwarf started talking he would tell that this man was Edric Monsters and Men edition. What did he just get himself into? Wilfred Hoover then said the sword he had was silver. That was somewhat interesting. The man thought it was a Witcher's blade. "It is rather difficult to kill a Witcher." Willfred then went on about how odd it was that the blade was black. hmm... How did it get black? What ever it was he could not say. He then got a surprise when Willfred said that the sword was enchanted. A flame enchantment at that. What kind of Witcher would have such a thing? That was when Willfred asked him where he found the weapon. He then saying that the type of weapon was not that common. Willfred then said it was not like he found in the woods. "That is where I found the blade. I found it in the forest not to far from here yesterday. It was by a skeleton."
  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Seth kept his fist clenched tight, so his knuckles were white. They didn't understand, this was all his fault. However he didn't expect them to, he wasn't about to tell them just how he pissed off a witcher and why she was probably here to kill all of them. Guilt rippled through Seth as he followed Zack in silence. The silence just made things worse, but he wasn't about to say anything.

    Reaching the door he noticed it was open. It seemed that
    Tessa had come this way after all, however given she wasn't there now, it left a sinking feeling in his stomach. "Hurry." He said to Zack as he pushed past him and grabbed a sword of his own. He was just as worried as Zack was about this and felt the need to move as quick as possible, even if it could end up being reckless. He didn't wait for Zack as he picked up a jog, heading into the passage, he hoped they were too far behind... or too late.

    "We appreciate the hospitality." Aaron thanked again as he walked into the home. It seemed so familiar to him. Aaron had almost forgotten what it was like to be home, his own home, the one that he left to become a witcher. Sure Kaer Morhiem was his home too now, but nothing was like the one that him and Tatiana lived in. Sure it was old and falling apart but it was where his family was. He couldn't help but reflect on Tatiana for a moment standing in the house. "It reminds me a bit of my own home." Aaron stated his thoughts before wandering to the window to see who might be watching or passing by. He could never be too careful when it came to the idea of Vec being after them.

    Aaron had noticed that
    Veera had somewhat separated herself from them and gone quiet. "Are you okay?" He asked not bothering to approach her or force her to talk. He just wanted her to know that he was there for her. Witchers stuck together after all cause many had no one else. He was fortunate to have his sister. However thinking that he began to kick himself. He had finally seen his sister again and he left her. She was safe at Kaer, he knew that but he still left her. He had everyone at Kaer to help him, she had no one. She hadn't since she let him go. How could he have done that to her? Still he had to focus on Veera right now. She may not have been his actual sister, but a sister to him none the less.
    Tatiana let Derrick guild her, she didn't say much as he did. In the end she was feeling the tiredness set in and there wasn't much she could do about it. The only option was to do her best to stay awake until they got riding. As Derrick tied her down to the saddle and her arms around him she began to get a bit uncomfortable. She understood why he was doing it but her mind was flashing back to what had happened before, the doppler when he tied her down. With everything set Tatiana rested her head against the make shift pillow. She could not sleep with her mind running through the horrors that she had experienced. "Please... use..." Tatiana realized the name of the sign had slipped her mind again. This only made things more upsetting because it was never that bad before. "Use... that thing... help me sleep. Please." She pleated. She needed something to calm her mind and the witcher signs seemed to be the best option.
  19. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Darick's pov:
    Darick Brook banner.jpg
    As soon as the girl said she knew earth magic, he knew what he had to do. The other guy ask her to come with him, and had asked him too. She had she would like that.
    "Are you sure about that? After what happened I would think you wouldn't want to get into more trouble. As for myself, I cannot go. I have a school for magic users to look after, that is if anyone ever shows up. Annabelle I could teach you to use your magic for better use. You wont ever have to worry about people like yana again. You could easily defend yourself if you knew how. Fire can be something that destroys or something that makes life, earth is protection or a weapon. There are two ways to every magic. I can teach you to defend yourself. You probably could have defeated yana with your earth magic. As you could have blocked any fire yana used with your earth magic. Earth is everywere, just like water, and air, where fire is not" he stoped. "Were is this place you want to take her anyways".
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  20. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Raymond sat down by the fireplace and got a fire going putting a kettle to make some tea, he listened to what was said "Aye a home without a family isn't as much of a home, I know exactly what you mean Master Witcher." it was too quiet in a home by yourself. The witchers wandered off to a quiet corner and Raymond kept his attention on the water in the kettle and when it was done poured it into three cups, putting some pine needles in every single one of them to make the tea. He sat by the fire the new home didn't quite feel the same as the old one, but that was to be expected. He had more room than he knew what to do with and that made it all the more quiet not to mention there weren't kids running about. "Tea is ready" He called as he took a cup for himself and thought about everything that had happened today. That girl, Tessa, her brother Bryce, they seemed like nice people to him and he hoped he would meet them again soon.


    Veceslav was riding towards Oxenfurt, his black cloak waving in the wind behind him. Then he heard it at first he thought he was hearing things, but it was Veera's voice calling out to her brothers and sisters. It must have been bad, very bad. She wouldn't use this power idly, no one did. He had made sure to teach every single one that it was only to be used in dire situations. He stopped Hawk at the side of the road and jumped off its back. He knelt down clasping his amulet and whipsered in return "Veera... if you can hear me... come home, please... whatever has happened we'll deal with it together... just come home..." He wasn't sure if the message would get through to his lost scion but he prayed it would. The rumours from Sigmund were vague but if Veera had gotten tangled up in that mess, he had to get her away from there. He stroked Hawk on the face who whinnied, the Crow looked at his horse and said "I know, boy, I don't got a good feeling 'bout it either." with those words he mounted his horse again and made his best speed for Oxenfurt.
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