Nobody contest!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Trace000222, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. Trace000222 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 11, 2007
    This is like Xaale's heartless contest but with nobodies

    Nobodies name:
    Special abilitys:
    Battle style:

    2:the darkness grows within

    Contest ends 1/15/08
    you may have up to 4 entries
  2. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Nobodies name: Whisp

    Description: A cloud of spiralling smoke which is immune to physical attacks and magic. Can only Be killed with reaction Commands.

    Special abilitys: Can asorb magic and throw it back at you, amplified by 5. No attacks of its own but if you come into contact with it, it will sap your health.

    Battle style: Fast and unpredictable, follows you.

    Attacks: Magic Redux and Heart Sapper.

    Reaction Commands: Explode, Implode and Whirlpool.

    Explode: Sora shoots a beam of light into the middle of the Whisp's Symbol (see picture) Causing it to explode.

    Implode: Creates a cage of light around the Whisp (Like Shell in FFX) Whe whist folds in on itself and dissappears.

    Whirlpool: Sora throws his keyblade into the whisp making it spin around like a tornado and then it drains away like water out of a plug-hole.

    Items Dropped: Depends on reaction command used.

    Explode Drops items like Elixer, Potion, Tent, Mega-Ether etc.

    Implode Drops Dense and Twilight Synthasis Materials, rank depends on number of Lucky Lucky Equipped.

    Whirlpool Random Common Accessories like Bandana, 1% chance of dropping Smoke Rod for Donald.

  3. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    I'll be a judge
  4. Trace000222 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 11, 2007
    ok,your a judge and so far we've got only one entrance
  5. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    Can I be a judge? plzthnx
  6. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Nobodies Name: Elementalist

    Description: Looks almost like a bat. Weak physical defense but hard to catch; decent magical defense.

    Special Abilities: It flies and has attacks corresponding to each attack of Sora’s. It will also get stronger if hit with the element it is currently using. The stronger you make it, the more drops are possible.

    Battle Style: Likes to keep its distance (mid range), and will rarely approach you. If hit it will temporarily fly out to long range.

    Attacks: The Elementalist will change colors based on what attack it is using and has upgraded attacks once you match that element.
    Fire (Red)-Flames surround you in a ring and launch in at you | creating a pillar of fire upon collision.
    Blizzard (Blue)-An ice sphere drops over you | and creates a shower of icicles when it shatters
    Thunder (Yellow)-An electric orb is launched | creating a shockwave on impact
    Cure (Green)-Heals enemies | and drains party HP
    Magnet (Black)-Makes Sora the only available target for anyone else | including allies.
    Reflect (Purple)-A reflect-orb will appear around you and if you strike it, it will implode | enemy attacks are not negated.
    Melee (Gray)-Elementalist will swoop in and try to hit you with its wing | for a rapid combo.

    Reaction Command: Tempest- When the Elementalist reaches its strongest form you can activate this. Sora hits the Elemetalist with a beam from his keyblade and draws it in. The Elementalist then dissolves and Sora is surrounded by a magnet inside of a reflect orb. Sora drains health from each enemy that collides with it and then it explodes and all enemies are bombarded with the elements for massive damage and knocking out any survivors. However, item drops become more rare from tempest and the Elementalist drops nothing.
  7. Trace000222 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 11, 2007
    yes you may
    nice job!so far yours seems best to me!but we'll see.
  8. Sodafan89 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 22, 2007
    On Foundry
    Nobodies name:nobbish
    Description:always use his hand and butt
    Special abilitys: fall on the groung and cry
    Battle style: hmm whatt
  9. Trace000222 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 11, 2007
    okay.......ive seen better
  10. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Name: Kexlaybed
    Description: A mad scientist who tried to make his own Keyblades, he succeeded, but in the process had his heart trapped within those Keyblades. He now searches for a way to get his heart back, so that he can fix his mistake of creating the Keyblades by destroying the universe so it will begin anew, without him, without the Keyblades, and without Heartless, Nobodies, or any other evil force.
    Special Abilities: Can control his keyblades remotely, because his heart is inside of them. Can control light. He controls the Locker Nobodies. He can also ressurect Nobodies that have dissappeared and control them, if he wishes. EG: He can summon Axel, and either control him, or let him fight for himself.
    Battle Style: Summons a Locker Nobody, and uses it to create a cage around his enemies. Then he uses his Keyblades to unlock the cage, but at a price. When the cage is unlocked, the enemy must dodge several laser attacks. He then uses his two Keyblades to deal great damage to his enemy(ies).
    Attacks: See Battle Style and Special Abilities. They don't have names.
    Reaction Commands
    My Shadow: Allows Sora to turn the Keyblade into a shadow and use it like a whip.
    Telaporting Light: Sora blasts light at a Locker Nobody and is transported to another room in the world that he is in.
  11. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    I don't mind that you are doing a contest based on mine! I'm happy to see you gave me credit, too. I really want to give an entry...can we have more then one? And just in time! It ends today!

    Description: A slim but massive dragon-like nobody with sweeping wings that stretch for six feet. With violently glowing violet eyes this nobody can stun it's foe, this nobody is a clever fight. It has menacing claws as white as freshly fallen snow that can tear through the toughest steel. It can also spout purple fire from it's massive jaws that are lines with deadly teeth that sparkle in the light. They can also turn into an animal that matches their current environment. They basically look like a white Wyvern Heartless. They are under the command of Xaale, who's element is nature.

    Special Abilities: Flight, Fire Magic

    Battle Style: Soars above the quarry's reach, diving in exquisite manners to strike with lashing claws or clamp with it's large teeth. It can transfix it's foe to the spot with it's glowing eyes and unmercifully breaths purple flames until the target regains balance again. Then it restarts it's swooping and stealthfull actions.

    Attacks: Tearing Claw, Fury Claw, Wing Strike, Wing thrash, Fire, Fira, Firaga, Shadow Flames, Scorching Eruption, Clamp, Steel Teeth, Ember Bite, Phire Stare.

    Reaction Commands:
    Angel's Wing- Xaale will spread her arms wide and a Wyvern Nobody will swoop to position itself with it's spiked back to Xaale's. Clapsing her hands together, a bonding flames shoots out and the two are combined so Xaale has the ability of flight in her human form.
    Spirit of the Eagle-The Wyvern Nobody will turn into a completely white Bald Eagle with the Organization XIII symbol on it's wings.
    Maw of he bear-Turns into a completely white grizzly bear with the Organization XIII's symbol on the flat of it's head.
    Howl of the WolfTurns into a completely white wolf with the Organization XIII symbol on the flat of it's head.
    Strike of the tigerTurns into a completely white, striped tiger that has the Organiation XIII symbol on it's forehead.
    Rip of the Orca-Turns into a completely white Orca Whale with the Organization symbol between it's eyes.
    These are only a few of it's forms, seeing that the Wyvern can turn into any animal.
  12. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    No.7,Sec16, Ampex

    Description: a young nobody. His heart was stolen by Yellow Opera's, making him a thunder elemental. He seeks his heart, and is #7 of the new Organization of nobodies. His weapons are two keyblades, both are Spellbinders. They deal Lightning damage like the heartless that defeated him.
    Special Abiities: warps and leaps around the arena, and can call his storm nobodies to aid him in battle or cover his escape
    Battle Style: mobile, uses warping, leaping and dashing to stun oponenets. When cornered, however, He alters his style to an ofensive swirl of his keyblades to create an electric tornado.
    Attacks:Thunder raid: Throws one spellbinder to attack foes in a curving arc.
    thundaga: supreme thunder magic
    Tornado of Lightning: creates an electrical tornado.
    Storm Summon: summons lesser storm nobodies to aid Ampex
    Thunder Heal: Ampex fires Thunder spells on himself to heal.
    Thunder Bomb: A corkskrew drive from a leap,
    Keyblade vortex: spins the keyblades around Ampex to block attacks and can be used as an offensive charge attack.
    Warp Break: Ampex warps, then hits foe with a combo from behind.
    Finishing spark: Both Spellbinders are hurled at the foe for a finishing move.
    Special info: Ampex can transform his Spellbinders to Kingdom Keys, but he loses all his thunder abilities.
  13. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Wow, that was interesting...
  14. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Nobodies name:Rixku o_O (Riku...)
    Description:Has long purple hair, and is taller then Sora, and pwns all other nobdies.
    Special abilitys:Light Arua, Light sheild, and potion o_O off brand
    Battle style:Like Riku's
    Attacks:Non-stop combo in the air (you would understand if you've played as Riku with cheats)
    Picture:[​IMG] The boy on the left.
  15. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Nobodies name: Tynoxahn (Tie-Nox-'n)

    Description: A person killed in a battle. He is the lightning type, and likes fighting, flirts with almost any girl, and never gives up. He died with friends, and the three became nobodies. Tynoxahn, Xornadj, and Myrejex. The 3 once went the Organization, but then quit, and now is still finding the past of one town on adventure.

    Special abilitys: He was a very high and fast jumping ability, he shoot lightnign shock balls out of his hands, and gets boost of jumping while shocking sparks in the air. Is he very fast.

    Battle style: Has, a katana and another sword. And uses them both most of the time, as said before he is very fast and shoot lightning alot.

    Attacks: Bolt, Hyper Jump, Shock, Duel Attack

    Picture(optional): Tynoxahn
  16. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    When is this going to be judged?