KH-Vids.netA simple forum with simple purpose. It was honestly just a fan site.So how...How did it turn to something far more... Political. The Staff on this site contributed and shifted constantly.They had a few Administrators to run the show,Enough Moderators to keep things running,Designated Sectional moderators to keep things in check,and some Reporters to fulfill resource requirements.A bunch of fine cogs to keep the site moving. Like a clock.But no clock runs without a hitch or two. Before the site even hit a decade, select members began to call out staff members on their priorities with the site.Time and time again, had those members taken advantage of the absence of KHV's staff...Rallies of threads called "No Staff Online" were created in order to celebrate their absence. Eventually the common idea of running without government was installed into their minds.That the site could run off the members instead of the staff. There is only so much that a group of less then 20 could do to keep the peace and activity on a site.But they tried. Damnit, they tried...Being outnumbered 2,500 to one must have been pretty overwhelming.Surprised they lasted as long as they did. After the 45th thread in the year 2013, staff had had enough.Strict rules were put in place to avoid calling out the respected members of the community.The acting staff that summer had begun to question whether they were really needed.they had their own lives, and didn't need to put up with continuous reminders of them avoiding their responsibilities for a few hours or so. I would tell you their order of departure... But it's all too much of a blur.There are several rumors on their whereabouts though. Mixt and Miles resigned from the Recorder positions. With them, they deleted traces of their media contributions, virtually destroying the "Vids" in Mike sadly left, but still keeps up with his fandubs and interviews on his other site. His main priority is to not have the KHV incidents repeat. Krowley's status is unknown. He never resigned and left his status as invisible. Clawtooth resigned during the third forum War. He traveled Europe for a while, Ienzo resigned, but not before closing the art section. She says there can be no art in such a nasty place. Kites resigned, but now writes Journalistic gaming pieces elsewhere. Llave resigned in pursuit of other forums. He deleted his account in sadness. Libregkd resigned and went off to play his games... He seems well. Mish and Forsaken resigned, but live happily elsewhere. It pained them to see the forum go to the parasites. Peace and War still continues the Podcast alone. Though no one ever listened to it since it's run by staff. He believes he can still reach the people. What? resigned and focused on his studies. He posted many adorable anime GIFs on his final day as staff. Plums took the writing section with him when he left. He literally just downloaded all the contents and deleted the section. Stardust resigned, but still roams the internet. Much of her saucy fanfictions on HTTYD and Star Trek are written on other sites. Much of it is unsuitable for children. The only clean stories she write regard Kingdom Hearts. Jayn resigned and took her all the music with her. Only dubstep remains... Chevalier was the last Mod to resign. Though he never officially resigned, he left the sight with little intention of returning until things changed. RVR is believed to have resigned and invested all his money into Anime figurines and online Gaming. Misty is said to have hidden herself away within the rules section. The only place the members don't go to anymore. She still keeps the site running and checks in once a week to update and keep it alive. She just hates looking at what it's become... The future of the website is now baron and bleak.Seriously.It's like a Youtube comment section in there.Everyone goes to the spam section and just picks on several different things. Several members are now miserable.A site that once rejoiced for Kingdom Hearts become the deformed offspring of trolls and lacked censors.And it was all because they celebrated the fact that there was NO STAFF ONLINE (I wrote this with no sense in mind. I'm just avoiding something for the next 12 hours)
This is a bleak glimpse into the future, if No Staff Online is allowed to continue. Vote Yes on Order 66 to ban No Staff Online.
No one votes for Order 66, it's implanted in all premium accounts and will be activated when the order is given by our as-of-yet unnamed emperor.
This made me laugh. Seriously though, can we count this as an official ban on NSO threads? I would love it if we had some public execution banning penalty for anyone who participates in them.
Amaury's rallies of one were enough to render this site lawless. I'm half expecting the Feds to whoosh through his windows and arrest him. ...those poor law enforcers.
I get too inspired to write fanfics by the most mundane things... Honestly though, if it takes a fic to stop No Staff Online, I will gladly pay the price. KHV's NSO - NEVER STAFF ONLINE Chapter One COMING SOON!