Birth by Sleep Nomura: Kingdom Hearts 3 is NOT The Next KH to be Out

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Desmonic, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    So from what you are saying it could not even be about any characters we have met yet, he could throw in yet another person to mix into the whole plot line, I mean, there are some things in the series we still don't get yet. Even though birth by sleep did fill in a lot of holes we didn't get from before.

    Hey another Character, girl or boy, might get more people interested, Kind of like Xion in 358/2 days..

    She really didn't have a big impact, all we know is that she slowed down Namine's progress of waking up Sora along with Roxas.
  2. erkansilk King's Apprentice

    Dec 9, 2007
    Halloween Town
    Well.....i personally think the next Kingdom Hearts Game is about Master Xehanorts youth (and eraqus)
    And i think young MX is that mysteruisos guy at destiny island (that one that looked like Terra with white hairs...)
  3. DemyxPlaysMySitar Twilight Town Denizen

    Aug 18, 2009
    A Cabin in the middle of the Mountains
    Nomura wants a game out roughly every year? Sure, it's good for the fans, but I would rather wait and have a really good quality game that takes a few years than one that's skipping out loads of details and comes out annually.
    On a random note, I really want Naminé to have her own game. Although, I've been wondering what the heck would she do - hit people over the head with her sketchpad? Nevertheless, it would be interesting to see what Nomura could do with her.
    Another random note: Anyone else seen Naminé in the latest Dead Fantasy coming out soon? She has two keyblades, and damn - she looks amazing ;c;
  4. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007

    Who says that you can't put out a good quality game out every year? Sure it's hard if you're winging it but it's not like Nomura doesn't have an outline of things that are going to happen in the story. So putting out a game once a year wouldn't be that big of a problem.
  5. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    I think that in the next games to feature Sora, we will see him grow and turn into a better, more realistic and dimensional character. A lot of people have been wanting that, and that would be a really good idea.
  6. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007
    I remember reading something that Nomura said, that he wanted to give Sora and his friends a break for a while.
    So I doubt that the next game will be about Sora.
    Unless it's a numbered version, we won't see Sora.
  7. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    If he isn't going to have Sora be the main character of the next game then who is the next game going to focus on? Xehanort?
  8. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    I think Sora has been given enough of a break. Two games have come out that he wasn't in. I want to know more about what happens to SORA, not anyone else.

    Though a game on MX/Xehanort/Aqua/Riku sounds good.
  9. Rho Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 28, 2009
    ^It's confirmed that was a young MX.

    As for the Keyblade Wars, I think it should be a movie instead.

    I say a game about Riku's story would be a good idea.
  10. Akua WaterDragonKing Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 30, 2007
    By the Ocean
    Movie no, Riku's Story yes.

    Come on, how can you fit proabably 50 hour game into a 3 hour movie?
    The details and key things they would leave out would be all over the place.
    As for Riku, I would really like to see his whole side of the story Starting from the end of COM to now.....More maybe a little more if they let us.....
  11. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    A game every year I like the sound of, but I have the fear the quality will be shocking. 358/2 days showed me that Square can create average gameplay.

    Well, they've been able to experiment on all handheld consoles now, so most likely the next game will be on one of these consoles.
    Though if the KH team is expanded and drafted in from other departments, any console could be possible.
  12. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I'm actually really ticked about this.

    He says he wants to release a title every year to "keep the fans pleased," but the only thing I really would like is for an actual KH3 to finally come out. It's been four years since KH2! In fact, in just four days it will have been exactly four years since the NA release date. The gap between KH1/2 was even shorter I believe, so what's going on?
    I don't really care about spinoffs, and I don't want to spend a bunch of money on games that have little to do with the main storyline. I didn't buy Days, and I may or may not buy BBS. I just want the next game in the series proper.
  13. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    I would like to see a new title out every year but the story may be too last mimute for that, I think anyway...
  14. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Why do people think that the story will be ruined if we have one game out per year? Unless Nomura is winging the whole thing then I don't think we have to worry. Also like Keyblade Spirit said, a Final Mix game counts as a game so we might get a Birth by Sleep Final Mix or something.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    Kind of wish they would work on a KH III. The in between games are alright but 358/2 Days was rather disappointing to me. It was so repetitive and I was impressed with the graphics on the DS but really that was about it. I found it to be rather boring. BBS seems to actually have more to it so maybe it'll be better. Critics already seem to think so, if I care to go off what critics say.

    It does seem lately Square has this mind to run things into the ground with toss out games to keep the franchise known, but it just doesn't have the same feel to it to get a game per year that is rather flimsy, rather than having a good solid game every 2 to 3 years on a regular console instead of a hand-held.

    Can it ruin the KH franchise? I think it can if we become bored with it because everyone knows they are just in a sense 'filler games' to tide us over. I've dropped some animes I was watching because of immense fillers. If that time between the main console games stretches out, fillers aren't going to be so great to people. I would love to see another game with Riku and King Mickey that shows their side of what happened to them, but to think that a KH 3 won't be going to market till after 2011 etc, is kind of annoying. I had hoped after the FF XIII work, that team was going back to KH. Maybe they are spreading themselves too thin. Who knows.
  16. Desmonic Kingdom Keeper

    Well, according to some recent news ( on my other recently posted thread) KH 3 is already in the works, but 2 other KH projects are also on the board.

    And it's very likely that we won't get KH 3 until FF XIII Versus is finished and released.

    And yes, I agree that too many KH titles ( one per year) would most definitely hurt the franchise.
  17. GameFreak12389 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 1, 2006
    New Jersey
    Guys, the reason that they aren't working on KH3 is because the main KH team is working on FFVersusXIII. They will let other developers handle the other side projects, but the main games will be the real KH team. Now Nomura did say that the initial developmet for KH3 hsa begun, but that doesn'tmean anything big. It could just be character designs and stuff like that. But atleast he is taking a step forward ith KH3. Once Versus is done development, we will definitely see some KH3. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a release date for Versus at this years E3.
  18. Lord Muffin Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 16, 2010
    If it's character designs, I hope Nomura doesn't do anything drastic. After all, we've already had one outfit change, and it only appeared truly in one game (the opening in days, the secret ending in BBS, and Final Mix don't count) and I already got used to it. Character designs hopefully won't take up too much time.