Nomura interviewed by Dengeki and IGN on Kingdom Hearts 3

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Nomura has been a busy guy this past week, with E3 announcements and interviews nearly everyday afterwards! We've got another interview with Dengeki PlayStation. Nothing too groundbreaking, but some nice information at any rate. Translations are courtesy of the hard-working goldpanner.

    EDIT: IGN also got an opportunity to catch up with Nomura on possible franchises Disney's acquired and the possibility of including them in future games.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Jun 14, 2013.

    1. Shift
      As I hoped.
      Can't wait to see how it turns out.
    2. Iskandar
      Well, it's not too much, but at least we found out Sora is using a different outfit, although from the sound of it it could very well just be a modified form of his right now. I actually like his KHII outfit though, so I kinda wish they don't change it.

      And I do admit, the look of the game will be that much nicer with that Kingdom Shader.
    3. Krowley
      Edited the first post with IGN's interview as well since it was relatively small.
    4. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Glad to see Nomura is at least considering adding some of the properties Disney purchased.

      Pixar and Marvel please Nomura!
    5. AzzyFox
      He's hinting that Sora will have a new outfit. Color me intrigued. >:3
    6. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee

      I agree. I'm just glad they won't be running Sora's KH2/KH3D clothes to the ground like they did Sora's KH1 clothes.
    7. Misty
      It's to the point where I get physically angry if I see that red balloon-short onesie again...

      I don't need a drastic change on his KHII outfit because it's my favorite of the bunch, but some updates would be good.
    8. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      I hope that even that sora change its outfit he doesn't lose his powers.
    9. Crypt
      If they recycle the two Utada Hikaru songs again, I will lose it.
    10. CloudStrife2k9
      Oh man, I really hope they don't do Marvel. Seeing Sora with the Avengers, would just be WAY too awkward. I'm okay with Pixar and Star Wars though.

      I fantasize about Sora and Buzz Lightyear just kicking Zurg's ass. Would be great. Who knows, maybe they plan on doing a Toy Story world, and that's why in BBS, in Ventus' story, we were so small. Maybe they were testing how to do a world when you're THAT small.

      I'm intrigued.

      Not to mention the yellow shoes. The red onesie with the giant yellow shoes was just.. ugh..

      Anyways, I hope the new outfit resembles something more of his KH2 outfit rather than KH1. Dear god, I can't go another game with that.. it's just.. stahp Square, stahp.
    11. ~Clave Ensis~
      ~Clave Ensis~
      It's good to hear that Nomura is contacting Disney about their new purchases. I so hope they put Star Wars into KH3! That would be EPIC! Imagine: you could get some kind of lightsaber keyblade.
    12. Misty
      They actually tried adding something to do with Toy Story into Kingdom Hearts II, so I think if we get anything Pixar, Toy Story is very high on the list.
    13. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      No. I want Sora to fight alongside Iron Man and Thor dammit!
    14. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Well Phineas and Ferb are doing it this summer, so I honestly think Sora's a viable option.
    15. AppleTStudios
      Well, this should definitely be interesting! I can't wait to see what kind of new outfit Sora receives for Kingdom Hearts III!

      I wonder if they'll be doing something along the lines of Drive Forms in this game, or just get rid of them altogether.
    16. Iskandar
      Can't we get the Buzz Lightyear cartoon instead of Toy Story? I watched it when I was younger, and it would make a lot more sense fighting Zurg when he's using real technology instead of a stupid ball coming out of his toy gun, which might bruise someone than anything.
    17. Airi Ban
      Airi Ban
      Well eve he's changing the outfit even slightly then that's a plus for me. I know a lot of people dislike the KH1 outfit being in a good number of the games.
      I'm also very interested in seeing more the KH shader. Especially for the Disney worlds and cutscenes. I also wonder if he's going to do something similar to DDD to catch new comers up by giving a lot reports and a few flashbacks.
    18. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      It can still hurt if it's that fast and you're that small.
    19. Iskandar
      "That fast"? I know you saw the second movie, I don't believe you said that.

      And I'm still sticking by my cartoon instead of the movie