obsessions, good or bad?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by hrabbit, Jan 20, 2007.

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  1. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006

    Not exactly the idea I would have used, Cin.

    Well, personally, it depends on what you're obsessing on. If you're like obsessed with porn *makes a disgusted face*, then that's not really a good thing.

    But if you're obsessed with Shakesphere's work, then that's not too bad...unless you actually try to make the events that happen in play to happen in real life.
  2. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Both,depends on the obsession.
    If its about children and your like 40-70(Michael Jackson)
    then no,not good.
    I its about stuff like books,games,food ect. its ok,still not very healthy...
    But it also depends in whos eyes....
    Someone might say candy is poisen.
    Someone else who loves candy will disagree....
    So what it comes down to is in the person who is obsessed with the thing.
  3. Budabuda Banned

    Dec 14, 2006
    in a hole in the ground next to ur house
    i dont think obsesions are bad, like if ur obsessed with sex that doesnt make u a creep.............................right?
  4. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    To be honest. I do beleive that all obbsessions are bad. But I also don't beleive in descriptions in general, and am therefore contradicting myself.XD
  5. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    No it makes you a ****.

    Whether or not the obssesion is something like stamps or a certain book, it leads to a one tracked mind, and affects everything else, like World of Warcraft, a highly obsseive game, a few friends of mine are addicted to it, one we rarly see anymore and one of the others is well, lets say he is a grade A student, now his mind is most of the time set on WoW, and his grades are slipping because of it.
  6. Budabuda Banned

    Dec 14, 2006
    in a hole in the ground next to ur house
    can a guy be a ****? And what if you are obsessed with turning homework in on time, is that such a bad thing?
  7. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Not really, I think. Unless you never actually relax and spend all of your spare time just doing assignments/homework/preparing for future exams.

    Don't get me wrong. Once you get to your final year of school, it really should be the one for study but you need to rest and relax as well...so in a way, what I just said, dosent make any sense. *sweatdrop*

    The point is, if your obsession is on homework, that isn't too bad unless you're constantly thinking about it and doing it 24/7.
  8. Budabuda Banned

    Dec 14, 2006
    in a hole in the ground next to ur house
    well yeah. but come on
  9. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    Obsessions = BAD
    Now I realize that no matter what it is...it's bad. Man...I just HAD to contradict myself. But...yea.
  10. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I think obsessions are okay...as long as they don't get too out of hand.
  11. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    I assume when you mean 'out of hand', you mean, a threat to someone's life?
  12. sora roxas60 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 19, 2006
    Aperture Science Laboratories
    If all obsessions are bad, then why are you here?
    Some are kind of bad, indeed, but, to a certain extent, are tolerable and not in any way shape or form harmful.
    What's harmful is how an obsession can encompass and eventually swallow your peronal life.
    What's harmful is what the feelings accompanying the obsession can do to you.
    Take my best friend, (name edited for privacy).
    We'll call him...Lindsey.
    Now, Lindsey used to sort of like WoW.
    By week 2, Lindsey hardly came out of his room.
    By the end of month 1, Lindsey was a hermit.
    By the end of month 2, Lindsey's vision had decreased by 50 percent. He needed glasses 1/4 of an inch thick.
    And by the release of Burning Crusade, he was playing WoW while he was camped out. H e had a special router installed to his car just to play WoW for 10 an extra minutes while going to school.
    Now, it is days at a time before I see him outside.
    He was a straight A student, and he sunk to C's.
    My point is, it's not the obsession. It's if you let it get out of hand what it makes YOU do. That's my analysis of it.
    Oh yeah, P.S. his girlfriend dumped him and he put on 30 pounds in 3 months. So, yeah. And I'm a straight A student. The were only four, and now there's two. Because my OTHER friend got involved in ToonTown. But that's a story for later....
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