Help No Real Kingdom Hearts Forum?!

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by ReverofEnola, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. ReverofEnola King's Apprentice

    Jul 19, 2012
    Why doesn't this site have a forum where people can talk about Kingdom Hearts story wise? I mean with that we can talk about our favorite characters, discuss who is the best, and share our views on the story. The closest thing we have is Upcoming Kingdom Hearts and we all know no one in The Spam Zone would discuss this.
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    You mean a general Kingdom Hearts series Discussion section? We've never really had the need for it since most people would post topics in upcoming or would just go the pertinent games and post there.

    I can see some topics possibly not fitting into any of the pertinent games or just being about the series in general. But if you'll read the description of Upcoming Kingdom Hearts, it addresses this:

  3. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Um...Yes it does, there's an entire section dedicated to each individual KH game.
  4. ReverofEnola King's Apprentice

    Jul 19, 2012
    Then why does KH-Vids have an Interest Section? Is to bring more people to the site or to help active members connect with each other? Either way it doesn't belong on a site called kh vids.
  5. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    That's right. Apart from having a vast Kingdom Hearts Category, we also have an interest Category which caters to things members may feel inclined to discuss or partake in.

    KH-Vids is more than just a place to discuss Kingdom Hearts, it's also a place to make friends and meet new people. Part of why a lot of people stay is because they can be part of the community for more than just Kingdom Hearts.
  6. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    To help active members connect with each other, I assume.

    Also, just because it's a KH website doesn't mean every single little thing has to be related to KH.
  7. ReverofEnola King's Apprentice

    Jul 19, 2012
    Sigh... I guess the title of this website can be a bit misleading.
  8. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    People have other interests than just playing Kingdom Hearts. It'd probably get boring talking about one thing all the time. Yes, we share a common interest, but there are other things in life, and some people may share that interest to and talk about it amongst themselves.

    And, Kingdom Hearts news is rare when there is no game to anticipate, so we need something to do.
  9. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    A bit. We still do offer all of the cutscenes of every game. The core idea when the site began was to be mainly a video site, but over the years, it began expanding into a whole lot more.
  10. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Say you went to school and made a friend. Sure, you might talk about school-related stuff at first, but then you'd want to talk about other things. That doesn't make the name "school" misleading. It just means you also talk about other things.
  11. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I'm sorry, but didn't you think it would be a good idea to make a community of meme-lovers here? Following that line of logic, it wouldn't belong here on a site called kh-vids.
    KHV is more than just Kingdom Hearts. It's not like there aren't boards to discuss Kingdom Hearts, but a lot of older members really enjoy posting in the other boards. Because it's boring to talk only about Kingdom Hearts for several years straight. Honestly, the site would have died if it was the only topic available for discussion. It's not misleading, because it is still a Kingdom Hearts forum with Kingdom Hearts media and Kingdom Hearts news and Kingdom Hearts boards, but there is more. And having more isn't a bad thing.
  12. ReverofEnola King's Apprentice

    Jul 19, 2012
    I wanted to make Kingdom Hearts Memes for this site and apparently that wasn't a good idea to anyone. Plus, what I am saying is that when you see a name like Kh-Vids you wouldn't expect this much discussion on so many off topic things. Be they good or bad.
  13. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Well even some of the "off topic" things we discuss can still relate back to Kingdom Hearts. The Interests section, for one--there's the Gaming section (with the Square-Enix subsection) that is not a far cry from Kingdom Hearts, the Music section sees some topics discussing the Kingdom Hearts soundtracks or Utada. The Graphic Art, Writing, and Video/Audio sections all have plenty of Kingdom Hearts in them, as does the RP Arena.

    Kingdom Hearts is our strongest offering and we're proud to roll out new stuff in its name all the time. But the idea behind the forum community is to connect people with a common love for the series. If you choose to post solely in the Kingdom Hearts sections, you're more than welcome to do so! But we're not going to limit people from discussing other things too. Pretty much every Kingdom Hearts site I know of has active and separate "general interests" forums. We're not alone in this.
  14. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    The site is called KH-Vids, the site has almost if not all the videos from KH in it's archive, so it does perfectly well in it's name, the FORUM of KH-vids is for members to chat to one another about the game and other things, I've never seen a forum for any fandom only focus on the fandom itself, they always have other things going in them, because they would all die in months if not for that.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Honestly, when I first became active, I had a similar mindset. I was looking for Kingdom Hearts videos and found a site named KH-Vids. I wanted to talk Kingdom Hearts and I found out it had a forum (it was also my first forum ever, so I had no idea how these things worked). Everything else I found...irrelevant. I mean, I understood GAMING and the Disney section and possibly the RP-Arena where losers with no irl friends hang out (DISCLAIMER: That was my initial view of the section and now I'm one of the most active RPers!), but is it really necessary to have more than that on a Kingdom Hearts focused site?

    The answer is no. It's probably not necessary except for that such a wide range of people here wouldn't be here if they were restricted to only Kingdom Hearts talk (a lot of people here actually don't like the series. Crazy, right?) I don't know how forums work behind the curtains, but activity is an important thing, I gather.
    However, I don't think I ever visited a forum that was focused on one thing and had nothing else to offer. Most forums I've visited have some kind of community section and sections for outside interests. It's important, in my unprofessional opinion, for a site to offer these if they want a strong community. If you just want anonymous members to post KH-relevant posts, then yeah, we can strip down all non-KH sections, take away Private and Visitor messaging, premiumship, etc. But it's those things (AND Kingdom Hearts) that makes this community strong. We get to know each other on different levels, what we like, our religious beliefs, political ideals, how we view ourselves, what we're like as actual people.

    That's the corny answer. Another answer is that KHV has evolved into this. I mean, I bet when it first started out that it only had videos to offer (hence the name). Now we have videos, pictures, audio, a ****ing radio, podcasts, news, and sections for us to use these resources and make our own projects and post them! And, of course, KHV hasn't just evolved into a more diverse Kingdom Hearts forum, which is what your problem with the site seems to be, it evolved into a forum with a diverse community with goals to strengthen that community. Hell, less than a year ago, someone would post a suggestion about adding some feature to make this more like a social networking site and staff would say "no. It's a Kingdom Hearts forum. Not a social networking site. Get to know people on myspace." And now, just look a few posts up; a super-moderator said the site is a place to meet new people and make friends.

    The other sections aren't for just "older members," they're for everyone. Not everyone loves only Kingdom Hearts. Even the most die-hard KH fans are interested in other things.
    The name isn't misleading at all, I don't think. KH-Vids = Kingdom Hearts Videos. And the staff does offer that. That's what they promised to offer when this site was just a baby and it's what they offer now. The only difference is now they offer a lot more media (Ultimate Source for Kingdom Hearts Media is right there on the banner) and a lot more community.

    However, I do want to point out one thing:
    This kind of talk has been deemed illegal on the forum (unless it was changed and I just never noticed. It definitely was illegal a while back). Mostly because there's no real substance to "Sora > Riku" arguments, I'm assuming? I definitely think this kind of talk should be allowed, even if posts don't count for threads like this somehow. The only problem is the only place we can have discussions like this is The Spam Zone and as ReverofElona said, it's not going to be discussed there (at least, legitimately). While there is the occasional serious discussion of KH in the Spam Zone, most times the thread is going to turn into something spamish with gifs and images and absurd posts (A trend I noticed is when an older, "more respected" member who frequents the Spam Zone posts a thread like this, it stays a legitimate thread. When a lesser-known, newer, "noobish" member posts it, it becomes a spam thread). It would be nice to be able to discuss why we like certain characters over others, even if not all members posting give a well-thought out post. I mean, we have a character-counting mod for legitimate posts in one section now.
  16. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    It was revised about a year and a half ago. :) Though it was quietly done so, so I understand if people were unaware. Here's what the rules for the Kingdom Hearts sections have to say on it: