Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by jafar, Dec 16, 2012.
i what
Uh why am I suddenly looking forward to Christmas more than I was?
Ok now I am not looking forward to Christmas anymore so "Wake me up when December ends"
Isn't it September?
Yes it is but I changed the month as a joke.
That's even better than I thoguht.
that is hilarious
Nintendo 69 is where it's at.
Wow--a Nintendo 64 used to be a huge hit before Pokemon cards came in.
i still got some pokemon cards and i was exicted to have gotten a venasure when i was 10.
I have 0 Pokemon cards in my parent's household. I only collect the games. Silly me...
Looks like a great holiday gift. I shall buy one for my children.
Video games, apparently sucking kids in since Nintendo 64 . . .