Anyone use this app? I went on my first run in a while today and got one of my best times to date (I've been taking a spin class but it's ending so I want to start running again). It's more fun with friends tho and because I have no rl ones I am turning to you dorks let's do challenges and junk together
yeah from guys like you Nah I just have gotten pretty attached to being small and I don't want to gain weight. I started running when I was a bit depressed and it's a nice way to feel like you're doing something good for yourself and set goals etc etc
Running is a good way to lose a few pounds! Also it's (almost) free, assuming you have a pair of sneakers and some shorts already. That's why I like the app, it records your pace and your mile times and lets you know how you've been improving, that sort of thing.
I've toyed with the idea of taking up running. I get home early enough that I have plenty of time, and since it's the middle of the day I don't have to worry about traffic and junk. And the layout of my neighborhood would be very conducive to running. I'm taking two online classes next semester with one class on mwf so I'll be home more often than usual. Maybe I could do it in the mornings. That could be nice. This is getting me pretty excited, actually. Lately I've been thinking a lot about some lifestyle changes I should make and other things I could improve around the house, and this could be one of those things. Thanks for bringing this up, Misty.
i somehow allowed myself to get signed up to do a 5k run/walk tomorrow morning with my family save me
Wow good luck! Farthest I've ever run was two miles and that's not without stopping. @__@ (this is why i need challenges)