:D Finally, one of my bottom wisdom teeth is starting to come through, I can feel it :'D I have no idea why I am happy about this since it hurts like a ***** at the moment, but yay, everyone else in my entire family got theirs when they were in their mid teens, D: I'm 21 so you can imagine that they always laugh at me because of it. :D ...I don't think I have room for another 4 teeth o_o
My Dad didnt get wisdom teeth till he was 40 o_____o I dont want to get any, I've had enough work on my mouth already D: They'll probably take them out..or expose your gums o_o
Well when Iwas a kid I had 4 teeth taken out, and then when I had to get braces I had 4 teeth taken out, now I have another 4 coming through. >_> Yeah I don't think they will be there for that long :'D on a side note, now that I have noticed this new one coming through, it hurts like an absolute ***** xD ilu Pumpkin :glomp:
my dentist look at mah x rays and im never gonna get them.... and then im 45 and i get them WTF but then i again i probably have room for the fact i got hit by a golfclub and lost some teeth 8D
Your getting them now? I've already got two of them, I don't mind the pain but I keep getting paranoid to see if i'm bleeding XD
Yah, they have been coming through a teeny tny bit for a while, but now another one is coming through :D now all foru of them are on their way.
What I meant was that we have wisdom teeth come in because we lose alot of teeth because of poor dental care in history, so they would grow in so we can still have teeth.