Nobodie High School

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by guardian_of_ light, Mar 30, 2009.

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  1. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack was bored and decided to go outside, once outside he glanced over and saw a bike, "dont steal it" he though, but it was too late, he was already on the bike, jumping around.
  2. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack was hoping around on the bike, he landed a did a stoppie, but he stopped to much and fell and cut his arm and the side of his face. "blah, thats what I get for being careless" he mumbled to himself.
  3. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    xathabat looked around and sipped her drink.she got happier knowing that the pitchure was in her pocket and wanted to talk to someone but again no one was there so she just sighed and looked around again.
  4. Johnny Bravo Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Zack rubbed the side of his face, blood was everywhere, "I just hope no-one sees me" he said.

    OOC- gtg, ttyl guys! :D
  5. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: aaawww...ok byez ^^

    BIC:xathabat sighed again sadly and finshed her drink and asked for a water bottle
  6. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx didn't get the chance to speak to her as much since the bell rang. He groaned knowing the day would soon be over and then he would have to go report to Xemnas and change back into the organization cloak once again assuming the duties of Organization XIII. Spotting Axel there still since they both were now in the teacher's lounge, Demyx ate his cinnamon roll that he conjured up, the gooey frosting sticking to his lips. "So Axel we're going to have to see the Superior or should I say on these school grounds the principal. I wonder what he's going to boss us around about this time? Probaby are you doing your job? You're not slacking off are you? Blah blah blah blah," he took another bite followed with a glass of milk.
  7. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel lowered an eyebrow questionally. He was busy munching on an hot pocket that he had briefy placed in the microwave to heat it up since he wasn't allowed to use his powers in the facilities. "Probably, who knows what Mansex might want with us. Though I feel that you still have Xathabat's weapon. I didn't see you return it to her Shouldn't you give it back to her some time? Or is it an punishment? What time is it?"
  8. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    on the entercon Xemnas repoerted " members of orginazation 13 please only report to me on fridays and act like normal teachers and whatch yourselves and NO SLACKING AXEL!!....that is all" and went back to work he had a speacial plan for the school and needed to work on it.

    xathabat missed her syth "hmpf...ill have to get it tomorrow..." she sighed..again...
  9. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx slouched in his seat becoming embarrased of the whole intercom announcement. "Did he really have to announce it over the whole intercom?" He moaned eating the rest of his cinnamon roll. "To answer your question I took it away from her because she summoned it in my prescense so she is going to have to earn it back. I put her weapon in your office and told you to keep an eye on it, but I guess the weapon is still there. Do you have any ideas of to do with her and when do we report to the boss? Maybe we should report to him now since school is almost over."
  10. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    xathabat took her drawing of george and wrote on the back it read this belongs to Xathabat if found please return and she put it back in her back pocket she grabed her water bottle and sat up but when she sat up id fell out and the breeze took it and it flew towards the school and flew past the school pool and into the school then into Xeols classroom on her desk.Xathabat hung her head and walked twards the dorms.
  11. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel sighed as he was awake for one minute, but then slouched a little in his seat as well with his feet on the table. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I heard that last part, but I don't even know what day it is. I lost track of time and the day of the week. School is very tiresome, but I can make it more interesting. I could have set the running path on flames since Xenmas probably won't let me put sharks in the tank. Why not pirantas. The basket balls could be fire balls, including the soccer ones. Nope, I haven't touched it, but I expect you are the one who should give it back to her next time," He laughed a little.
  12. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: its monday because its the first day of school

    BIC:Xemnas started plans for a mall " this will make money and i wont need to see a stupied teen again" he smiled evily and started to make a blue print
  13. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Demyx leaned on his hands, his elbows resting on the table"Oh? Well she's not getting it back until she learns her lesson. She has to suffer just like we do. It's part of being a nobody. Take our life for example. We see the boss everyday because after school you and I and the rest of the organization from their jobs of what ever the hell they do all go back to the castle in the World That Never Was and we listen to him some more. We're stuck being in this school on the weekdays until the school session is over and then we're stuck in the castle or doing missions while the students get to go home and relax after they do homework. Is that fair? No! The boss is a jerk especially how he announced your name. I wouldn't be surprised if he annonces my name next just to embarrass me."
  14. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel sighed. " Demyx, I understand your point, but an nobody needs their weapon for protection. If anything happens to any of those kids on our account we will be so dead. It is only temporarily, but he said he only wants to see us on Fridays. So I think he trusts us a little to give us some freedom. I am not going back. I rather hang out at a bar and get myself drunk or maybe go to an amusement park. Any place is better than school or the castle." He finished eating his hot pocket and drank a water bottle.
  15. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC:goooddd idea...hmmm...

    BIC: xemnes got the intercome again " repeat report to me on fridays and i forgot to mettion that you'll be staying in the same dorms as the students but dont worry you'll come back to the catles after school ends....thats all" and went back to work he wrote a note to self -watch axel make sure he dosent slack off or kill any of kids or we will get sued...and make sure demyx dosent drown a kid...

    when Xathabat got to her dorm she noticed her pitchure was gone she was terrified some one would find it and ask questions but she got over it and started to unpack and decorate her side of the room.
  16. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    The sitarist yawned trying not to fall asleep until he heard the intercom again. "Dang it stop abusing that right boss." he groaned again acting like a student himself. "No the boss only wants to see us Friday in his office at school. We see the boss everyday and we have to go back no matter what or we'll get punished. He'll think we are playing hooky. After school is over, I always go back to the castle to relax and get some well deserved sleep. Some of those students can get on my nerves especially the ones that think they are above the rules. Then I have to scare them," he chuckled in his throat. "If she gets her weapon back she should have to earn it for lessons have to be learned Axel."
  17. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    OOC: u know u dont go back to the castle u go to ur owen dorm with the student...xemnes just said that..-_-'
  18. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    (OOC: Yes I know that, but as being in character Demyx would be oblivious and to remember things he has to have them written down for him so Xemnas is probably going to have to call him in to his office and tell him in person and have it written down on a flash card for him.)

    Demyx yawned again not being able to understand the intercom as much for he had it in his own mind that he was going to do what he wanted to do unless he given the order personally. "I hate that intercom. I don't ever remember anything he ever says. It just goes in one ear and out the other," he munched on some cheesy chips since he was still hungry.
  19. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    Axel shook his head hearing the intercom from Xemnas. "The dorms? There could be at least a dozen of them? How are we supposed to know which ones to go in?" His mind was so full of questions as Xenmas had not mentioned this and the two nobodies were not that familar with the school that long enough. "Demyx, that was the past life, but I don't see why we can't still wear our own outfit instead of the school ones." He looked at his tacky P.E. shirt and pants. "I feel so human..." He groaned writng something down for Demyx and giving it to him.
  20. guardian_of_ light Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    Waiting for the new Zelda game O.O....
    Xemnes the rembered how iregent demyx could be so on a sticky note he wrote u go to the dorm now instead of the castle untill school ends. and went to the teachers lounge and found demyx " Demyx you need to go to the dorms now instead of going to the castle and heres a note to rember" and he stuck the note to demyx's forehead and walked out " DONT FORGET" he yelled and left back to his office " what the heck am i supposed to do with him...sell him to the keybladers...heh..he would give all our seccrets away.." he chukled
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