If it didn't sell much on Wii, then it probably won't on PS3 and 360 though I'm still getting it as I can't find the Wii version anywhere.
I'm pretty sure most people who have a Wii also own a PS3 or 360 by now. Also I don't exactly think the full price is worth it for a 2007 Wii game.
Well Sony have been advertising more and more casual games onto the PS3 like Eyepet which are bound to attract Wii consumers. And not all people who have Wii are 100% casual. I still have my Wii and I also have a PS3, best of both worlds right? And I play more hardcore games than casual ones.
Yeah i agree with you on that but parents buy their children Wii's not PS3's. There's a really low amount of hardcore gamers with Wii's in comparison with gamers that have PS3's or 360's. Therefore Mature titles like No More Heroes don't sell well on Wii. Unlike on PS3 where Mature titles are on of the best selling ones since it has a different audience.