hey guys remember when this was cool At some point I decided to stop posting icons I made, but I never really stopped making them (though not really at the rate of before). I was trawling through my files today and figured I'd toss them up. Feel free to use them on khv & whatever. Some of these use fanart. If you like one that does, and wish to use it (or want to know who the artist is), reply please!! I usually know who the artist is so you can credit them. These are from a variety of sources, including KH. If you want a bigger/smaller version of one, let me know. I might not be able to all in cases but I'm usually good about saving my psds & using hi-res stocks. 100 x 100 150 x 150 200 x 200
Misty, these are just beautiful! They are great eyesex :3 the way you bring out the colours is just gorgeous and you don't go overkill on effects. Keep up the good work Misty : D Did this just come from practice or tutorials and stuff?
I don't think I've ever looked at an icon tutorial, lol. The basic principles of composition, light, and color are all I really pay attention to, and even color I'm not all that creative with. I tend to assemble a set of adjustment layers for a particular icon, make a Photoshop action out of them, and try out my actions (I think I have about 7 ones I use a lot) on a variety of images. From there I just fine tune them for the individual one. But thanks for the kind words~ Been working on some more icons, I'll post them up when I have a good few.
As usual, amazing work Misty, only critique I can give is on this one: And it's more like a thing that irks me, and it's the placement, Larxene's eye/nose looks cut off, and that kinda bothers me. I know it's also present on other avatars but those have their eyes closed, both of their eyes cut off completely or just look normal to me. This one just stood out to me because the eye isn't cut off completely. Maybe it's also because the direction her eyes are facing. On the other side, if you placed a bit more to the left it would look plain centered, so yeah, I don't know how to fix it without making the size of the avatar bigger or making the picture slightly smaller (Unless you want to place it a lot more to the left, leaving some negative space to the right) But yeah, nice stuff, I'll take one maybe. And sorry for not being able to critique that well, I'm just so rusty in all this graphic-related stuff. ._.
I don't really expect critique on icons, ha. It's also worth noting that that icon (and a lot of the 100x100 ones) are from a year+ ago, so if the placement seems to improve as it goes on, that's hopefully part of it. But thanks!
My God, Misty, these are spectacular; I really like the effects you used for the Kingdom Hearts ones! How long did these take you to make?
It varies by quite a lot. None are just simple crops (and the cropping itself can sometimes take a while). Some have more involved coloring, others I just reuse coloring from past icons. I can't estimate.
Nothing in particular. I was more into it a while ago, now I just make icons, worm pieces, and stuff for KHV.
Baybeeee~ What a bunch of beauties. Would you happen to have the source on and/or a larger version of this one? I'd love to try it out.
Full image: Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=16950942 Aaand 200px version (just dragged over all the adjustments, I can always do more/less on it for ya): And because I can't leave anything alone I made another that I like more
= 3= Love 'em both, thanks so much. I'll save them for when the BlazBlue hype has settled down. So probably in the next few days #avatarADD
I can't really critique a lot of these because they're all just so good (esp. all those Who icons MMF-). Still, this one bugs me. imo, there isn't enough contrast between Sora and the background (granted, the space in the top left is probably all hair, but still). He seems to get lost, as opposed to the Roxas icons that have a clear (and eyegasmic) distinction between the two. Other than that though, these are 10/10 and I'll likely be using a lot of them.