Obsessive–compulsive Disorder

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SoraUchiha, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Okay-Basically-What is your OCD? Some people have them,An OCD is a psychological disorder an Example would be that You are a Germaphob,You like things to be or set in a specific number or Order,Otherwise it doesnt feel right or Someone with a certain drive to collerct certain items.

    My OCDs are
    1.The volume of the TV MP3 Player,Phone ect.must be at an even number.
    2.When Im making coffe the beans absolutely have to go in before sugar.
    3.I have to take out the "Ink,Not Mink" ads out of any magizine im reading.
    4.The room im in has to be clean when im watching a movie!
    and there are others but I cant think of them until they come up ^^

    So Yeah,Tell yours and Discuss Yours-The stranger the Better!!!

    EDIT:It isnt was bad as wikipedia makes it sounds XP
  2. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Those are just quirky compulsive behaviours that everybody is capable of having in some form or another. The actual disorder is a little more severe.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Like the compulsive part. It tends to be something like if you get touched on one arm a certian way you have to touch the other the exact same way or else you feel really...weird. I'm like that. If I brush my left arm against something cold(like if I touch my elbow against cold metal) I have to do the same to my other arm. <<; And there's other things that get associated with OCD as well like the whole "clean freak" thing.
  4. AngelNaminé Moogle Assistant

    Apr 26, 2009
    I've actually been wondering recently if I actually do have OCD.

    Before I go to bed, I have this whole routine, it takes like 15 minutes. I check if all the switches are off and that all the windows and doors are locked. I have to do it in a certain order and a certain number of times, and if I don't, then I think that someone is going to break into the house or it's going to burn down or something, and then I can't sleep because I'm worried. It doesn't help that I'm also a bit of an insomniac, it's not very bad but still annoying. I'm also constantly checking if I have everything with me (keys, phone, etc.) when I'm out because I keep thinking that they've been stolen or I lost them. I suppose thats a bit more paranoia but still related. Even just after checking if I have something or that the door is locked or something, I still think it's not and have to check again and again until... well, until it feels right... sounds weird but thats the only way I can explain it.

    I also have to have things happen the same like that. I can't think of any examples right now. And I have to have some things in a certain place (I always leave my phone and glasses in an exact place at an exact angle and I move random things so that they're at right angles and stuff like that) and exactly in order (like a stack of CDs have to be exactly straight) but surprisingly my room is a mess XP

    I drive my family and friends insane. In school I check that I have all my books about a million times in the space of a minute, and then I end up being late for class.

    It really annoys me that i constantly have to check stuff and worry all the time :( but i can't help it
  5. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I can't stand when things are out of order. Books, CDs, movies...even my video games have to be in alphabetical order, and in chronological order if there are sequels.

    I drove my supervising practitioner nuts when I did my students teaching this spring. I hated that the two large bookshelves in the back of the classroom were always out of order. One fine Wednesday, the kids left at 2 pm, and I completely dismembered the things and put every last book back in the correct order by author, then made sure the book titles were alphabetical and any volumes or sequels were also in order. Took me the whole afternoon.

    The next day the kids freaked because they couldn't find anything and messed it all up again...took every ounce of willpower I had not to do it all over again.
  6. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    I have a few.

    The volume on the TV has to be at multiples of 5 or else I'll be all like FFFFFF MUCH CHANGE VOLUME NOW.

    I have a certain routine when getting ready for school in the morning. So if my bro is in the shower when I wake up, I think to myself 'FFFFF CHRISTOPHER GTFO THE BATHROOM DAMMIT.' and then I just lay there until he gets out. You have no idea of the amount of times I've nearly missed the bus because of this.

    I don't really do this anymore, but when I was like 12 I used to sleep with my clothes on, jewlery and all, because I was afraid something would happen in the middle of the night. Paranoia much?

    I really hate it when people touch my stuff, and then when they've put it back I have to fiddle with it until it's put back perfectly.

    And finally, all the icons on my desktop have to be in a certain place in a certain order.

    And there's probably more that I'm forgetting.
  7. roxas207 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 8, 2010
    where you will end up
    sounds wierd but i eat my plate of food from left to right. if i have a drink , it has to be by my left hand. um....i also need at least 2 blankets when i go to sleep even though it may be 100 degrees outside, ill still use it somehow.
  8. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I need to be sitting down when I put my shoes on, and is has to be on some sort of chair. I won't bend over and do it or sit on the floor.
    I have a bedtime routine as well -- I'm not really so awful with it, but I make sure that the closet is closed, my bedroom door is closed and all of the lights are out. I can't fall asleep unless I do this. >_>
    I always have to wear my seatbelt in the car, and I don't like to sit anywhere but the passenger's side. If necessary I do sit in the back, but I need to be near a door because I'm always grabbing at the handle for fear of crashing.
    I also wash my hands a lot but that might be more of a mysophobia thing.
    Oh! right, and I am very particular about my school supplies. I refuse to use anything but Four Star folders, Bic fine point blue pens, and Ticonderoga pencils.

    So nothing too major. It's more of just little quirks.
  9. Sora_Gaiden Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 23, 2009
    Rolling around at the speed of sound!
    I do this all the time O_o

    1. My Volume on the TV has to be directly under the "U", or it's too loud, or as quiet as something very quiet.

    2. I don't let anyone use my computer on a site that I don't use, because I'm afraid to get raped by viruses.
  10. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I have a few:
    1. I have to make everything I do even *only when I actually think about it, it is more of a habbit but when I do something like pop my finger I have to pop the same finger on the other hand, so on and son on*
    2. I have routines for both when I go to sleep and when I get up.
    3. If I misspell something on the computer I have to press backspace instead of just clicking or using the arrow keys, even if I have already typed three lines. *sets me back a lot*
    4. I have to have a fan blowing on me while I sleep. *even in the winter*
    5. All of my DVD's, Games, Movies, and so on have to be organized by category *whether it's a dvd, movie, game* and then by Alphabet.
    6. I have to have all the lights *not the sunlight or moonlight* turned out when I go to bed, for some reason electronic lcd lights will make me not be able to sleep, but put the sun in my eyes and I sleep like a log.
    7. I also check my pockets constantly to make sure everything is there.
    8. I check my watch, a lot. *Like every five seconds, and this makes people uneasy*
    8. I won't carry around anything money wise except dollar bills, and quarters *this has to do with my equal thing, if I have any other change I look for people or things to give it to. And the equal thing mostly has to do with two, but pretty much it ends up being fours or more when I have to do everything the opposite way as well, it's complicated*
    That is everything I can think of.
  11. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    I do something similar. Let's say I've got a plate of steak tips, rice pilaf and corn (Like the Niblets, not the cob). Rice goes first always, then the corn, finally the meat. I always have to eat the sides that go with a meat first, I'm not sure why. At least I don't do it in ABC order....
  12. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Oh yeah-I have this one whrer pens have to be arranged as most to least ink (Right to left) -_-
  13. Sora_Gaiden Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 23, 2009
    Rolling around at the speed of sound!
    And there HAS to be some type of sound I can hear while I'm sleeping O_O I bother my parents a lot by turning on the humidifier for it's loudness overnight.
  14. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    1. When I tidy everything must be perfectly arranged, but then it goes to hell pretty quickly after a couple of days.
    2. Volume has to be in multiples of five (ten is preferable).
    3. If I touch something, or think about touching something, on one side I have to touch the other side some how.
    4. I used to have to wait until my game time was on a multiple of five in minutes (luckily I've stopped that now).
    5. If I'm starting a new lesson I have to start a new page.
    6. I have to write the date on the left hand side of my page.
    7. If I accidental write my 'a' with the flicky bit on top I have to go through the writing at change them all to match.
    8. I can't have the tongues of my shoes poke out from under my shoes.
    9. I have to correct the spelling/grammar on chain mails even if I don't send them on.
    10. I have to have a rainbow name on MSN or I feel naked.
    11. Everything has to be in numerical order, alphabetical is nice but not required.
    12. I can't use letters from the word I typed wrong in the correct version. e.g. csn'y cannot become can't I have to delete it all and retype. Even if it's a really long word.
    13. I have to be eating for as long as my friends are eating or less. And I will stop eating halfway through a sandwich even if I'm starving for this.
    14. If I write a list and number it or count it it must be a multiple of five or three.
    15. If I write anything it must be in threes or single e.g. 'I was bored' or 'I was bored, fed up and desperate for something to do'.

    I think that's it XD