No Rest For The Wicked

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Feb 15, 2010.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Credit goes to Ramen-kun for giving me the idea for the RP.
    And credit also goes to ArchBadassMan for the title.


    For decades, the two cities Eriport and Lorcrest have been at war. Before it started, Lorcrest's king wanted to expand his land and make his army stronger than it was already. He soon came across the idea to make an attempt at crossing into the city of Eriport to expand his land. But, the king of Eriport did not accept it and soon sent his army to fight back, refusing to give up any part of his land. Eventually, this caused the war. While the two armies fought, between the battles was a smaller city called Coldhollow Forest. Eriport and Lorcrest are known for their high-tech technology and the way they live. However, Coldhollow Forest is more nature-like and refuses to use guns, cars, any sort of technology. They believe anything that's technology is corruptive and can destroy humanity.

    The war between the two high-tech cities brought people from Coldhollow Forest into the war. Eventually, soldiers from both armies resided in Coldhollow Forest after a battle, but the people of Coldhollow Forest refused to accept it. Some soldiers of opposite armies would run into each other, causing a fight between them. Eventually, one soldier from Lorcrest shot a little girl, causing uproar among the people in Coldhollow Forest. The leader of the small city decided to take action, taking part into the war between the two high-tech cities.

    The king of Eriport soon thought of the idea to create something that Lorcrest did not have. He asked two scientists that worked in his palace to create these “humans” that are more advanced than the normal human being. The two scientists agreed and called these advanced humans Darcsens. The king of Eriport used the Darcsens during the war, giving him victory in many of the battles. But, the king of Lorcrest discovered why he had been losing many battles and so sent spies to steal what the king of Eriport used to create the Darcsens. Succeeding in his theft, Lorcrest’s king created his own “Darcsens” but called them Unknown.

    The Darcsens had more of a human-like appearance and it was always hard to tell whether or not they were human until they revealed what made them different. Darcsens are able to stand to about six feet and three inches tall. They have powers far greater than Man had ever imagined, speed faster than the average human. The Unknown had more of a demonic-like appearance. They stood to about seven feet tall, sharp claws and fangs, their speed was slightly faster than that of the Darcsens’ and some had red or yellow eye color. Those that were part of Eriport’s army felt as though they stared into a bottomless pit, filling them with complete fear and horror which led to their deaths. It was very rare if one was able to escape and survive.

    Seeing these odd beings, Coldhollow Forest’s king decided to pull his army out of the war, believing he will lose his entire army out of hunger for power and the use of technology.
    It has been about three decades since it all started, yet the war continues to progress. Both the Darcsens and Unknown continue to be made and the people of Coldhollow Forest continue to keep their distance from the war.


    Throughout the war, there have been civilians from both armies that have rebelled against their leaders’ choices. Surprisingly, all those that rebelled now live in Coldhollow Forest. Although, the leader of the nature-like city felt uneasy to allow the rebellious soldiers to live in his city, but he eventually saw how they truly felt and so allowed them to live in his city. Both the Unknown and Darcsens have absolutely no emotions. The only ambition they really have is to destroy their enemies. However, a few Darcsens have associated themselves with humans from Coldhollow Forest, learning the emotions they don’t have; to love, to be sad, to be filled with anger, to be happy, to feel lonely and more. Thus, becoming “humans” themselves. Although, seeing how empty they were before they discovered so many emotions, some have committed suicide, others have tried going back to Eriport to kill their leader, but instead it led to their deaths, and others have simply accepted their change and lived on their own, defending Coldhollow Forest. The Unknown have not changed; they’re emotionless and give absolutely no mercy to their enemies.

    Eriport and Lorcrest

    Both cities live in a high-tech environment, leaving them with more technology than plants. If anybody were to use swords, it’d have some sort of difference than to a regular sword, same goes for any gun. The people of both cities dress differently than those from Coldhollow Forest. Their appearance can be a bit more “flashy” and can contain a lot of the color silver. Both cities have many tall buildings and many houses spread around. Both cities have their rulers’ castle in the center.

    Coldhollow Forest

    Just by the name, Coldhollow Forest resides in a deep forest surrounded by countless trees. Next to the city is a large waterfall where the civilians go to bathe and wash their clothes. They build their own homes with the wood from the trees they cut down and make their own clothes out of leaves and whatever else they can find. The majority of their weapons are bows and arrows, swords and daggers. The city believes any use of technology can corrupt one’s mind and can lead to the destruction of humanity. They have a great deal of hate towards Eriport and Lorcrest.


    1. No godmodding or powerplaying. I see it, you’re out.
    2. Stay active. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give you. But also, don’t expect me to always give recaps.
    3. Please have good grammar and spelling. I have the habit of glaring at the screen if I see really bad grammar and spelling and I just usually feel like telling the person something.
    4. Everything, PG-13. If the romance is going to go above PG-13, take it to PM.
    5. No controlling or killing others’ characters without their permission.
    6. Do not use asterisk (*) for action. I see it, you’re out.
    7. If the appearance is a picture, use a link. I get annoyed when the picture ends up stretching the page.
    8. Don’t post too many pages while I’m gone or just not posting.
    9. Make this your own RP, you’re out.
    10. I was thinking of putting this into the RP Extended area, but I decided against it. Khv has a 20 word per post rule, so try posting more than 20 words. It’s very boring if you constantly see one line of words one post after another.
    11. If you don’t want to be in the RP anymore, just tell me and then kill your character off somehow or something.
    12. If you join this RP and there’s a member that you don’t like joins as well, do not fight on this thread if it leads to one. Go to PMs, VMs, MSN, I don’t care as long as it’s not on the thread. If none of you listen, the both of you will be out of the RP or I’ll end up asking a Mod to close the thread. I also tend to be in a bad mood frequently so don’t push me.
    13. If you have any questions, you can VM me or PM me. Which ever is fine.
    14. I’ll rip your face off if you don’t follow these rules.
    15. If I add anymore rules, I’ll let you guys know.

    OC Form

    Species [Darcsens, humans, Unknown]:
    City they live in [Eriport, Lorcrest, Coldhollow Forest]:
    Weapon [optional]:
    Power [only if you’re a Darcsens]:


    Username: Aura
    Name: Fay Delon
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Fay can come off a bit cruel at first meeting, but she eventually shows her gentle nature. When she does show her gentle side, she’s caring, kind, strong willed, brave and a bit of a leader.
    Species: Darcsens
    City they live in: Switches back and forth from Eriport to Coldhollow Forest, but mainly stays in Coldhollow Forest.
    Bio: Fay was one of the few that were able to discover the emotions they were not made with. When she was first made, she had the same ambition as the other Darcsens, to kill their enemies. She was also one of the few that had elemental powers. After the Unknown were made, whenever she was in battle her allies would always confuse her for an Unknown and would attack her because of the color of her eyes. But it was always those that have never seen Fay before. Eventually, she got the idea to change her eye color, but instead received “special” treatment from the king of Eriport. One day after she was injured in battle, she had gone to Coldhollow Forest to rest, but soon fell unconscious due to loss of blood. When she awoke, she saw a little girl standing above her, smiling down at her. Away from Fay’s bedside was an elderly man who was smiling as well, happy to see that Fay was finally conscious. The elderly man and the little girl, who was the man’s granddaughter, saved Fay even though they knew she was an enemy of the city. She gave these people her gratitude and figured she should leave. However, the little girl wanted Fay to stay and eventually looked up at her as though she was her older sister. Fay discovered the emotions she wasn’t made with by the little girl she spent so much time with. Eventually, she loved the girl as though she was a sister. But, while Fay was out by the waterfall, she heard the screams of the citizens of the city and quickly rushed where the chaos was happening. To her discovery, she saw the little girl on the floor with a bullet wound on her head. The person that had killed her was a fellow Darcsens. Fay became filled with rage, killing any of the soldiers that attempted to stop her. Feeling as though she should never return to the grandfather’s house, she left Coldhollow Forest, returning to Eriport, becoming filled with loneliness and sorrow. When she suddenly felt the urge to return to Coldhollow Forest, she wanted to commit suicide, hating what she was, but was stopped by the little girl’s grandfather. She soon returned to the house that once saved her life and gave her the emotions she now cherished.
    Weapon: The sword that’s in the picture.
    Power: Fire and wind
    Other: N/A

    Username: Arch
    Name: Alan Creed
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Alan is naturally a calm person who, when angered, can quickly become a merciless killer. Although he prefers to watch the events unfold as they happen, from time to time he may give things a slight "nudge" to shift things in his favor. Alan understands emotions quite well but tends to look at them from an objective point of view, finding how best to use someone else's emotions to his benefit.
    Species: Unknown
    City they live in: Coldhollow Forest
    Bio: Being one of the more human-looking Unknown, Alan spent his time in Coldhollow Forest observing the actions of his fellow comrades. He took note of their reckless actions and insane desire to engage in combat when any opposition is met. Alan knew he could not force his killing instinct to go away in favor of a more collected intellect but learnt to control it to become more "effecient". As much as he likes fighting, Alan has spent more time learning how the Darcsens act and how they view the war, questioning whether continuing to fight for Lorcrest was a decision that would keep him alive longer than fighting for Eriport.
    Weapon: Sword in picture as well as his hands.
    Other: The only things that could give Alan away for being an Unknown would be his hands which, from a distance, would appear to be a pair of gauntlets of some kind but are actually part of his own body. His left hand is the regular size of a human's but is black and has retractable talons while his right looks to have some sort of armored plating making it thicker and heavier than his other hand.

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Sam Moonshine
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Innocent, sweet, enegetic, wants to help, hates the war and all technology, doesn't like the war and doesn't understand why they can't just get on, believes Darcsens and the humans from the two cities arn't actually that bad, they just need to learn to get on.
    Species [Darcsens, humans, Unknown]: Human
    City they live in [Eriport, Lorcrest, Coldhollow Forest]: Coldhollow Forest
    Bio: She has always hated the war and doesn't understand it, her parent had both been killed after being dragged into the war and she never really recovered, she uses her bow to deal with her feelings but believes that violence solves nothing, so refuses to use it to fight despite being very talented. She loves nature and is often found high up in the trees to escape everything.
    Weapon [optional]: Bow but she refuses to use it to hurt anyone
    Power [only if you’re a Darcsens]: N/A
    Other: --

    Username: Ramen-Kun
    Name: Azazel Symph
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: This but with bigger horns and a pierced tongue
    Personality: Cruel and curious. Unlike most of the other Darcsens in Coldhollow Forest, he hasn't learned any emotions except curiosity. He is willing to let things die just to see what happens next. He also has a habit of ripping apart the torsos of his victims to see how their insides look. He can also get very excited by battle and become a sadist. Despite that, he believes he feels no emotion at all.
    Species: Darcsens
    City they live in: Coldhollow Forest, occasionally travels to Eriport.
    Bio: Being stationed in Coldhollow, Azazel quickly picked up on the differences between the three species. He started noticing the emotions humans (and some of his comrades and enemies) displayed, but was unable to feel them himself. Because of this, he keeps a sharp eye on everyone around him, wanting to see what makes them different from him. He is usually found perched on a tree branch, watching the scene.
    Weapon: A long pole almost as tall as he is. On each end is a curved axe blade on opposite sides.
    Power: Invisibility and the power to paralyze someone on contact. It works better on humans, but he can amp it up to affect Darcsens and Unknowns.
    Other: n/a.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Arch
    Name: Alan Creed
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Alan is naturally a calm person who, when angered, can quickly become a merciless killer. Although he prefers to watch the events unfold as they happen, from time to time he may give things a slight "nudge" to shift things in his favor. Alan understands emotions quite well but tends to look at them from an objective point of view, finding how best to use someone else's emotions to his benefit.
    Species: Unknown
    City they live in: Coldhollow Forest
    Bio: Being one of the more human-looking Unknown, Alan spent his time in Coldhollow Forest observing the actions of his fellow comrades. He took note of their reckless actions and insane desire to engage in combat when any opposition is met. Alan knew he could not force his killing instinct to go away in favor of a more collected intellect but learnt to control it to become more "effecient". As much as he likes fighting, Alan has spent more time learning how the Darcsens act and how they view the war, questioning whether continuing to fight for Lorcrest was a decision that would keep him alive longer than fighting for Eriport.
    Weapon: Sword in picture as well as his hands.
    Other: The only things that could give Alan away for being an Unknown would be his hands which, from a distance, would appear to be a pair of gauntlets of some kind but are actually part of his own body. His left hand is the regular size of a human's but is black and has retractable talons while his right looks to have some sort of armored plating making it thicker and heavier than his other hand.
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    You're in. We'll start once maybe two or more people join.
  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Sam Moonshine
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Innocent, sweet, enegetic, wants to help, hates the war and all technology, doesn't like the war and doesn't understand why they can't just get on, believes Darcsens and the humans from the two cities arn't actually that bad, they just need to learn to get on.
    Species [Darcsens, humans, Unknown]: Human
    City they live in [Eriport, Lorcrest, Coldhollow Forest]: Coldhollow Forest
    Bio: She has always hated the war and doesn't understand it, her parent had both been killed after being dragged into the war and she never really recovered, she uses her bow to deal with her feelings but believes that violence solves nothing, so refuses to use it to fight despite being very talented. She loves nature and is often found high up in the trees to escape everything.
    Weapon [optional]: Bow but she refuses to use it to hurt anyone
    Power [only if you’re a Darcsens]: N/A
    Other: --
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I deserve some credit for this RP, where's my name? Hmmmmm???

    Username: Ramen-Kun
    Name: Azazel Symph
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: This but with bigger horns and a pierced tongue
    Personality: Cruel and curious. Unlike most of the other Darcsens in Coldhollow Forest, he hasn't learned any emotions except curiosity. He is willing to let things die just to see what happens next. He also has a habit of ripping apart the torsos of his victims to see how their insides look. He can also get very excited by battle and become a sadist. Despite that, he believes he feels no emotion at all.
    Species: Darcsens
    City they live in: Coldhollow Forest, occasionally travels to Eriport.
    Bio: Being stationed in Coldhollow, Azazel quickly picked up on the differences between the three species. He started noticing the emotions humans (and some of his comrades and enemies) displayed, but was unable to feel them himself. Because of this, he keeps a sharp eye on everyone around him, wanting to see what makes them different from him. He is usually found perched on a tree branch, watching the scene.
    Weapon: A long pole almost as tall as he is. On each end is a curved axe blade on opposite sides.
    Power: Invisibility and the power to paralyze someone on contact. It works better on humans, but he can amp it up to affect Darcsens and Unknowns.
    Other: n/a.
  6. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    OOC: I keep forgetting to give you the credit. You're in too.
    Anyway, we'll go head and start now. Doubt anyone else will join before it starts so...yeah. >>

    Bic: Fay knelt down at the edge of the river as she cupped water in her hands, splashing it on her face. She wiped the water off with her sleeve, standing up straight to look around. The sun was barely raising and there was nobody else outside. The only people that would be up at that hour are people from Eriport or Lorcrest. Not even the king of Coldhollow Forest would be up so early. Far off in the distance, she could barely hear the sound of guns being fired; a battle was going on at that moment. Fay narrowed her eyes, turning away from the river and walking towards a small house. As soon as she entered, she closed the door behind her and looked towards her left, looking into a small room where an elderly man slept in his bed. He's been ill for quite some time now. His time to go might be soon. she quietly thought, turning her attention away from the sleeping man.

    The house was ordinary compared to the other houses in the city. Although, in Eriport, even the poor had better homes than the ones in Coldhollow Forest. The house Fay stayed in had one table, a couch and two rooms. People rarely made their food at home. They either made it just outside their houses or they went to the center of the city where the king would order his soldiers to sever the people food.

    Fay sighed, walking over to a large sword that stood against the corner of a wall. It looked pretty old and worn out; it was the only weapon she really used whenever she was in a battle, other than her own powers. Once the sword was in hand, she quietly left the house once more, heading towards the the main part of the city.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: I'm getting off so this post will *Twitchy* >>;;

    IC: Alan's golden eyes focused straight ahead at the battle unfolding before him. was more of a skirmish than anything. He wasn't so sure what caused a fight to break out but came closer to get a better view. Several of the Darcsens were fighting a few of his own kind and seemed to hold the upper hand in the battle as they had the Unknown outnumbered. His eyes darted left and right, watching each side fire at each other in what seemed to be a half-hearted attempt to kill off the remaining opponents. This would end much faster if they would stop moving around so much. He thought to himself, noting how everyone moved around as if they were blind which in turn caused their accuracy to suffer horribly. Even though it would be a long and drawn out shoot out, Alan had no patience to watch something he knew the ending to. With a long sigh, he drew out his sword, ready to help end the battle in the hopes of meeting with the winning side to see if they functioned any differently from the rest of their kind. Alan swiftly moved forward and caught his first victim by surprise, taking out one of the remaining Unknown although he had no intentions of being merciful to the other side once the battle was over.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "What's this now?" Azazel mused from a branch. He had long since stopped fighting after getting his cheek cut. Of course, the one who cut was laying under him, a few feet away from its guts. He had been watching the battle now, recognizing most of the Darcsens as deserters. Why should he help those who abandoned their duties? Let them and his enemies kill each other. All of a sudden, an Unknown killed one of its own. This wasn't surprising. That Unknown was either a Lorcrest deserter attacking those still loyal to Lorcrest, or a Lorcrest soldier getting rid of traitors. It piqued Azazel's curiosity for only a moment. Thinking that this battle wasn't any different than the others, Azazel hid under his veil of invisibility and jumped from the branch. He swung his axe one time on the ground, decapitating the corpse of his victim, and walked away from the battle, sliding his tongue piercing across his teeth.
  9. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Sam took a deep breath and raised her bow, she carefully drew the string back and took her aim. She suddenly fired three arrows in quick succession then lowered it to see if she'd hit. A small smile appeared on her face as she saw three arrows stuck in the bullseye. She liked coming here in the middle of nowhere, it helped her think. She wished there was no war, why couldn't the two cities just be contented with what they had. She fired another few shots, hitting bullseye everytime. She sighed, she would never use her arrows to hurt another, it would solve nothing, there's always a better way.
  10. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Arriving at a small little clinic, Fay picked up a small bag from the counter as the person that stood on the other side smiled at her. Fay turned away before muttering a "thank you" and leaving the clinic. As she walked back towards the direction she had come from, she looked into the bag, seeing a few herbs. Having done this so many times, she already knew exactly how to use them without making any mistakes. Poor man is growing weaker and weaker everyday. Sighing, Fay tightened her grip on the bag and soon took off running, refusing to waste any time walking. She soon skid to a stop, standing in front of the house she had come from. "New record," she mumbled, entering the house and heading into the elderly man's room; he was still sleeping. Fay quietly dropped the bag filled with herbs on a small table near his bedside, and left the house once more, inhaling deeply. "Let's see what's happening with that battle now," she said to herself, taking off in the direction of the battle.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Blood splattered from another body as Alan cleaved an Unknown in half, perking an eyebrow when he noticed the expression on the face of his fallen "brother". It almost looked like he was afraid when he saw him coming, but that was a ridiculous thought. The other Unknown never seemed to be able to even comprehend emotions, much less display one like fear. Still, it made him uneasy for some reason. At this point the Darscens seemed to be confused since they were simply backing away. I wonder if they think I'm on their side. His eyes narrowed as he jumped backwards to avoid an attack from one of his own kind that realized what he was doing. It's still too early to decide on that. He stepped back, partially wondering if the Darscens would continue to fight or if they would just watch him fight his own kind.

    OOC: Short post. Dx
  12. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Sam looked up at the sun's position in the sky, it was time she should start heading back. She walked over to the target and retrieved her arrows, she put her bow on her back, and began to make her way through the trees. She hoped she would avoid any battles, they had been gradually been getting closer recently and she did not want to get involved in somebody else's war. She weaved her way through the trees, hopping between roots and plants.
  13. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    As Fay came closer to the battlefield, she slowed down her pace a little, already being able to see what was happening. She raised an eyebrow, seeing an Unknown attacking his own kind. She skid to a stop and kept a distance away from the battle, watching everything unfold. This was a first for her; seeing an Unknown cut down their own kind. Either that Unknown understood what has been happening or he had something up his sleeve. She didn't know whether or not to intervene or just remain off in the trees where she can't be seen.

    A few feet behind her, Fay heard the sound of a branch snapping; quickly turning around, she saw an Unknown jump out of the bushes, lunging towards her. However, not only was it one, but three others. She cursed under her breath and snapped her fingers, causing a large wall of fire to appear in front of her which made the three Unknown back away. As soon as it had cleared, the three Unknown saw Fay taking off towards the battlefield. They quickly took off chasing after her. She looked over her shoulder, spotting one that had quickly lunged towards her without any warning. Fay narrowed her eyes as she turned around, snapping her fingers once more. "Back off!" The Unknown burst into flames and fell to the ground with a loud thud.
  14. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    May I join, s'il vous plait?

    Username: Flamedancer
    Name: Jol Courforte
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: The one who's not dead. Enjolras spin-off? What on earth are you talking about?
    Personality: Quiet and contemplative, not exactly known for his compassion. He has the ability to be empathetic, but he rarely chooses to be. Quite frankly, he comes off as an insensitive jackass sometimes.
    Species [Darcsens, humans, Unknown]: Human
    City they live in [Eriport, Lorcrest, Coldhollow Forest]: Eriport
    Bio: Jol's father was killed by a Lorcrest soldier seven years ago because of a fluke shot. As a result, Jol--already dedicated to his city--declared that he needed to avenge his father's death. However, being the only son in his family, his mother refused to let him enlist to become a soldier. A few months ago, she died from illness. After mourning, Jol went to enlist, but he was too old by this point to be trained. Still fiercely patriotic, (would that be the right word to use in terms of cities?) he took it upon himself to defend the city, making him a sort of vigilante. He's also always looking for other ex-soldiers/misfits to join in his make-shift army
    Weapon [optional]: An old-fashoned (by Eriportan standards) electric rifle
    Power [only if you’re a Darcsens]: N/A
    Other: He wears red a lot.
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