Noble User Group Perk Discussion

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by jafar, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Hay, what do you mean by tha-*shot*

    I see your point, but I think that in such a given situation as this, staff pretty much make a "rough draft" of a skin. The Nobles will have the privilege to give feedback about it. They aren't necessarily making the skin from scratch, just giving their opinion that makes a more effective skin for all the members of KHV. In every situation, there will be conflict and compromise, but that's what not only improves things, but ourselves as a person. Heck, the entirety of this process of creating a new usergroup is a perfect example. We all don't agree, but what we discuss only purifies what we all forge in the fires of discussion.
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I don't remember where/when I said it but I've wanted to play around with the idea of beta testing things, but it works best when you have a mixture of people--should members who have been consistently active and top contributors be allowed in a bit more freely? Of course! But Premium already provides that.
    It's a saying, it means when a group of people get together and designs something, it comes out... wrong. Too many conflicting visions. There's nothing unifying these people. Joey and Sally may make lovely skins on their own, but when they get together, they have conflicting aesthetics and their intended horse turns into a camel--a mish mosh of ideas.
  3. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Okay, I removed the perks which I didn't need to bring any input in or couldn't. Or just don't mind. Now, the following I do have to say as staff, because these perks involve us to a bigger degree and are not actually static. I also left the requirements to get my point across.

    Beta testing new features: Okay, seems simple enough and nice. The problem is that half the time we don't really have any new features. Then when we do, we usually get staff to test them because the feedback is almost instant and more work-oriented.

    The beta testing of skins is fine. However, we really don't have a Beta stage to skins. Not even to staff. The only reason I can see this being done for is "Woo we got first access" which is fair game. However, making a super small group beta test stuff...will not actually yield sufficient feedback. And even if we needed a small group, there's staff.

    If prems comprise a small fraction of the site's populace, then Nobles would be even less. Making feedback gathering from such group seems moot and sort of forum helper-ish :x

    Beta Testing Board: Same as above.

    DJ Slots: Another nice idea. Really like the thought of this. No problems with this except a general one I'll mention later.

    Skin Designs, Suggestions, and testing Subsection within Beta Testing Board: I'm guessing this subsection would pertain to the skin only? Okay, well...I sort of have to agree with Misty.

    And this here, would be awesome if it happened for skins or any design project. But I've seen what happens and it is not pretty nor is it 'purifying'. It's actually the opposite.

    Which brings me to the general points...some people can be really entitled and I cannot see how a post count will give any guarantee that people want the best for the site and aren't actually just doling out vitriol.

    by adding these perks, it means you can actually have the best of both worlds by being non-staff and actually having a say in how certain things should go, but only to the point where there's no repercussion or weight of responsibility.

    Staff get to do a lot of 'cool' stuff that members don't get to. But that's because all those privileges we have actually come with a responsibility and cost. To give out those things as perks without staff agreement would be almost insulting. Specially with how certain people have abused their privileges and acted as of late. So, as staff, I have to voice my discomfort in that aspect.

    If certain privileges that pertain staff are to be given out, it'll have to be on our terms and not from a major outcry. This does NOT mean we aren't open to your ideas for perks (which I find innovative and nice; regardless of my agreement or disagreement) and it does NOT mean we will shut them out completely.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    To touch on this, Mark said it wasn't happening; it would require giving you guys access to the server the radio runs off of, which isn't happening for (hopefully) obvious reasons.
  5. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Well, I was thinking it would just be submitting X amount of songs with an optional intro and/or outro and have them play through.