Nobodies Return (#2! RETRY)

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by rikurep, May 12, 2007.

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  1. Emo Pengwin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 5, 2007
    In your underwear
    ((Oh noes...=O))

    Lexaire just sat on the floor. The headache was gone...for now.
    "I-I think I'm just hallucinating..." she thought aloud.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    She looked up from the floor as the figure approached, "our time for battle is drawing near my lady, consider this a fore warning" Sarxalis felt comforting hands on her shoulders and the figure melted away.

    She awoke to see the medical room in its usual condition "a dream...?" she asked herself until out of the corner of her eye she noted a small fragment of ice melting by her bed. She sat up trying to work out what had just happened when she began to hear music playing, she looked around wildly

    OOC: Yes Reap its Vexen he sent a message through the dreaming,
  3. Emo Pengwin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 5, 2007
    In your underwear
    "Y-yeah...Just a hallucination..." she got up, and leaned against the wall.
  4. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Relix was cold, frozen cold, he couldn't do anything, it was taking over. Relix opened his eyes and closed them again when he saw his eyes were yellow with Darkness. He stood up and staggered, he then reached out for a blindfold and covered his eyes. He couldn't let anyone see his eyes, full of Darkness, sadness and pain. He walked out, he had to train to use his sense and not his eyes.
  5. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    rexejon was going to bed and going to sleep.


    ''héhé you really gonna die this time rexejon'' said a voice

    ''what... who... are you'' said rexejon

    ''i'm your biggest nightmare i'll destroy you everywhere'' said the voice

    rexejon did his eyes open and was in a field a field full darkness and rexejon saw a man

    ''i'll ask you one more time who are you'' said rexejon

    ''you know me but you gonna die now, PREDATOR SLASH'' said the voice and attacked rexejon

    ((end dream))

  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    OOC: Sarxalis is going solo storyline for a while, please don't put your characters in with her it would confuse things. As far as everyone else is awars she is in the medical bay in a deep sleep which no-one can wake her from! Lol you can make reference to that though if youwant, just be aware she isn't "active" as such. Sorry to be all bossy guys *hugs* you know I love all the characters! :D

    BIC: The music filtered in to the room growing louder with each note, Sarxalis continued looking around trying to determine the source, she stepped down from the bed and as her feet touched the floor she was surrounded by glowing lights. The tiny light whizzed around at an electric rate and the hum of magic sounded beneath the haunting melody she had first heard. As the lights faded away Sarxalis looked around, she couldn't see anything was different but she felt it, she looked down "WHAT THE......?" She spoke aloud
  7. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC: I understand.

    Relix put another Blindfold on so he could not see. His eyes were covered in Darkness and he didn't want anyone to know although he knew they were going to be suspicious of him wearing Emo cloths and a Blindfold. He went out of his room, he just had to sense wear he was going, Riku could do it, so could he. He continued downstairs and stared into the Horizon.
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    OOC: Thank you! :)

    BIC: Sarxalis couldn't believe her eyes, the clothes she had put on to go to sleep in were gone...instead in their place was a long black ball gown, reaching to the floor and strapless it reflected the little light in the room causing it to shimmer, her pale arms were encased in long black gloves. She put a hand to her throat and felt the choker which now embraced it. The music continued and as Sarxalis watched, the medical room melted away before her eyes
  9. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Relix walked out of Castle Oblivon. "Xehanort, I know your out their." He walked and went into a Gummi Ship, he had to find Sora. He took off and went where it told him to go, Twilight Town.
  10. Lord Knight Xiron Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 12, 2007
    Monestary of the Endless Stair, Labyrinth
    ooc: Don't even think about trying to find Xiron. You shall die if you try. And if you do search, don't go "Oh! My character found him on such and such world doing such and such." Only Sarx knows where Xiron is.

    bic: It was quite early morning in the world of Oblivion. Xiron wandered the halls, making a faint clicking noise. This was not strange, for Xiron was often the first one awake in the castle, if he slept at all. He wandered his way down to the thirteenth basement, and seemed to be aimlessly wandering in circles. He quietly returned to his room and packed a small leather bag with important items. He removed a scroll of parchment and an inkwell pen from the desk in the corner of his room, and wrote a short note. Signing it, and stamping a wax seal, he folded it and placed Sarxalis' hair clip on the fold to keep it shut. She had left it in the cellar when it had fallen out of her hair.

    He then took up the satchel from the bed and exited the room again. Sarxalis was still unconscious on the bed in the medical bay. He removed some loose hair from her face and left the note by her bedside. Leaving the door unlocked, he returned downstairs.

    He entered the twelfth basement garage, where the Gummi ships were kept. Climbing into a small green and white one, he entered some coordinates and took off. He never saw the figure of Relix outside the castle, looking to the horizon. His face was stern as he entered warp drive...

    ooc: Sarxalis' note will be PMed to CtR, because Sarxalis is the only one meant to read it. Don't try messing around with that either. You don't know how Xiron is thinking or where he is going or how he writes (which is much better than most of you, no offense). Xiron will be gone for a couple days whilst I finish off my reports. I will still be on the Random Family and reading up what you guys are doing here. But for now, say farewell to the Silent Smith.
  11. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC: Bye Xiron, and don't go looking for Relix either, none of you, I ain't going to reveal where he's going.

    Relix walked into Twilight Town. He saw Sora. "Sora, the Keyblade Master." Relix threw a package at Sora's feet and went back to his Ship, he was not returning to Castle Oblivion for a long time.
    "Wait, wh-"
    "Just look inside." He went back into his Gummi Ship and flew his Gummi. Relix wasn't smiling, he just continued. He destroyed several Heartless and Nobody ships along the way.
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    OOC: So basically Sarx, Relix and Xiron are all out of action as far as other characters go!

    BIC: The walls gave way to tall french windows and the medical apparatus vanished away as the floor stretched and melted away. The medical bay transformed into a tall gothic ball room, through the windows Sarxalis could see that it was snowing, the snowflakes standing out against the deep blue night sky, long silver mirrors hung on the walls reflecting a thousand of her back
  13. Emo Pengwin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 5, 2007
    In your underwear
  14. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC: Well, he's training and going on missions so, he's kind off split up from the group for the moment.

    Relix ship landed and he went out, it was raining and lots of people were trying to get where they wanted to go. Relix went down a long road until he came to a Jungle, he wondered through it, till he found a temple. He went in and opened the door, he closed it and rubbed his hands together.
    "Welcome." A chineese man said, he had a long beard.
    Relix bowed. "I have come to be stronger and to learn the ways of the Light side and the Dark side Master." Relix got out of the bowing position.
    "Hmmh, if you wish to become truly powerful you must see that everything is equal, pretend there's a third of pie, the left side would be the Light, the right side would be the darkness and the middle is twilight. Who are you?" The man asked.
    "I'm Leir Master, I'm a Nobody. But I don't feel like being one, I don't want to be a Nobody."
    "So you wish to be whole and strong? I can teach you both of those things, but come for now. You must warm up." Relix followed the man into the Living room.
  15. Lord Knight Xiron Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 12, 2007
    Monestary of the Endless Stair, Labyrinth
    ooc: Okay, sum up for EP. Xiron left Castle Oblivion, and only Sarx knows where he's gone, or will when she wakes up. Sarx is in a dream world, but is actually lying unconscious in a bed in the medical bay. Relix left the world and is doing whatever it is that Relix does.
  16. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC: That's pretty much it and Relix isn't coming back until June 10th.

    Relix drank his tea down.
    "UH! This is disgusting, wait did you poison it?" Relix asked.
    "It will give you a sharp mind. You must be weary of your sorroundings Leir or it will destroy you and mind telling me why your wearing a blindfold?" Sensai asked.
    "Xehanort! He's inside of me trying to kill me, in the Night I keep on having these dreams about people blaming me about the destruction of my homeworld Spira." Relix said and took a sip of his tea.
    "I must also teach you how to block your mind from other people, including dreams," Relix looked up, he could block people from entering his mind, that would mean Sarxalis wouldn't be able to feel what he was feeling and that stupid guy would know what he was thinking of. "i can also teach you how to read peoples minds."
  17. Emo Pengwin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 5, 2007
    In your underwear
    ((-scratches her head- LOL, I was never in any plot anyway...I'll just get Lex to go to Riaele's world...*her somebody*))
  18. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    rexejon saw relix and the others who where with him ''hey relix how is it going now héhé'' said rexejon
  19. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    OOC:You can't find me, I've gone of somewhere and I'm not revealing where I am, I'm not in Castle Oblivion, Xiron has gone somewhere, Relix has gone somewhere though not with Xiron and Sarxalis is sleeping but you can't wake her up, and Lex has gone to see her somebody.
  20. rikurep Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 21, 2007
    Aurora, CO
    ooc:guys tomorrow i'm goin to new york 4 two weeks
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