Hi there! This is my little production company. I've made a few AMVs, and I plan to make more, so instead of saturating this board with dozens of little threads (like I've been doing), I'm going to make it one big thread and post all my updates in here. So be sure to check back here often, like the title says. This is the thread where you can post all your comments, and I do insist you post a comment, be it positive or negative. Now, to start off, here's the links to the first several videos I've done, which I have posted in their own threads. By putting them here, I'm allowing the past threads to die off. Here, in the order in which I made them: Axel's Sugar Daddy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s19kLIOlTI The Kingdom Hearts Radio Hour - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pt2EdK3sNlo Organization XIII's Lonely Hearts Club Band - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnyzduR_mAg Kingdom Hearts Radio Hour II; The Sequel - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDM0P9FlSTk Sephiroth's Prize - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4jYjrsE_uA Alrighty then. Now...here's the one I spent all day today making. Let me know what you think: Roxas' Trial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WGsDkmNT_8 I hope you all enjoy them. :D And, again, let me know what you think. P.S. In case you're all wondering, the company name comes from a review of the movie "Sin City" where the reviewer refers to Elijah Wood's character, Kevin, as a "ninja cannibal nerd." I liked it so much, I adopted it. If I ever get famous, that'll be the name of my official production company.
That was pretty awesome. I really loved all the vids, especially Sephiroth's Prize (but you know that). :D
Wootliens! I just finished an alternate set of Kingdom Hearts II end credits painstakingly modeled after those of "Kill Bill Vol. 2", so if you haven't seen either you're out of luck. The You Tube description says it all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0M9dVhDp5k
ATTENTION: THE ABOVE LINK NO LONGER LEADS ANYWHERE. That's right, I found several fatal flaws in my "Kingdom Hearts Vol 2 Credits" that I pulled it, re-tooled it, and re-posted it. Here's the new link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nutzM8eo1qI Please enjoy!
Radio Hour 3!!!! Here it is: Kingdom Hearts Radio Hour Vol. 3! Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rk69k0mvO0 Featuring the cast of Final Fantasy VII recreating the finalie of Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera"
That was awesome. Cloud, Sephiroth and Tifa singing was definitely the highlight for me. You cast them so well. I bow to your mastery.
Alrighty. Just so you know, I'm going to make a list of my upcoming projects. You might not see a lot of these for months, but here's what I'm planning: 1. For Valentine's Day 2007, I'm going to try and make an AMV of Lemon Demon's "White Bread Boyfriend" starring the Twilight Town gang. I'll be working on that tonight. 2. I'm going to put "The Trial," "Sugar Daddy," and probably one of the other straight music videos together and speed them up to somewhere between Hamster and Chipmonk. Why? Because it's funny. 3. I wanted to make a video of Ozzy Osbourne's "Bark at the Moon" starring Saix, but since someone else made a video for the same song starring the whole Organzation I'm not sure whether or not I'll make the straight Saix one. I might if I really want to make a video but have no other inspiration. 4. Once the Re:COM cutscenes become available on the site, I'm going to make another Axel as Hedwig video, probably one for "Origin of Love." 5. Expect a fourth Radio Hour, again, once Re:COM is released. 6. I'll probably make some Marluxia-centered video with the new footage, but then again so is everyone else, I'm sure. I may or may not get more ideas later, but those are the ones I will almost certainly be making within the next half-a-year. Stay tuned! P.S. If anyone wants any of the lyrics to the songs or transcripts of the Radio Hours, just let me know. EDIT: UGGGHHH This was supposed to be a seperate post, but NOOOOOOOO! It had to automerge a "Doublepost" when it never did to me before. Well, anyway...Here it is! Happy V-Day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjTz1hSXN3E
Hayner, Roxas, and Axel on Speed! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wc_-VXLQlY The video description says it all. This is to tide you all over until this weekend, where I have something special planned.
they were really good but... sephiroth and highlander don't mix, and anyway dunan or connor would kick his ***
I started a new AMV a couple of weeks ago, but I never got around to finish it due to massive amounts of homework that were late to begin with. Luckily, it's Spring Break next week, so hopefully after I sleep a bit, I can finish that and have it here. In the meantime, Lemon Demon just released a new song called "Knife Fight," which is awesome on so many levels. Once Re:COM comes out, and we get some good footage from there, I'm going to make it a duet between Xemnas and Marluxia. To give you an idea: Xemnas: "I'm gonna slice you up!" Marluxia: "I'm gonna cut you down!" Xemnas: "I'll put you in your place!" Marluxia: "I'll put you underground!" Xemnas: "This is the end for you, you gutter-crawling cur!" Marluxia: "I've got a tip for you, get the point?" Xemnas: "Yeah, sure." Marluxia: "It's time to face the music!" Xemnas: "It's time to face the facts!" Maluxia: "Time to bite the bullet!" Xemnas: "Time to pay the tax!" Marluxia: "We got a blade of fury!" Xemnas: "I am a ball of rage!" Marluxia: "You ready, sucka?" Xemnas: "Born ready!" Both: "Engage!" I'd post more, but I don't want to spoil it. It's ends hilariously, and I wish I didn't have to wait several months to make it. Stay Tuned!
Heh heh heh... >D THIS looks gooooood... >3 Tell me when it... *blink* Did your siggy just...? O.o Nevermind. XD TELL ME WHEN IT'S DONE!!! >=D
Updates! Okay, it's been super long since I've done anything,b ut I finally made a few more. Here's "Knife Fight," as promised: http://youtube.com/watch?v=MnsaFlV1oLk And here's a short, fourth installment of Radio Hour: http://youtube.com/watch?v=fNqMXg8eyBI I'll try finishing the Beatle one sometime within the next few weeks, as well as a fifth Radio hour and another super-secret project (so secret even I don't know what it is yet) in the coming months.
Special Project! Okay, here it is, months in the making (mostly because I started it then had to stop for a day and didn't get my butt back on it until today.) Kingdom Hearts II... In less than 10 minutes... As told by... THE BEATLES!: http://youtube.com/watch?v=mrVxnmia-LY Enjoy!!!
Vexen Can Mkae You A Man Continuing with my campaign to get Tim Curry to voice Vexen in the English Re:COM, I've put together this Rocky Horror homage: http://youtube.com/watch?v=C6IRlYFSsig ENJOY!!!