Well, seeing as though my scanner Isn't working, I couldn't scan the KHV Drawings on here, so I thought to pass time I would make a couple of siggehs. Nothing too major, just quick ones that anyone can use This one I had a bit of trouble with, because I wasn't too sure where to put the arrows Lol, even though It Is blinding, Its probably my most favorite out of all the siggehs Ive made. I don't know why though xD CnC?
Dear heavens, I love these... They're cute, they're simple and they work as signatures. :> No crit for you today.
The second one's the best - the composition works very very well. <3 However I'm not too fond of the color choices, they don't collide very well/doesn't bring out the drawings too well. Try some other variants to see which one looks best, 'cause at the moment there's a bit of legible problems.
That second signature pwns D: I like how you're signatures and simple yet good. And you did it without a big fancy graphics program. May I use the second one? =3
Lol thanks for your comments. I'll try a couple of different colours for my 2nd one! And @ Crono, Go for It o.o