Nobodie High School

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by guardian_of_ light, Mar 30, 2009.

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  1. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: why of course whos ur charter

    BIC:since he didnt answer she put her hood up and went to put on her bahing suit it was a 2 peacice that was black but had neon blue on the edges and she wore a black hat to cover her face and went to join the others "coach, so if you were sick you wouldnt swim?" she asked
  2. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx rose an eyebrow. "No no no," he shook his head. "What I was talking about were nobodies' bodies and the contamination that could be on their skin. You can't help it if you get sick," he made his point more clear. "Also hopefully you guys are all smart enough not to use my pool as a toilet because if I find out that the individual did it on purpose and he or she was to lazy to use the restroom, well other then flunking the class, I will deal with that jokester personally," he narrowed his eyes his entire demeanor changing to serious and ominous. "Let's just say you don't want to piss me off or you'll regret the day you did it. I have no problem smudging out any one whom I see as a threat," he pointed at his class, his azure orbs slanted dangerously as if he had a murderous gaze. Blinking again, that other entity of himself was hidden once more as his funloving side returned and he placed his hand down at his side."Okay now any more questions?" he placed his hand on his hip.
  3. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    OOC- Character Name: Zack
    Gender: Male
    Clothes: Gray shorts with an Orange stripe on the side, black nike shoes, and a Oregon State Beavers shirt with the number 19 on it.
    Powers: strength and the ablility to control time
    Weapon: A massive two handed sword and a smaller mini sword hidden from sight.
    Age: 16
    Played by Apoligetix
  4. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    xathabat yawned "i dont think so" she sighed wishing she wasnt the one talking and xeol was there.cause he usually was entertaining to watch.

    OOC: join anytime u want to and thanks for joining ^^
  5. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    OOC- I have no idea where to start, so if someone wants to help me out and drag my character into the story it would help
  6. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Okay you'll be in Demyx's swimming class which is where everyone else is right now.)

    Demyx knew he had startled the class by revealing his other side, the other hidden part of his personaility that he revealed when he was serious or ready to battle. Chuckling to himself he waved his hand at them. "Good cause frankly to many rules are over rated, but due to school policy I have to go over them," he picked up a water bottle out of his bag and drank it all in one gulp. "Now I think there was something else, but what could that be? Oh yeah... How many of you know how to swim, tread water and float?" he wiped his mouth with his arm.
  7. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: were in gym the gym teacher is axel and he gave the kids to demyex who is the lifegaurd.and i will be happy to pull u in ^^

    BIC: xathabat looked around and ran to the back and pulled Zack to the front with her " i can swim" she said she looked at zack " im sure you can too right"
  8. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack looked at Xathabat, "well, I can knida swim, im not very good though" he said moderatly embarressed.

    OOC- thanks :D
  9. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    "Well that's good. It seems I have a new student," he eyed Zack. "Xathabat since you volunteered so eagerly you can recite my rules to him," he grinned. "This way I'll know if you were paying attention or not."
  10. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: no problem

    BIC: "uhhh no running close to the pool, no useing the restroom in the pool, and you need to take a shower before entering the pool" she looked more down to hid her red face she hates being pointed out
  11. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    "Excellent but you forgot my rule that anyone in my class has to wear sunscreen," he patted her on the back. Walking back over to the rest of the class, he had some more items to point out. "The diving board is not to be used unless those know how to dive, no eating or drinking in the pool, no fighting or rough play and everyone must respect one of another. Also what I say goes and is is final so no talking back to me or I will deal with you, and of course the number one rule is to have fun."
  12. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack listened to the rules, which is suprising considering he usually doesnt, he looked back at Xathabat who was hiding her face, "you ok?" he asked.
  13. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    xathabat got mad at him for patting her on the back 'who dose this guy think he is' she thought to herself she turned back to zack and her face went back to normal and she was still hidden in the shade of the hat " so who do u have next i have socail studies."she smiled " and im fine, hes just so weird"
  14. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    "I have social studies also" he said

    OOC- Ignore my last post

    OOC2- I gtg, be on tomorrow
  15. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: ok bye ttfn ^^

    BIC: xathabat smiled and turned back to the coach and listened " shesh this class is long. when do we get to swim and how many more rules to go" she moned and sighed she hung her head.
  16. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx overheard the conversation and he rolled his eyes at her comment. He didn't think he was weird in fact he thought of himself as laid back and carefree with lots energy, but he would not tolerate disrespect. Smirking he kneeled down to her short level and looked her in the eyes. "Xathabat did you say something you want to share with the whole class or shall I?"
  17. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: shes not short u know shes tall...

    BIC:xathabat put her hands on her hips " well thanks for esves droping....and its just my oppion sorry if i offended you its just weird that your all nice alll the time" she said cheerfully and put her hand around zack and the other student next to her
  18. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Well he's taller than her so he considers her short plus isn't she sitting down because he is standing.)

    Demyx humored her. "Oh is that it so I guess you didn't catch the part where my expression instantly changed and my eyes narrowed with everything I said?" he tapped his foot on the ground. "Because I normally don't like to show that side of me, but if you prefer it that can be arranged," he hinted with a warning.
  19. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: i thought they were standing up? but ok

    BIC:" ok sorry..." she said she pulled her hat down more
    'just stop putting me in the spotlight' she thought to herself
  20. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx knew he had gotten to her as he savored the fact of torturing those that deserved it. It would show them some manners. Ah yes he was doing something that he always wanted to do in Organization XIII and that was to boss others around since he was the one that always received that treatment, but now this was his chance to be the boss. "Since some of you don't have your swim trunks or swim suits, you'll have to go in the pool tomorrow, but today you get to have a special surprise and that is Axel's boot camp. Hey Axel come here man," he called for him, communicating with him in a telpathic manner since all organization members could do that with any nobody.
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