Korra I hope you die you're a terrible character and every second you're on screen is a second wasted on gratuitous teen angst. fuk this show
Korra is less of a terrible character and more of a static character. At this point it feels like she has had no character growth since the beginning of season 1, which is something even Mako has managed to scrape together. However, aside from her and the very obvious 'I AM DEFINITELY NOT A VILLAIN' trope, I find season 2 to be quite good so far. also this weeks episode hasn't even come out yet how far behind are you.
mhm. Well you'll understand if I don't want to subject myself to her unrelenting bitching regardless of the reason. I watched the fist 5 minutes or so of last weeks episode and turned it off because she is just that annoying.
She'll probably get better when they get into the actual Spirit World stuff, since she can't be nearly as rash (SW = no power bending her way through everything). Which is going to start in either this week or next week's episode. And yeah, I agree she's been really angsty lately. I do understand where she's coming from with that & all, but she's been making pretty frequent snap decisions.
It was probably because she was practically forced into having a love interest throughout the first season.