Obsidian Sky

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Jan 3, 2008.

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  1. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    "Probably quite a bit, but not as much as the Monster Hunt 2," Tera Roth said. "We'll be mainly fighting simple Shadow Heartless. Depending on how many we kill, we'll get the amount of money. Basically we fight till we drop... But that's just for Monster Hunt 1. Monster Hunt 2, we'll have to choose when to leave. You guys ready?"

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 400
    Writing: 1 | Synthesis: 1 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | HIT: 10 | EVD: 10
  2. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    OOC: First post of mine, sorry for being so late, Darknight i apologize

    BIC: Liam walked through the crowded streets, trying to avoid the countless number of people..

    "The lady on the train told me to go to the Centeral HQ Building...where is it...?"

    He continued to walk on ward, lost in the hudge city...
    "Nothing like home...nothing at all..." He sighed and walked on, leather bounded sword held tightly in his left hand.

    |weapon: Simple sword |Armor: None|Attack: 5 |Defence: 20| Magic: 10| Magic Defence: 5| |Hit%: 5| Evade: 15| |HP: 200| MP: 10|
    |Writing: 0| Syn:0|Forgery:0| Level:0| Gil: 20|

    OOC: and a pic sorry i forgot it with my app: http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z234/Neo_Nobody006/WingUltimate.jpg
  3. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    "I'm good to go." Venture said.

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 0 | Gil: 200
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 1 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 20 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 0 | MDEF: 0 | HIT: 15 | EVD: 15
  4. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Hey, Wing! I'll add that pic tomorrow. We're about to go on a monster hunt. Oh, flip, I have to go in like 2 minutes...Um, I'll show you how real quick, and you guys can fight afterwards, okay? Forgot to log off my time earlier...Seems like it leeched away on me.

    BIC: Tera Roth nodded. "All right, let's go everyone."


    Tera Roth led them to the outskirts of the town. "Mission parameters are as follows: We need adventurers who are willing to risk life and limb to beat back the monster horde that is growing! It’s every man for himself out there! Wipe out as many as you can without losing all your HP! Don’t worry about dying! For right now, we’ll revive you if you do!"

    He shrugged. "So basically, we just pick a fight with some Heartless...To take on Monster Hunt 2, we'll have to gain a few levels. Shouldn't be too hard."

    "While in the mission, certain enemies will appear: In this case, Shadow Heartless. Mostly, Shadow Heartless appear in groups of 1 to 3, randomly. Here's their stats:

    Shadow A small scrawny Heartless that doesn’t appear to be very strong
    HP: 10 MP: 1 STR: 2 DEF: 2 MGC: 1 M. DEF: 2
    HIT%: 1 EVA%: 1 Weakness: None Resistance: None
    EXP: 1 Gil: 2 Species: Heartless Level: 1
    Treasure: Potion – 75%, Lucid Shard – 25% (Drops 50% of the time)

    Let's start a battle. A battle will normally instigate every other post during a monster hunt. This gives you time to heal and recover from battles, or to quit.


    Enemies: Shadow x1
    Allies: Tera Roth, Kayla, Venture (for the moment)

    This is where your stats come in handy. I'll attack first.

    *Tera Roth attacks*

    My attack power is 10, compared to the Defense power of 2 for the Shadow. This means that my attack will take off 5 HP. See, it's just a matter of division. If the number is odd, round to the closest number. (See below.)

    Now the Shadow will attack.

    *The Shadow attacks Tera Roth*

    In all cases, the enemy will attack in the order of allies mentioned above. If there are more than one enemy, both enemies will attack the first ally, then the second, then the third, in consecutive turns.

    The Shadow has an attack power of 2, while I have a defense of 10. This means that his attack will take 2/10 or round to 0. So, the Shadow can't hurt me!

    Now I'll show you a battle will usually go:

    *Tera Roth attacks*

    5 HP TAKEN

    *Shadow attacks*

    0 HP Lost

    *Tera Roth attacks*

    5 HP Taken, Shadow is destroyed.

    Gained: 1 EXP, 2 Gil

    *Gained a Level!*

    When you gain a level, you can change your stats:

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 400
    Writing: 1 | Synthesis: 1 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | HIT: 10 | EVD: 10

    You get 6 points, and you change any of them. In this case, I'll add 1 point to all of them.

    STR: 11 | DEF: 11 | MGC: 11 | MDEF: 11 | HIT: 11 | EVD: 11

    The first level you will need 1 EXP to gain, the second you'll need 2, the third you'll need 3, the fourth five, the sixth eight, the seven thirteen, the fourth twenty-one, the fifth thirty-four, the sixth fifty-five...So basically, you just add on the last two EXP levels together to get the next one.

    I'll return to initial stats now. Now we can instigate battles."

    Tera Roth shrugged. "So there you go. I'll let one of you control me, in this next battle. When you fight as a group, make sure to take turns. Magic Defense and Magic Attack power works the same. Hit and Evade work against each other the same as Strength and Defense...

    If I have 10 Evade, and the enemy attacks with 1 Hit, such as the Heartless does, they will hit you 1/10 of the time. If you have 10 Hit, and they have 1 Evade, they will evade 1/10 of times. See, it's not so hard!"

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 900
    Writing: 1 | Synthesis: 1 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | HIT: 10 | EVD: 10

    OOC: All right, gotta go. Sorry about this, but there you go. If you're confused...Sorry.

    FYI, we all have 900G, thanks to Xephos gaining 500G.
  5. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC wow... that's really confusing... but I'll try it once...

    Kayla watched, amazed. "Wow! That's cool!" she said and grinned, now excited that they were on the hunt. She couldn't wait! She had been looking forward to fighting heartless. She saw a couple of heartless nearby. "You ready, uh... What's your name?" she asked Venture.
    Weapon: Katana | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 200
    Writing: 1 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  6. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: We'll try the fighting again tomorrow, this time step by step. Sorry about that.
  7. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: Hey everyone! Um, I might have to quit this Role-play because Its really advanced and I just don't have the time to go on when you guys are on. But like, I'll think about It and tell you tomorrow. Its really up to you guys If you can handle me being gone all the time.
  8. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Liar! You said the Monster Hunt would start on Thursday. ;-;

    Btw, Do I get spells or not? I need to know what I can do besides blast/punch... >.>

    BIC: Xegreny heard the sounds of battle not to far away. "They started without me!" In a rage, Xegreny ran through the city, and joined up through the others. Before he got there though, one of the Heartless got in his way.


    Enemies: Shadow
    Allies: Xegreny

    Pulling on his gloves, Xegreny punched the heartless in it's sorry little face.

    4 HP TAKEN

    *Shadow Attacks*

    0 HP LOST

    "Resilent one, arent you?" Xegreny muttered, blasting the thing.

    OOC: For now, I'll consider my blasts to be regular, strength-regulated attacks... though when I set up my stats, I had it in mind that they would be Magical. But I should wait for DarKnight to get back online... Seeing as I could kill a shadow with one hit. >:

    4 HP TAKEN

    Considerably weakened, the shadow flailed at Xegreny, with its last ounce of strength.

    0 HP LOST

    Xegreny finished it off with another punch to the face.

    4 HP TAKEN

    Shadow is destroyed, gained 1 EXP and 2 Gil.

    *Xegreny gained a Level!*

    STR: 6 | DEF: 6 | MGC: 24 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15

    Weapon: Simple Glove | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 900
    Writing: 1 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 1
    STR: 6 | DEF: 6 | MGC: 24 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15
  9. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: I can't be on tonight, sorry guys. That's about it...Sorry...
  10. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:I've been really busy this week too........sorry..........
  11. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    ooc: I can handle it. I know that u wont be on that much from that thread. I dont know about the others though...
  12. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: All right guys. Today is the day for the monster hunt, complete! I'll wait for a bit for you guys to get on...Don't worry if I'm signed off...I'm still here....waiting............... That sounds creepy.
  13. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: I came on!! Might not be on for long though, I'll try to stay
  14. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Great! How are you doing Jordie?
  15. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: I'm great! And how about you?
  16. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: I'm good. Hey, do you want to do a quick monster hunt? I'll walk you through it so it won't be confusing.
  17. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: Uuhhmm...Okay! I'll try xD
  18. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: All right, I'll start a battle.

    BIC: Tera Roth twisted as a Shadow leapt at him...


    OOC: All right, so post your stats first of all.
  19. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Weapon: Bow'n'Arrow | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 300
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 9 | MDEF: 9| EVD: 10 | HIT: 10

    OOC: Want me to post anything else? o.o
  20. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: That's good. All right, so when you're fighting, you're going to pit your stats against that of the enemy's...Simple as that. Here are the Shadow's.

    Shadow A small scrawny Heartless that doesn’t appear to be very strong
    HP: 10 MP: 1 STR: 2 DEF: 2 MGC: 1 M. DEF: 2
    HIT%: 1 EVD%: 1 Weakness: None Resistance: None
    EXP: 1 Gil: 2 Species: Heartless Level: 1
    Treasure: Potion – 75%, Lucid Shard – 25% (Drops 50% of the time)

    All right, so when you attack, your strength, which is 10, will be divided by the enemy's defense, which is 2. The resulting number will be the amount of HP that will be taken from the Shadow.

    So if you attack, you'll take off 5 HP from the Shadow. This works the same as Magic. If you hit them with a Fire spell with magic power 9, then their magic defense will divide your attack to 4.5 or round to 4 (since you round down).

    Now, when the Shadow attacks, his attack will be divided by your defense. So 2/10, or round down to 0.

    For Critical Hits (hits that take off 1/4 of your opponent's HP automatically)...

    Hit% means how often you will hit critical hits. Evade% is how often you will evade critical hits.


    *Tera Roth attacks the Shadow*

    5 HP Taken

    And that's how to attack. Any questions?
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