Nomura: New Interview this Week

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    It appears that a new interview with Nomura will release some new content in which a new game is announced. Apparently Final Fantasy XIII Versus is improving quality and more infoarmation on this title will be announced early next year (2010). Can the new announcement be in regards to KINGDOM HEARTS or is it a new project? Remember, the last interview with Nomura, we heard that after Birth by Sleep was released, it was said that it was possible to see some news information regarding Sora.

    We will keep you informed on the latest...

    Source: FF-Reunion
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 21, 2009.

    1. Artist13Namine
      i second that plz!!!!!! [one Q i know its gonna sound dumb] but is Nomura also the creator or watever u call it of Final Fantasy to?
    2. xkh2x
      yup :D
      lol don't worry, i didn't know too until like, this year
    3. Aurangzeb56
    4. darkshadowxyz
      Can't wait.

      Ooooh, maybe he'll tell us the release date for FFAgito13!!!!!

      I can only thank my good fortune of getting a PSP instead of a DS. ;D
    5. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      Kingdom Hearts is a Sony exclusive, like Mario is a Nintendo exclusive so don't get your hopes up.
    6. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      Please, just don't. Kingdom Hearts isn't Sony exclusive, just like how Final Fantasy used to be Nintendo Exclusive before it went to Sony Consoles says that Kingdom Hearts could go anywhere, it could even end up multi platform.

      Also I don't think its Kingdom Hearts III, it says the process is at the voice acting stage and for one thing I doubt Kingdom Hearts III is being worked on. It's probably the Mystery Kingdom Hearts game or non-related to Kingdom Hearts.
    7. Arch
      Interview isn't out yet.

      Wrong. CoM, 358/2, KH Mobile, and Coded say otherwise.
    8. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      I'm really curious about it. Hopefully it will be more about KH.
    9. Guardian Soul
      Guardian Soul
      @Rho, Jimmy Page, and Alpha Sonix - I worded that incorrectly what I should have said was the main series has always been on a Sony console. KH3 could possibly be multiplatform, who knows, but I think that it being on the Wii is sorta slim because the battle system would be hard to utilize on the Wii in my opinion.
    10. .:Xigbar:.
      aslong as they come out with KH3 before 2012
    11. Rho
      Well, 358/2 Days was announced in 07 and came out in 09, so assuming this is KH3, it'll probably come out in 2011 or 2012.
      CoM is pretty much a "main" game. If you knew nothing of CoM at all, and only had played KH1 and KH2, you'd be confused most of the time while playing KH2.

      Multiplatform is the best way to do things. Keep both versions the same, no bonus material on either console.
      And it can be easily done with the Wii, including using the Classic Controller like in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Possibly have a special KH-ized one bundled with the game.
    12. Noise

      BUT! i will vomit violently if its on the Wii...just wouldnt be the same.
    13. Trizzle13
      I know right xD

      WTH was Numora thinking putting these on Nintendo platforms? If hes gonna do this then he should've at least made it for the Wii! I mean how fun would it be to swing the wiimote around like an actual keyblade?
    14. Arch
      That won't happen. Wii is a useless platform for continuing the KH series unless there's a spinoff. Nomura had stated in an interview(a rather old one but I like using it as a reference) that he purposely did not use the touch screen much because it'd ruin the "KH feel" of gameplay. So a Wiimote would be out of the question for use as a keyblade. And without that, why put a KH game on the Wii?
    15. Rho
      And he worked around the touch screen for the DS. Same can be done with the Wii and its motion control.

      There's also this in terms of controllers

      It makes sense financially to put it on the Wii. Not only is it the top selling console of this generation, but its owned by the vast majority of KH's target demographic.

      If the Gamecube was selling more than the PS2 when KH came out, KH might have been on the Gamecube, and if Xbox was creaming both of them, it'd probably be an Xbox game.

      The money is in Nintendo when it comes to kids/family games.
    16. Arch
      The DS is a different story. It wasn't a numbered KH game(lol ironic) and was simply put on a handheld because...well, it's a bit of a sidestory. All the games(Days, Coded, and BBS) are supposed to bring out some backstory for KH3 which is the real game we should be waiting for.

      Gameplay is the Wii better than the PS3? If the Wiimote isn't used for what its supposed to be used for(swinging it around XD)...then the Wii is just a slightly better Gamecube. PS3=graphics+power and it has a bit of motion sensitivity(which I'll admit is probably not as fun as the Wii's).

      The only real thing that can come from putting KH3(or any other) on the Wii is money. Square didn't put FFXIII on the Wii(so far...<<) so they aren't that concerned with which system it'll sell better on(although it's not a PS3 exclusive). 8D8
    17. Rho
      Final Fantasy is not geared towards the kids/family gaming audience.
      Graphics do not make a game good, and overly-good graphics in KH is major "DO NOT WANT".. Donald creeped me out in the KH2 ending.

      And yes, exactly, one of the biggest reasons to have it on the Wii one way or another is that it'll make them more money, expanding their budget for future projects and such.

      Also, this is probably a little irrelevant, But the Feb. 2010 Nintendo Power preview said it'd have "surprises".. Considering this interview would be happening shortly, they might know Nomura's plans by now... meh, probably just wishful thinking.

      It might not even be KH3. He could just announce something else.