My latest fanfic, and a simple enough idea: what if the KH series' scope went beyond Disney movies? More specifically, what if it included my second favorite video game? The story's fairly short right now, but I'm adding to it, little by little. I'm aiming for about once a day, at least for now. In any case, just as with the Disney worlds in the KH series, the other game's plot won't be reiterated completely, and there's a fair amount of artistic liscense taken here and there. But I've tried to preserve the original feelings of both games while meshing them together nonetheless. I hope you like it! And as a bonus, a cookie goes to anyone who can recognize just what game this is from before it's revealed. ^_^ Upon disembarking from their ship, our interstellar heroes found themselves in a world unlike any they had seen before. A quaint little village lay before them. Built upon a verdant field checkered with lush, green trees, the town and its people buzzed with life beneath the spectral penumbra of the full moon above. That alone was not so spectacular. The remarkable thing was the atmosphere that radiated from the scene. Everything was so lively and bright. Even in the dead of night, the grass was greener, the sky was a deeper blue, and everything between them seemed to glow with a radiance that permeated the realm to its core. Sora, the young Hero of Light was the first to arrive in the village after leaving his vessel, the Gummi Ship. Brushing a few jagged locks of hair from his eyes, he stared in awe at the sight that greeted him. "Geez, Not exactly the Pride Lands, is it?" he remarked, referencing the withered state of the world they visited last. "Gawrsh, I don't know," responded Goofy, Sora's canine companion, joining him at the entrance of the village. "Wak!" quaked Donald, Sora's feathered friend and the final member of the trinity. "What are you talking about?, Goofy? I've never seen a place like this before!" "Well...I'm not sure," Goofy answered hesitantly. "I can't put my finger on it. This place sure looks purty, but somethin' don't feel quite right." Sora and Donald considered these words, and the more they thought about them, the truer they became. It was barely noticeable at first, but there was a certain...tenseness...snaking its way through the air, an intangible feeling of anxiety, and of stress, with just the slightest hint of...fear, even. The taste of darkness was in the air. The villagers were hard at work, apparently preparing for some big event, but there was obviously more at work than that. "I feel it, too, Goofy," Sora affirmed. "The Heartless, you think?" "Or the Organization," Donald added. "Who knows what they could be up to?" But their musings were soon interrupted. "You, there!" called a stranger's jovial, welcoming voice. "In all my years, I've never seen anyone like you here before. Come for the festival, did you? Well, you're just in time!" "Er...festival?" Sora asked the unseen speaker. "Sorry, sir, but what festival? What is this place?" "You mean you don't know?" the voice inquired gently. Then, the speaker stepped closer, out of the shadows, placing himself directly in front of Sora, Donald, and Goofy. He certainly was a strange sight. He was apparently very old, maybe almost a hundred. His long, white beard reached all the way down to his feet, which was admittedly made easier by his stooped, crooked back. And, oddest of all, he seemed to be wearing a piece of fruit as a hat, balancing it precariously atop his head. "This is Kamiki Village. I'm Mr. Orange, the village elder. And tonight, people have gathered from all over the world to celebrate the Festival of the Moon, the anniversary of the legendary hero Nagi's noble victory over the dreaded Orochi!" "Huh. Sounds like fun!" Sora concluded. "But Sora," objected Donald. "There's gotta be something wrong here! Why else would the Keyblade lead us here?" "Who knows?" he retorted. "Maybe we just get a break every once in a while. After all, remember the Hundred-Acre Wood? There was no big bad boss for us to beat there, either. So I say, let's just kick back, enjoy the party, and let whatever happens happen." And happen it did. Only mere minutes afterwards, just before the official opening of the festival, a great noise -- a fearful bellow -- seemed to shake the very earth itself. A figure then came bounding into the village, screaming bloody murder. It was a man, probably in his twenties or thirties. His was a stout but muscular figure, clad in a dark purple tunic and brandishing a large wooden sword. His face was almost entirely concealed by thick, black hair, but his expression was unmistakable. It was one of pure terror. To be continued...whenever I get around to it. >_>
That was good!! And man, I don't know what game that is, but for some reason Zelda popped into my head.@_@
Thanks! And it's kind of funny that you'd mention that. Over on its board on GameFAQs, the game's resemblance to Zelda is somewhat of a hotly debated topic. >_>
No idea what game that is, but it looks like you got a pretty good start on the story! ^-^ I likeded it. *sigh* I'm tired... -_-;
I thank you. Admittedly, this particular game is one of the more obscure ones. It's called Okami. You play as Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the sun. Your goal is to purge the darkness from ancient Japan while rejuvinating nature's beauty and restoring the people's faith in the gods. It's very heavily steeped in Japanese mythology, and it's somewhat famous for its very unique, vivacious style of graphics.