We all know about North Korea and how much of a problem they're being. They keep threatening to launch nuclear missiles at America, (mostly Hawaii) and Japan. Every time has been an epic fail, but what if they shot a missile at Honolulu and it made it? [EDIT: Also, if they shot one at Japan, I'm certain that America and the rest of NATO would fight back.] North Korea has no more allies. China is PO'ed at them, and Russia isn't exactly fond of them either. If North Korea were to do a successful attack, look at all the allies America could have (excluding the USA for obvious reasons) -Canada -France -UK -Ireland -Australia -Japan (give them a military again and they'd probably be really damn powerful) -New Zealand -South Korea -China (if they sided against us, it would be a huge economic loss for them. We're a huge business partner.) -Russia (thanks to Obama not being a dumbass like Bush and getting Russia angry, we're getting really close to an alliance.) -Albania -Belgium -Bulgaria -Croatia -Czech Republic -Denmark -Estonia -Germany -Greece -Hungary -Iceland -Italy -Latvia -Lithuania -Luxembourg -Netherlands -Norway -Poland -Portugal -Romania -Slovakia -Slovenia -Spain -Turkey -Israel -India -And possibly even more. Now, granted, only some of them would most likely participate. But still. Let's just say it was just America, Canada, The UK, Australia, France, Japan, China, Russia, and South Korea participating. America, Russia, and France have the largest amount of nuclear weapons in the world. We could easily turn North Korea into a crater with the amount of power that we have with us. So, let's say North Korea launches a missile to Honolulu. It makes it. Obama would more than likely not hesitate to gather some allies and attack back. South Korea would definitely want to help, China can't risk losing the business from America (they have a threat from them as well), Russia has a threat from them, Japan could be given a military again and would definitely help us, and I can pretty much guarantee that a lot of NATO members would help us too. What is wrong with Kim Jong-il? What is driving him to want to attack one of the biggest powers in the world? He's close to death by old age, but who knows if his son knows the right stuff to do? North Korea is a rather small, ally-less country. Something needs to be done to get them to knock their BS off before it ends up a ghost country. It just takes one attack from their end for them to get their asses handed to them. The end result could end up in something that would make Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like a elementary school science fair project. So, what do you think? What could be done to stop such a disaster?
take it into consideration. the allies would get there after the NUCLEAR WEAPONS hit the U.S. that would still be killing millions of innocent people. and what to do after they bomb the us?we can't bomb them, most are innocent people.
Give them time to evacuate. Then nuke them. If North Korea cares even a little bit for its citizens it will evacuate them.
Which they don't. Anyway, the best thing to do about North Korea would be to nuke them to hell, but that would be impractical and impossible to condone. There is really nothing that North Korea can do that won't cause them to be utterly destroyed. American lives might be lost, yes, but we can be assured that North Korea would be utterly obliterated.
I say just leave them alone. If they want to be communists, let them be. Although, the nuclear threats aren't exactly promising. Invading would be the worst. Why? Because I'm pretty sure we don't want citizens killed because of invasions. However, perhaps dropping a nuclear weapon on them might be effective, but still. We're trying to make peace with them, not threaten them.
with all their nuclear threats and given the recent event where a North Korean submarine fired at a South Korean boat (and killed 46 people by the way), it seems like North Korea is TRYING to incite a war. i also think they're trying to gain attention for whatever reason and i don't think it would be a good idea to give them what they want. but on the other hand, they could be like a misbehaved child who's trying to get away with as much as they can. so i'm not entirely sure what should be done either.
Communism isn't a problem. China is communist and we're semi-allies with them. The problem is the violence actions and threats coming from them. Sinking of a South Korean ship. (really, at this point you just cant deny it.) Threatening to nuke Hawaii. Making peace with North Korea will be impossible as long as Kim-Jong Il is alive and in office. If North Korea even nukes Japan, then they are screwed beyond belief. Japan is in a way under the biggest threat, since North Korea firing a nuclear missile at Japan is easier than at the USA. We are now huge allies with Japan. We would without a doubt respond to it. Speaking of that.. Japanese cops apparently carry friggin swords. I want Japan to have a military again just to see how badass they would look. They're messing with a country who has the 2nd highest amount of nuclear weapons in the world, and probably with Russia, who has the absolute highest. Russia is on really good terms with us thanks to Obama knowing what he's doing, unlike Bush. /Possibly/ including our main allies, we'd in total have the highest amount. France has the 3rd highest amount and they are arguably our closest ally (they've been on good terms with us since the Revolutionary War. Have we ever even been at war with France?) North Korea attacking us, Japan, Russia, or pretty much anyone would be a HUGE, HUGE mistake. Kim Jong-Il could die any day now. Hopefully his son, who will take his position, will have a working brain. We could avoid Korean War II (it would most likely not be WW3 since nobody likes North Korea) Assuming NATO and other forces joined into a Korean War II, it would most likely be the shortest war in history.
If they were smart, the'yd back off with the missiles before they're screwed. We've had a problem like this before.
Problem is that Kim Jong-Il, leader of North Korea, is a lunatic. I'd say it's very likely he has mental problems. Just a nuclear attack on anywhere, wether it's Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Honululu, wherever. Then they are doomed. But there's a problem with us, Russia, or France using nuclear weapons back. Fallout. It would spread to innocent land, like South Korea, Japan, Russia, and China. It'd somewhat attack two of our allies and two of our semi-allies in the process as well, which would be a complex situation. My knowledge of nuclear weapons isn't perfect, so I'm not sure if they could build one small enough that it would do the job on North Korea while not getting fallout to anyone on our side.
Kim has a little man complex. Not only physically speaking but politically. North Korea isn't that great of a contributor Of anything on a global scale apart from war threats. He wants to sit on a throne, crown on head proclaimed an emperor of his people. But it's all hot air. We can't forcibly stop him without any decent justification like say, I don't know… threat of nuclear weaponry? I'm surprised no ones tried to justify an invasion yet. Someone must have some dirt on North Korea that's kept them at bay for so long.
Well the problem with North Korea is that it has spent so long fighting against South Korea. It's like North Korea has adapted to the war, and so it needs to continue making all of this controversy. It is just a matter of time before Kim Jong-Il does something stupid and makes it a worldwide problem. Before he does all anyone can humanely do is sit and wait. As soon as Kim fires a torpedo at someone who isn't directly involved with the North Korea / South Korea dispute some of the people on that list will jump straight in because as far as they are concerned that's a declaration of war. It's almost ineveitable, they know it's going to happen, but they can't do anything without a good reason, and if they stop him before he does it what is there to say that he was going to do it? Because they can't do that, he will do it eventually. We can't wait for him to die, because society will just give a new leader who saw nothing wrong with Kim Jong Il's decisions. PAW pretty much hit the nail on the head. South Korea has very little influence in the world in terms of everything excluding war.
There is a reason for this. Controversy between the two nations has always been a prime constant - they both claim to be the true legitimate government of the entire nation-state of Korea and subsequently does not internationally recognize one another. The two states did not have a completely permanent peace treaty as of present day - unless my facts are outdated - (possibilities of such permanent peace treaties during previous summits between the two nations were eliminated after this subject incident) and instead a general cease fire, technically defining both states at a current state of war - and as such both nations must be on direct alert of such attacks, especially among the Demilitarized Zone. Kim Jong-Il is certainly a lunatic as Rho had lovingly pointed out previously. Besides such a point is the factor of the general overreaction - unless diplomatic intervention takes place or another, external reason is promoted as the cause then war may indeed be a possibility. Even in the latter scenario of an external reason I would find it plausible that Kim Jong-Il would find some sort of petty reason to justify an attack on South Korea. Diplomatic solutions are slightly unlikely but indeed possible - summits between the two nations have been held in 2000 and 2007 respectively with relatively positive results. In the case of war, however, North Korea's usage of nuclear weapons will indeed be a possibility. North Korea, depending on the distance from the nation, can either be a major threat to civilian life or a very minuscule one. Another factor of the possibility of war, however, would be the public opinion, the United States especially. Anti-war sentiments have been lingering around for many years, and it would be certain to find at the least small pockets of extreme negative opinion towards fighting a war only a year or so after United States soldiers departing from the Middle East.