Odd allergies...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Korra, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Some may know this, but...I have some of the weirdest food allergies.
    A few years ago it wasn't that bad, but it's gotten worse in the past...year or two, to the point where I had to go to the hospital once because of breathing difficulties.
    Though...the food I'm allergic to is rather unusual. Includes:
    - Apples*
    - Carrots*
    - Peaches
    - Green beans
    - Celery*
    - Kiwi

    * means highly allergic
    Just to name a few. For the most part I can't really eat any vegetables, but some fruit I still can. Apples, for example, I can eat if they're cooked, but not when raw; out of everything it's the only one I can do that for.
    Now obviously I don't avoid trying to eat some form of fruit/vegetable, but...it's damn near impossible to tally what I can and can't eat, and it's gotten to the point where I'm hesitant to try something to test if I'm allergic to it or not.

    One of the main problems: It's a hard to believe allergy. My parents don't really believe it. My friends didn't either, until I had a bad reaction at a party and...yeah. It wasn't fun.
    I'd like to avoid using an epipen because I'm terrified of needles. Benedryl has worked in the past, but only after I've eaten something I shouldn't.

    If anything I'd like to know a. what the allergy is called if it has a name; b. anything I can do to prevent a reaction (aside from not eating things); and c. possible alternatives to fruit/veggies.
  2. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Well... I was coughing every day for nearly 9 months (was annoying because people thought I was a smoker but I'm not). Finally got fed up with it and saw an allergist. Basically I'm allergic to outside, literally. Grass, trees, ragweed, etc. and inside I'm allergic to dust mites. (Basically what they do is give you nearly 20-30 small injections on your arm and back to see what you are allergic to).

    Anyways apparently it was causing my breathing to be abnormal so I have to use inhalers and stuff when it gets real bad. But in your case I'm not too sure about fruit allergies. Though I do know an allergist can tell you exactly what foods and stuff your are allergic to.

    Oh, and I don't know if it work in your case or not, but I know my allergist insists I get allergy injections. Apparently if you get injected with something you are allergic to over time you will become more immune to it. I haven't tried it yet, but it's a thought.

    Good luck either way.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    That's all you got?
    I got 72 pricks in my back and then the shots in my arms. And all I found out is that I'm allergic to dust mites, one particular kind of tree and cats.

    But yeah, RvR is right. An allergist is definitely a good idea.
    As for the immunity thing, I got a pet cat and my nose and eyes hated me. But now I can be around cats and nothing at all happens.
    I really suggest you see an allergist.
  4. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I agree with the above, definitely go see an allergist. The actual pricks of the Prick Test aren't too bad, it's the itching that can get really uncomfortable, though (I really hate needles too, btw <.<).

    Do you know if you're allergic to some pollens? Some of my food allergies are triggered by my other (mainly birch and hay) allergies, and a few of them are pretty odd (all beans and peas, for example).

    Just be very insistent about the allergies, if someone tries to make you eat something you're allergic to say "No, I can't eat that, it's not good for me." If they keep on trying to make you eat it, start describing the details (especially the kinda gross ones, if you have them) as accurately as possible, that's usually made people shut up.

    I'm not sure if you can really do too much to prevent the attacks, so just avoid the foods as good as possible. Antihistamines and cortisone have usually worked for me, but only after the symptoms have started (and I was kinda... loopy while under the medication >.<)

    I'd see a nutritionist, or at least your school nurse for alternative foods. All I can think of is taking some vitamins, but you should ask someone who knows better.
  5. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    20-30 at at time, is what I meant. I think it depends what you are allergic to in the first tests that determines whether or not they have to do more pricks. I know if you are allergic to one they have to do it again, so the number could be closer to 50 or more.

    And TheOnly9one is right, the pricks aren't as horrifying as they sound. In fact the itch was more annoying then the actual pricks.
  6. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Go see an allergist. I actually have a friend who is allergic to things like pineapple and tomatos, but she can only have tomatoes if they are cooked. Which is why we always found it odd when she'd put ketchup on her salads, because that was the only way she could have tomato. The pineapple she couldn't touch at all.

    I don't know if she knows the name of that allergy. I could ask her if she jumps on AIM anytime soon.
  7. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Reading this was certainly intresting and relevant. I think if you went and got tests done and confirmed what fruit and vegetables were definitely safe to eat you'd get a lot more freedom and wouldn't feel so anxious about what you could or couldn't have.