
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Samurai, Dec 24, 2006.

  1. JustANobody Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 19, 2006
    Under your bed
    Okay.I have read all your posts,and I have to say my turn in this debate.Reasons for being so-called 'obese':

    Temptation: As many have already said before me,the d*mn fast food restaurants have food that tastes really good.But keep in mind that many do not /just/ sell fatty foods.Carl's JR.,for example,had an option of a burger that replaced the bun with lettuce.I think that was in the Atkins craze.Blah.

    Heredity: Yes,some people are born with it and get it from other family members.Well you know why?God made them that way so that people can learn to love people for who they are,not for what they have or look like.

    Metabolism: Again,some people said this already: Some people have faster metabolisms than others.Like my friend,for example.She will eat and eat and eat and not gain anything.I blame her hyperness. >> But still,it is still a factor that some have more of than others.I think it might also be hereditery,but I'm not a doctor. >>
  2. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    this makes sense, but when you are literally killing your child or shortening his/her life, then its a problem.
  3. Mari Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    Bay Area
    I dont think obesity is a problem. We only think its a problem because we're influenced by the media that skinney is the true way, and lead others into going anarexic (sp?) and prob. killing themselves just to be skinney. If people would stop caring about obese people, the world would be a better place in my opinion because it causes less stress for them.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well think about times over 40 years ago; when being skinny WAS the image of perfection.

    Being skinney is 'required,' sure...but if you aren't obese that reduces your chance of cardiac failure and what-not.

    And it doesn't matter if you are obese...it's all a matter of how you view the lives of others that makes you think differently about this.
  5. Samurai King's Apprentice

    Oct 20, 2006
    On a distinguished road. OMGWTF!?
    Supermodels aren't exactly helping.

    They're becoming role models to children, and encouraging them to stick two fingers down their throat and throw up all the fat.

    That's sick. Maybe if supermodels ate good food once in awhile, they might not even HAVE to throw up
  6. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Obese people are here to stay, no matter what, we can't stop it, and shouldn't try. We don't seem to care much that people seem to stave themselfs to death, just so thay can fit into there -2 sized dresses.

    We should be thinking of ways to help obese people not feel like a minority, and uncatered for. The UK is starting to become as Obese as the US, and soon 60% of the counties population will be over weight. That isn't a minority.

    Services like cars, cinemas, fashion, toilets even, need to start to cater for obese people. At the moment, being obese isn't the only problem. It's hard for them to find clothes, and do most things. It's unfair. It's discrimiation, there are more obese people then there are really skinny people, here and in the US. So lets cater for them.
  7. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    I am not obese, but I find clothes shopping humilliating. Clothes are either hidden away at the back of the shop or right at the front with a hugh 'Plus Size' sign or similar above it. I eat ok, and exercise, but am not a skinny person. I'm also 5'11". A large proprtion of the UK populate (female) is size 16 or above, yet we are treated as odd.

    I applaud you Darkandroid, for saying the truth as it stands.
  8. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    i agree that as far as clothes and certain goods, obese people should be taken more into considertation, but this still does not mean that we should not worry about these peoples health, just as much as the health of anorexic and bulemic people. extremes are dangerous.

    i do not fit into the "skinny perfect" image, but i am also not obese. i try to eat correctly and excercise well to maintain a healthy weight, but more importantly a healthy body. weight does not always relate to ones health, but in many cases it can. so while we should accomodate for the obese and such, we should also try to change our society to lower the amount of obese as well as diminish the super skinny fad. sure, some obese people are so due to predisposed genetics, but the rise in obese over the years indicates that a percentage of obese people are so due to lifestyle and our society.

    we need to make sure that people are healthy, whether they weight in at 100 or 200 pounds.
  9. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    That s very true. A person's health is the main factor, and this is not always dictated by size. I know thin people who have worse health than me, and more obese people who are healthy. I keep myself pretty ok health wise, but I have to be careful what I eat. I have kept to the rules, and as a result I am fitter than a lot of people in my social group. I just don't get any smaller.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well...it's not always the person's fault. they could have slow metabolism and there is so much junk food that is readily avialable practically everywhere. but most of the time it IS their fault, they don't do anything but eat and watch TV
  11. Kuroudo King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    South Park
    A lot of obese people are actually jealous of fit people. If they would stop eating and laying down all day, that would stop the envey and hatred toward fit poeple. I have to work to stay in the shape I'm in. I go to the gym 4 times a week and only eat bad food once a week. I actually eat, I don't throw up. Plus I do school sports also, such as wrestling and football. And just like EvilMan said, sometimes it isn't the obese persons fault. That just means they need to work extra hard for what they want. Nothing just comes to you in life.

    Anerexia (sp?) is not a good thing at all, you can get yourself really sick or even die. Yet eating till you blow up is also not the best you can do. You have to balance your diets.

    When you go to a buffet, you see all the juicy steak and other meats. Take a little meat, some veggies, fruit, and others. Have a small desert if you need one, but SMALL.

    The whole piont is to have small portions. Some people are naturally really bug though. If you are healthy then you are fine. Look at blockers in football, they are huge, but they are in shape. Don't force yourself to throwup. Have a training program for you. If you just can't lose weight, that's ok, as long as you are in shape and are gaining muscle.

    That's all I have to say on this topic...
  12. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    You have no idea how horrible false that is do you? Kuroudo, like I said before, obese people dont just lay around and stuff there faces nonstop. I work out every day, run everyday, work with personal trainers at least 4 days a week, I have done this since 2000, that six years! are you saying I dont work hard enough?
  13. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Kuroudo, it's a natural thing. People don't get fat just because they lie around all day. It's because it's a genetic thing.

    Same with some skinny people. They have fast Matabolism, so they stay skinny.

    Any amount of fat is burnable, you just have to work hard enough. That was a very ignorant point, Kuroudo. :/
  14. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    In Kuroudo's defense, maybe he hasn't come across any problems such as genetic or metabolic ones. Threads such as this can be used as enlightening and educational. Don't be too harsh on Kuroudo, as he may not have experienced the same level of problems as others.

    I have problems with my joints and have to be careful when I exercise, but I am managing to keep myself healthy. I do not envy those who have perfect health and weight, but I can see that understanding is often gained by experience. I'm sure there is nothing personal.
  15. Kuroudo King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    South Park

    Absolutly not. I totally respect people like you. It's the ones that don't try to do anything about it that just isn't right. It could be just the way your body is shaped and that's ok. I didn't mean that in a bad way, just when you see a fat/obese person giving you dirty looks and you see them eating at burger king, you wonder why. Eating at fast food places is ok, just not too much.

    I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway Arc, you are not the type of person I was talking about. You try your best, and I respect that.

    And to Darky, I stated that sometimes it is not the persons fault, it is genetic. Just like skinny people. I stating that to the people who don't try to fix it.

    Sorry if I hurt anyone in anyway. :(
  16. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    I've looked into this "topic" for a few years now. But I agree that stress and "food choices" are the major factors. It could also just be plain metabolism. Like two friends, one eats like 5 meals for dinner and the other eats a normal 3 a day, not for dinner. The one who eats ridiculously too much is really skinny due to high metabolism while my other friend is fat.
  17. Xigbar The Freeshooter

    Nov 24, 2006
    In a house.
    ok its all on metabolism cuz im naturally skinny now like i can eat 5 party pizzas and gain nothin but wen i get older my metabolism will naturally slow down but sum ppl ther metabloisms are naturally slo and the obese ppl w/ thyroids thers jus plain stops...
  18. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    That's only one case though. It can't be confirmed that metabolism is the only problem.
  19. Statuess Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    England! ^^
    Well, when it comes to eating, it seems that as well as addictive substances existing in or even being put into foods, humans have not become entirely used to having an excess of food and so much less exercise. I think this is why fatty junk food still tastes good- our bodies have been stuggling to gain food, often living in poverty, until very recently.

    Also, there is the cost issue. Junk food cost so much less than food which flaunt terms like "organic" on their labels. (Whether they actually are or not!)

    As well as stress, lack of sleep is said to be a factor in obsesity. Upbringing can also affect a person's ability to lose weight.

    Now, I don't know if it's different in America, but I've never seen supermodels as idols for small children. And as far as I've heard, there aren't little girls snorting stuff just 'cos Kate Moss was caught doing it, either. (Please, correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Of course, weight problems, either way, can also be the result of thyroid problems etc., and people who weigh too little should be as much concern as those who weigh too much, but they are, in certain countries, much less common!

    Unlike some of you, I have to admit that I don't do that much exercise. However, I don't do anything to make me gain much weight either. (Of course I eat, but I don't like stuffing myself..!)
  20. Kuroudo King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    South Park
    And also, there is no perfect weight. It depends on your genetics and bodyshape. Some people are bigger than others, just like some people are smaller. So don't trive to make the same weight as your friend or whatever, just try to maintain what's good for you.