Nomura Interview in New Dengeki Magazine; Reveals TGS Plans

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Ty Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 30, 2010
    Hey, guys.

    Sorry I haven't been on the update tip in a few days, but I have some pretty awesome news here for you all, given to me by sectional moderator Sabby. In the upcoming issue of Dengeki PlayStation, which will be its 500th magazine, we will be given an interview Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura, as reported by Andriasang. Nomura will discuss Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, the latest with the Final Fantasy series, what we should expect from Tokyo Game Show 2011, and HD remakes of previous titles for KH's 10-year anniversary. You can read the full Andriasang below:

    Adding to this, duckroll from NeoGAF is reporting that Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show floor. You can read his full article here:

    That's it for now, folks! Pretty exciting, huh? We'll be sure to keep an eye out for more information on all of this as it appears.

    Sources: Sabby, Andriasang, and NeoGAF
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Ty, Aug 9, 2011.

    1. Chevalier
      Finally seeing the light from Square's development tunnel. I'm seriously hoping that they consider doing some collection thing for the tenth year anniversary of Kingdom Hearts. In fact, I'm sure that a collection with the main storyline games (BBS, KH1, CoM, KH2, any other main story game) has definitely crossed his mind; considering he talks about HD stuff.

      I mean, it's really the first thing that comes to mind. I'm still a bit bothered that there's no news on versus, though.
    2. 61
      The "HD technical test" intrigues me. I'm very curious about what it could be or what it even means. I'm hoping its another special edition of Kingdom Hearts, like a final mix 2 or something.
    3. Misty
      That's what my bet is on too--bring people in by going back to where it all began. =] I'd honestly love to see it... can't believe it's been so long since KH1 came out. /nostalgia c;

      I'm really excited to see how Dream Drop Distance's battle system has evolved, I loved the small glimpses we caught in previous trailers.
    4. libregkd
    5. EvilMan_89
      the HD collection for the previous PS2 games is a good idea. i guess Nomura is right that it is hard for newcomers to follow since the previous games came out so long ago and on PS2 which isn't really mainstream anymore.

      it's nice that we may finally get some new information about Dream Drop Distance. there wasn't much information about this game since it's announcement trailer.
    6. Xamad
      I'd personally like to see him do the same thing the guys who made God of War did: Bring both of the first two games to the PS3 with HD gameplay. I mean I'm pretty sure that's what he should do and I'd like to see him do it...don't get me wrong, I love the PS2 versions, but I'd to be able to play them both on the PS3 in mix would be nice, but it doesn't matter to me. I'd really rather him not bring ALL the games to the PS3 though...I like BBS on the PSP personally and after I tried play RE: CoM, I'm a little hesitant to buy any game like it again. As long as he does something with KH and KH2, then I'll be happy :)
    7. Day~Dream
      If there's a chance of finally bringing the final mix's to the U.S. I would be one happy girl. I'm so glad there's more kh news. Seems like recently it's all been mostly about FF. >>
    8. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      As much as I really want a HD collection of KH/KH2/KHBBS, I feel that it may have difficulty being released in Europe, seeing as we have only ever been given the standard editions of the games, I don't know if the anniversary edition would be distributed. I feel Square would but I do still hold some reserve on the topic.

      I just want Nomura to be plain and simple for once, saying: 'Yes, there will be a HD Kingdom Hearts collection of games.'
      But no, mysterious as always.
    9. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      Well it's the best chance we have of the Final Mixes being released. I'm sure they could just add voices from Re:Chain of Memories. Also Re:COM never even came out in Europe so that's even better if he decides to do a HD collection. The HD test might also be something related to BBSv2 or even testing to see how the engine may work for HD Kingdom Hearts titles.
    10. Tienewman
      HD versions would be sweet for sure. I wonder what sort of time frame to expect for something like that
    11. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥

      Maleficent + Marluxia in HD = WIN!

      I am still in doubts though concerning the progress in the KH graphic engine. Humans + animals means a lot of trouble
    12. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      this HD thing is probably gonna be awesome like a "special edition"
    13. Shikou
      What I would like is a KH Collection with KH1, CoM (PS2 remake), and KH2 (with the extra content from the Final Mix games of course). :)
      As for KH3D I would play it with 3D off. I dont want to be blind if its flashy but use it once in a while.
      (the 3DS takes me a minute to get use too)
    14. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      If there is an HD collection released, I would have no choice but to follow involuntary impulse and snatch it up. Great to hear DDD is moving along so rapidly, though. I can't wait. I feel similar excitement towards this game as I did in the two years I waited for BBS(maybe more). Thanks Ty. ​