You have a good eye for cropping it in spots that people most often like to see emphasis. Not to mention, you've improved in your use of contrast. Now the only thing that seems to be amiss are a few extra kick - in effects. Sparks, partial eccentric typography, stripes, dashes, polka dots, layered blended textures. They're nice in simplicity. But they're missing that /wow/ factor in lack of something else to look at once the eye gets accustomed to their strength in composition.
I like these a lot, the colors are all nice, and the picture you chose for each of the avvi's is the center of attention, but the colors add to it. I especially like the first one on the left, bottom row. 9/10. It's lacking a certain something, because after a while you get tired of looking at it.
I'm stealing this one. Some of these, like the one I just stole and the one you're using have excellent lighting and contrast, as well as others. But they need something to WOW them, since some of these are a bit simplistic.
A silly little bump. As for the comments, I know what you mean, but I almost never add much affects to avatars, I suppose I need to leave that behind and start experimenting and such ;o.
mind if i use this one for a bit? XD i love the lighting you've done to some of these avvies, it makes them look really unique