Obsidian Sky

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Jan 3, 2008.

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  1. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Ok, it's time to start. To make this simple, I'll have Tera Roth explain everything. Let's just meet at the "Central Job HQ building" in Core, where we're all at.

    BIC: Tera Roth hummed to himself, smiling and nodding to the people he passed by. He came to the Central Job HQ Building and quickly stepped inside.

    He walked over to a billboard and began peering at the jobs...

    "Item Synthesis, Monster Hunting, Smithery, Core Newspaper," Tera Roth said, going through the list. "Hmm, not bad..."
  2. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- alrighty! ^^

    Kayla wandered around in the shadows, lurking stealthily as she made her way towards the Central Job HQ Building. She smiled. Kayla enjoyed sneaking stealthily through the shadows. She enjoyed the darkness and it made her feel like a ninja. Maybe there'll be a useful job for me... she thought and jumped down in front of the front doors, walking inside. She looked around the building. Wow... it's big... she thought as she stepped further inside.
  3. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Okay.

    BIC: After exploring the city looking for jobs for about an hour, Xegreny had found nothing. Walking out of a General Items Store after getting rejected again, the store clerk shouted to him.

    "Try the Central Job HQ! Theres a whole bunch of handyman type things you can do there!" The clerk said.

    "Reeeaaallyy?! How come I've never been there before?" Xegreny muttered as he headed to the address the man had handed him.

    Once he had found the place, he spotted a Bilboard on the wall. Walking over he read over the list.

    "Excuse me, but do you know where to sign up for these? I've never been to this building before, so I dont know how the whole process works." Xegreny asked the man next to him.

    "Oh! Im Xegreny Meion by the way" He added in after.
  4. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: From now on, remember to put your posts like this... (Just to keep track of things)

    "Tera Roth," Tera said to Xegreny, shaking his hand. "It's okay, I've only been here with my dad. But he did show me how the system works."

    He pointed to one of the pin-ups. "These jobs will be updated frequently on the main page. Check there to see new jobs and old ones that you can sign up for. Now let's look at a job."

    Writing for the Core Newspaper
    We need some journalists to write about 5 to 10 articles! Open subject! Write about whatever you want! Then, sell them off to users around the kh-vids website! 100G for every article, and 10G for every sold newspaper!
    Skills: Writing Lvl 0

    "Let's look at this one. It's a request for journalists to write in the Core Newspaper. The skill level needed is Writing Level 0, which means anyone can sign up." Tera Roth slipped it off the board and pointed down below. "Some jobs require a certain skill level. Skill is learned by completing a job. For this job, we'll get 1 Skill Point for Writing. Now, here's the part where you sign if you want the job. Then, you'll put the job application into this basket."

    He pointed to a basket that was sitting on a nearby desk.

    "A representative of the company will be notified and meet with you within five minutes," Tera Roth said. He grinned. "That's because to put out a job application here, the company has to be desperate. Anyhow, once you've talked with the representative, you can start the job whenever you like. Simple, right?"

    He put the paper back, and shrugged. "Later, you can just skip the whole process by simply saying that ______ took the job."

    Tera Roth tapped his chin. "Maybe we should work together on this first assignment...It'll make things easier. What do you say?"'

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10

    OOC: Note this at the bottom!
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Oops, I forgot. x.x

    BIC: "Sounds good to me!" Xegreny said. Digging around in his pockets he produced a pen, and scribbled down his name.

    "Now what do we write about?" He said, deep in thought. "Oh! Why don't we write about the legend of Osidia!"

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15
  6. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kayla suddenly appeared behind them. "Hello!" she said cheerfully, smiling. "So I'm not the only one looking for a job..." She looked at the bulliten board. "Wow... there's so many to choose from!" she exclaimed, staring at it. "I don't know which one I should do..." she tried to look for one that involved sneaking around in the shadows. Maybe something with fighting... she thought.
    Weapon: Katana | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  7. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Woah!" Xegreny said, jumping out of shock. "Wh- Who are you and why do you appear out of nowhere?"

    "Me 'n Tera Roth here are writing a Newspaper article, but theres Forgery, Synthesis, and Monster Hunting too." he said, after regaining his composure.

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15
  8. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: So did I, lol.

    BIC: "Sure, let's see," Tera Roth said, pulling out a notepad. "I believe the articles need to be about three paragraphs long...Excuse me, miss, but would you like to help us, as well?"

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10

    EDIT: Lol, did it again...
  9. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Hmm... newspaper writing sounds fun..." she said. "Okay! count me in!" she smiled and giggled at Xegreny's expression. "Sorry... I didn't mean to startle you..." she said, grinning. "I guess that means my skills are getting better..." she laughed and bowed respectfully. "My names Kayla Shinku... expert ninja! Nice to meet you!" she said, extending her hand for him to shake.
    Weapon: Katana | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  10. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Well, Its your rule. >:

    BIC: "Three Paragraphs?" Xegreny said, exasperated. "Aw, man. I dont even know that much about it. My mom and dad werent the sit-down-and-tell-a-story type. More of the frightened-of-my-own-child type. But I do know the basics, we can just like.. fill it up with fancy details and stuff."

    Shaking Kayla's hand, Xegreny laughed. "Well, It's not every day that I run into a Ninja."

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15

    EDIT: D: You posted after me.
  11. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Yeah, yeah...It's just so we can keep track of things. I mean, are you really going to remember all this without writing it down?

    "It's no problem," Tera Roth said. "They don't have to be great. Let's start with what we know: Osidia is a world of legend that's been lost for centuries. An old record was found on it by a Libarian who then sent it to the Prophets of Truth. They deduced that the information was credible, and unable to find the world themselves, sent out a reward for anyone who could find the world. One wonders why they were looking for it in the first place..."

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  12. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kayla thought for a second. "Maybe there's something on the planet... that's valuable... and they want to find it..." she said and grinned, getting excited. "Or maybe they're hoping to find new intelligence!" She thought for another second. "But... if the Prophets of truth couldn't find it then what makes them think we can...?"
    Weapon: Katana | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  13. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Yeah, yeah.. I know. -.-

    BIC: "Right. Supposedly, it has beautiful blue skies and rolling green fields as well. Along with many other nearly-impossible natural features." Xegreny said, remembering the legend.

    "It then was lost in the darkness. Hmm.. what if it was destroyed?" Xegreny added in, pondering that very fact.

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15
  14. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    Tera Roth frowned. "You're looking for Osidia, as well? Interesting."

    He tapped his chin. "First of all, you have to take into consideration whether or not it was in darkness already...There are only so many links into the dark worlds, and Osidia might have been one of them. Cut off from the light worlds would result in this... Maybe that's why Libary wants a handle on Osidia. To be able to enter the dark worlds and gain more information. That is what they're all about after all."

    He shrugged. "Regardless, I think we have enough information to start."

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  15. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Kayla looked at him for a second and then shook her head quickly. "No... it couldn't have been destroyed!" she said. "That's one of the strongest places to ever have existed! I think..." she thought for a moment. "But still... if it was destroyed then we'd be writing about a fake legend!" Kayla had made it her life dream to find this place... but she couldn't do that if it didn't exist anymore. Well... there's really no way to know for sure what happened to it... she thought.
    Weapon: Katana | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  16. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Yup! I want to leave this boring place, and go on an adventure! Plus my debts cant follow me in space..." Xegreny said.

    "Personally, I think the library's sticking its nose where it doesnt belong. Have you ever seen those Heartless things? They're simple and docile looking at first.. but then they get huge! And Dangerous!" He added in after.

    "Heh, dont worry. It was mere speculation." Xegreny said, addressing Kayla.

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15
  17. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    "Xegreny, why don't you write a few sentences about the world's appearance," Tera Roth said. "Kayla, would you mind writing about three sentences on possible intentions why someone would want to find Osidia? And I'll write on how we learned about it."

    Tera Roth started writing, then showed it to them. "Here's mine: It all started with a low-class Libarian who discovered an old manuscript while he was shuffling through restorative data. It depicted a world of untold glory that had been lost millennia ago. He took this to the Prophets of Truth, who quickly recovered an approximate basis of the world...That will lead into Xegreny's paragraph."

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  18. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Ha! I got the easy part! :D

    BIC: Thinking for a moment, Xegreny scribbled down some sentances. What he wrote was: "Through the Prophet's knowledge they determined that Osidia was a glorious world. Forests, plains, mountains, rivers, and waterfalls could be found in abundance. Crisp blue skies reigned above with perfect white clouds. Never before had they pictured such a perfect place. A place devoid of toxins and pollutants. A perfect place."

    OOC: Wow. Its surprising hard to write stuff about a subject you know very little about. XD

    Weapon: Fist | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 40 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 5 | DEF: 5 | MGC: 20 | MDEF: 5 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 15
  19. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Hmm..." Kayla said as she thought. She quickly began to scribble down words. A few minutes later, she had finished. "There! I wrote: 'Many people have been looking to find Osidia for the reward that the Prophets promised. Others just wanted to see the glorious world. It's even possible that some people would want to destroy it because of it's wonderous beauty.' And that's as far as I got..."
    Weapon: Katana | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesising: 0 | Forging: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
  20. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Sorry, I was eating dinner.

    BIC: Tera Roth nodded. "All right, that's good! Let's see: the job description says that there are about 5 to 10 articles per newspaper, so we should write 4 more...That will give us 500G, and then we can sell them around. What should our second article be about?"

    Weapon: Simple Sword | Armor: None | HP: 100 | MP: 10 | Gil: 0
    Writing: 0 | Synthesis: 0 | Forgery: 0 | Level: 0
    STR: 10 | DEF: 10 | MGC: 10 | MDEF: 10 | EVD: 10 | HIT: 10
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