Obsidian Sky

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Jan 3, 2008.

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  1. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    OOC: Hi Destiny! :3
    That sounds good, DarKnight!

    BIC: "Who knew adventuring could be so... difficult!" Hanami exhaled. Her and Arrow had traveled all the way from Star, and they'd made it to their first destination: Core.

    "Hm, well, first things first. I'll admit that I can't find Obsidia by myself, so we need to find a professional or something to help us, right?" she looked at Arrow, who nodded in agreement.

    "Right. So, let's look around and see what we can find!"

    The two partners pushed and shoved through the crowds, it was like swimming up a stream. Finally, the wave of people had carried them to a building that looked promising. "C'mon! Outta the way! Let me out; I'm more important than you!" Hanami shouted as she tried to escape the crowds. She lost her footing and tripped, and the contents in her bag, which she had obviously forgotten to close properly, were now sprawled around her.

    "Oh no!" she squealed as she quickly got up and started to pick her things up.

    Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0
    STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
  2. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    OOC: Okay then.

    BIC: Exel watched the others talk and he just looked around the place.

    Weapon: Several swords| Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 15 | HIT: 10
  3. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: I'm on early today =D And who likes my new signature I just made? ^.^ I thought 'Its colourful, Its candy, Its extremely me and I just have to make a signature with It 83' Anywho XD

    Jordana looked at Xegreny and smiled "Yeah, I'm alright" she laughed nervously once more. Why do I always have to make big entrances? Jordana thought and remembered to stop joking around I need a job If I'm going to get the stuff I need. Serious!

    OOC: Damnit! I cant think of anything to write z_z Early morning tiredness XDD

    Weapon: Bow'n'Arrow | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 9 | MDEF: 9| EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Xegreny tapped his chin impatiently, "C'mon! Lets get going here!" He said to the others, who seemed to be staring off into space. Grabbing the notepad from Tera Roth. "Now, if you guys arent going to write anything than I will". He wrote for a few moments, and then produced this:

    This sunday, KH-Vids forum Administrator Xaldin released Sunday Music Raid III. Music Raids are collections of music collected by Xaldin and then formatted into WinRAR archives. WinRAR is an archiving program that allows you to pack files into easy to manipulate archives. WinRAR can also be used to remove the programs and place them into a folder it chooses, or a folder of your own choice. WinRAR is a common file type to encounter when downloading things such as, music, anime and TV shows, and Ragnarok Online server data.

    Some of the music that was featured this month included: Banjo Kazooie - Gruntilda Battle (5:57), Chrono Chross - Dragon God (2:51), Conker's Bad Fur Day - Sloprano (I am the great Mighty Poo) (4:24), Final Fantasy IX - Hill of Despiar (5:55), Megaman X-5 - Final Sigma (2:41).

    Banjo Kazooie is a game about a Bear named Banjo and a bird named Kazooie. It was developed by RARE and published by Nintendo in 19978 for the Nintendo 64. Chrono Cross is a RPG style game developed by Square (Now Square-Enix), that follows the adventures of a boy named Serge. Conker's Bad Fur Day was developed by RARE and distributed by Nintendo, much like Banjo Kazooie. It follows the adventures of a squirrel named Conker. Final Fantasy IX (Nine) was developed by Square (Now Square-Enix) is the ninth in the series of fantastic RPG games, all under the title Final Fantasy. The ninth enstallment follows a boy named Zidane Tribal. The last game featured in this weeks Music Raid was Megaman X-5. Megaman was developed and distributed by Capcom. It follows the adventures of two robots X and Zero, as they hunt down rouge robots (Mavericks) and their leader, Sigma.

    "Is falling like, a fad or something?" Xegreny asked as he saw ANOTHER girl fall and spill all her stuff, outside.

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15

    OOC: Wikipedia FTW.
  5. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Jordie, what time is it where you're at?

    BIC: Tera Roth turned to see Xegreny helping a girl up, and another girl running around trying to pick things up.

    "I'll be right back, Kayla," he said, and trotted over to help pick up the girl's items.

    "I'm Tera Roth," he said, handing her some things. "You okay?"
  6. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    OOC: I like it Jordie. :)

    BIC: Exel watched the others and decided to introduce himself to them later.
  7. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    OOC: I really like that Jordie! It reminds me of Easter. XD

    *is jealous*

    BIC: Hanami nodded at the stranger while taking her things from him and continued to collect everything. After she finished, she scanned the area, "Let's see, is that everything?" she thought out loud. She noticed her cell phone lying on the ground nearby and practically dived for it. "Godesses forbid I lose this!" she sighed, clutching the device and finally looking at the stranger, who said his name was Tera Roth. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hanami, and that's Arrow." she replied, pointing at her dog who was perched next to her, staring at Tera intensely. "I guess I should thank you for helping me, huh?"


    Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0
    STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
  8. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: xD Thanks! If you ever want a signature, just ask, I do my signatures on paint though so they wont be all 'OMGOSH'
    @ DarKnight, Its 11:30AM
    Stupid Database Errors >_<
  9. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    OOC: That could be useful later on Jordie.

    BIC: Exel sighed and watched the people pass by him.

    OOC: When do I just introduce myself?

    Weapon: Several swords| Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 15 | HIT: 10
  10. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Lmao, Cell Phone? XD

    Mental Note: Steal Cell Phone for the lulz while in character. >:3

    BIC: Xegreny was suddenly struck with more inspiration. "You guys are really lucky Im good at this.." He muttered writing down more words:

    Recently, the game The Orange Box was released for the PC and PS3. Although there are many games within this box (Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Episode 1, Half-Life 2 Episode 2, Half-Life 2 Lost Coast, Portal, Team Fortress 2), we will be focusing on Portal. Portal is a game developed and distributed by Valve. It follows the adventures of you, the test subject through the Apeture Science Test Program.

    Portal is greatly awarded for its witty robot GLaDOS. GLaDOS is your supervisor and explains to you how to play the game, and gives you helpful comments. In the beginning. GLaDOS's comments quickly take a darker turn, commenting on how the next test is impossible. GLaDOS even commands you to destroy your precious Weighted Companion Cube.

    Portal is also fantastic for its intiuitive and interesting gameplay. You take control of the Portal gun, a device that allows you to shoot Blue and Yellow portals at will, and step between the two. Portal is the first game to delve into, well portals. In the beginning the challenges are simple, and can be easily completed in a few steps. Later on, you must complete many objectives, while avoiding things like turrets, crushers, acid, and suffocating gas.

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15

    OOC: Cmon guys.. Im running out of ideas.. .-.
  11. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Make yourself noticed and Tera Roth will make you join.

    Yeah, it's about 7:00 PM here.

    BIC: Tera Roth shrugged. "Only if you want to, I won't force you to."

    He glanced back over his shoulder. "Hey, why don't you join us here. We got a job lined up..."

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  12. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Exel heard Tera and then went over to join.

    Weapon: Several swords| Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 15 | HIT: 10
  13. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    Tera Roth turned to see a newcomer arriving. "Oh, hey, are you looking for a job too? My name's Tera Roth...I think we should hurry up and try and write another article before our friend Xegreny writes them all..."

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  14. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    OOC: Yes. Cell phones are importantz. :B


    It's 9:00pm here... No fair...

    BIC: "Thanks," Hanami muttered, scrutinizing the group that was now gathering around, "but no thanks. You see, I'm on an important mission! I don't have time for your commoner chores! I'm looking for a professional in finding lost civilizations. You know any?"


    Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0
    STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
  15. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Exel nodded. My name is Exel. He said. What's the article for? He added.
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kayla appeared behind Exel. "It's for the newspaper..." she said with a grin. "Hi! I'm Kayla..." She extended her hand to him. "Nice to meet ya, Exel!"
    Weapon: Katana l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 10 l Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0
    STR: 10 l DEF: 10 l MGC: 10 l MDEF: 10 l EVD: 10 l HIT: 10
  17. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously

    "Before we get into that," Tera Roth said, "let's make sure everyone knows each other...

    I'm Tera Roth (DarKnight36).
    This is Exel (Xephos).
    There is Xegreny (Orion), Kayla (DestinyStar), Hanami (Star_Seeker), and Jordana (Jordie.) If I missed anyone, sorry..."

    He clapped his hands. "So, we're working on a newspaper right now. We have 3 articles, but need five, and can have as many as ten. My suggestion would be to spread throughout the forums (breaking walls, here), and select subjects to talk about. I suggest working with partners on this. My partner will be Kayla. Figure out your own partners and take off. Post your articles when you're done. Thank you!"

    OOC: There you go. Had to clear up our article mess.
  18. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I-It's nice to meet you Kayla.He said recovering from teh shock she just jumped in behind him and shook her hand.
  19. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kayla giggled, seeing that he was in a bit of shock. "Sorry... I have a bad habit of doing that..." she said and grinned. "Yay! I'm partners with TR!" she looked at him. "So... what are we gonna write about? I heard something about a rival group of organization 13..." she said, thinking. (AKA Organization Xlll's Rivals :3)
    Weapon: Katana l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 10 l Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0
    STR: 10 l DEF: 10 l MGC: 10 l MDEF: 10 l EVD: 10 l HIT: 10
  20. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    It's alright.He said to Kayla.
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