I liked it at first, but no one else i know had that game, so it was just me by myself :P after a while, it started getting a bit boring. Cuz it's the same thing over and over again. I'm not bashing xP just... it gets boring after a while... I think my puppies are basicly dead by now, or ran away, haha
YOU KILLED THE PUPPIES!? D8 You... You... PUPPY HATAH. I kid. It did eventually get kind of tiring, but Lexi is easily amused. <8D
xD lol, i know, i know.... they're probably dirty as EVAR, but still, hahaha. I got kind of tired of the same jumping, disk throwing stuff haha. I think the final straw was when my puppy, who had a winning streak in agility, TRIPPED over a freaking bar, and lost her streak... i was like "that's it. I'm not feeding you. FOREVER" loll If they grew up.... that would make it fun :P
I have the Best Friends one. I used to have the Lab one but I sold it and I still have the Best Friends one since it came bundled up with my DS. I recently made a new game after finding my DS again, it depresses me so much when I see the dogs have fleas and are starving xD. I remember my very first Nintendog was a black lab named Blackjack, But the name was too long for the slot and so I typed in BJ LOL. I actually had some friends that would play with me and give me new breeds. I had a Dalmatian once but I deleted the game ffff. I cannot wait for Nintendogs + Cat. I use 'I' alot.
I had a wee Husky called Link. It was fun teaching him tricks, feeding and washing him, but my parents gave me funny looks when i said stuff like, 'Link, roll over!'
Ugh. Don't get me started on the voice commands xD. They are so awkward to play with in the living room. I decided to get a Corgi and name her Sophie (since I have a Corgi irl named Sophie) and everytime I told my (ninten)dog to lay down and jump and stuff my dog would start barking ;-;
I played this game to try and recover slightly from my hatred of dogs. I enjoyed it at first, washing and feeding my pets were my favorite. Teaching them tricks was rather tedious though, I don't think my dogs were very clever. After a while they stopped responding when I called their names/gave them commands, so that eliminated the source of income from obedience trials. After a while I was just too poor to feed them anymore and sold the game. :c I did like to dress them up though. I had so many sunglasses and collars for them. :'D
I was in love with this game when it first came out. I had gotten the chihuahua one but eventually tried unlocking other breeds, like a lab and such. I eventually got a German Shepherd and named him Ranger which was the name my grandmother's actual dog had. I felt weird whenever I had to tell the dogs to roll over or to sit. XD I eventually lost interest in the game though. Last time I played it, I felt bad since the dogs had fleas and were starving.
I, like so many others, fell to the tediousness of the game, too. I loved it in the beginning and quickly lost interest. I had a golden retriever, a husky and another. I taught my retriever a ton of tricks and agility, then lost interest completely and never played it again. I eventually resold it back to the store. God only knows what condition those pups were at that point. :(
The animals in those screens look really nice, which just makes the little character guys (miis?) look even stupider than they were before. D:
If they had a lot more animals in this series I'd probably end up getting one. I know people who have every version of them. It's pretty intense how some people get so into this game.