Ok I just watch and finished the anime Noein....and I thought that it was amazing.....I'm not going to spoil it but I thought the last five or so episodes were amazing......and Shangri-La was really beautiful... Synapsis: In the near future, a violent battle takes place between the dimension La'cryma, protector of humanity, and the dimension Shangri-La, bent on the annihilation of all space-time. A group known as the Dragon Calvary is dispatched through space and time, searching for the only thing that can stop the invasion: the Dragon's Torque. In the present, twelve-year old Haruka and her friend Yuu are contemplating running away from home when they meet a member of the Dragon Calvary named Karasu (Crow). He believes that Haruka possesses the Dragon's Torque - and claims to be Yuu from fifteen years in the future. I want to know what to thought of the awsome thriller.....
I only saw afew episodes of it in the Sci-fi channel when they were showing it for "Ani-Monday". It was very intersting and very funny.
I recorded all of the episodes on my direct tv and watched every episode and I thought that It was a really advanced show if you picked it up in the middle of the show, because it got really confusing after I think it was the 4th or 5th episode but it got a lot better....
Yeah, i watched it somewhere near the begining and recorded the episodes too. But then we moved and we didn't have cable for awhile and also forgot about the series for awhile too. So when i finally saw it i was like, "WTF's going on here???"
Ya I know I missed one of the episodes in the middle and I was so lost...so who is you fave character?
Urrg.... It's been so long since i saw the anime i forgot. The main girl, the Dragon Troch. What was her name again?
Her name was Haruka and the Boy was Yu....My favorite characters were Tboi, Noein, and Karasu......And the giant face things that came from Shangri-La to attack La'Cryma....