I like this tag quite a lot. I've been trying to make one like this, but...I guess I still need more practice, anyways, this tag is great, it blends greatly, it has depth and the lighting, I find magnificent. If anything, you should try and add some effects to the left side, which, at the moment looks a bit plain, perhaps some sparks? Or other bright effect? Anything to make that part of the tag more attractive, but don't go overboard that we'd get deviated from the focal point...but you already know all that, I guess.
Left looks a little blank compared to the rest, and the light kinda makes the guy look a little washed out and faded. Other then that, it's great.
Great texture and lighting as always, though as said before, the left side seems to be a bit bland. Easy way out = Make the stock bigger and the tag skinnier.