
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by SoraUchiha, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Before I start,Im not talking about suppressed memories-That's a completely different ball game all together...

    Nightmares-Okay,personally-I love them,Creepy,I know but I love it when you wake up and you remember this genuinely terrifying dream about being locked in a warehouse full of blood soaked zombies or that massive group of aliens you ran from,avoiding the invasion or just simply seeing a ghost...Or just one of those times that you dream your falling and wake up,gasping at the exact moment you hit the ground...

    I actually has sleep paralysis one night because I had a dream so fricking scary but I cant remember what is was about now,I ****ing loved it for some weird eff'ed up reason! 0_o

    So what is your opinions on Nightmares,sleep paralysis or even enjoying a nightmare?

    So tell,discuss,Debate!
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I have something called Nightmare Disorder.

    I have nightmares a lot, to be honest I get them pretty much every time I sleep. It has got to the point before where I've forced myself into insomnia just so that I don't have to sleep; my minds way of thinking that cutting me off from sleep was keeping me safe from dreaming.

    I remember nearly all of them with perfect clarity and detail, and no, I do not enjoy the experience.

    I can however, pretty much guarantee that what you call nightmares are like kittens playing in sunshine compared to the vast majority of mine.

    The worst is when you don't remember it properly, when you wake up terrified and crying without any real memory of what happened.
  3. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 20, 2010
    Vocaloid ♥
    Well i had nightmares since i was 6 or 4 and whenever i see something wayy to scary ( like mature uncut) i really have nightmares and i sweatin them and usaully i scream at night..beacuse of that.
  4. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    If you enjoyed your nightmare then you never really had one.

    As for me, I seldom have them. My nightmares aren't particularly violent or frightening. I have that kind of dreams but they are never too vivid, so I can find it in myself to enjoy them. Therefore I refuse to call them nightmares because they aren't unpleasant per se.

    My nightmares, rare as they are, tend to deal with coming across an impasse, an unsolvable problem, a cul-de-sac, whatever you want to call it. I don't wake up soaked in fright sweat, I wake up puzzled, humbled, confused...and of course ill-tempered.
  5. Phazeun Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2010
    Nightmares are illusions. Simple as that, that's the way I see them.

    I actually have a monthly nightmare, (Yes I know what you are thinking no if you actually read forward you would know...) were I am in my house and a sort of Alien Saucer about the size of a duffel bag is looking/chasing after me. It's the same thing/events/characters/ect. in it too. Wierd huh?

    I sometimes get real paranoid, then a while after, I sit there laughing at me being paranoid. ;)
  6. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    You enjoy nightmares? Boy, you are weird. Good or bad i remember most of my dreams nightmares or not, even those i used to have when i was five. Let me see now that hell no i would like nightmares. I have very weird dreams let alone alone nightmares.

    They don't have to be about zombies, monsters or whatever, i see rather simple things that are so freaking creepy. I remember a dream/nightmare i had once with some lifeguards (i won't get into details) but just before i wake up the original blue Power Ranger appeared in my dream floating on the sea looking at me (of course wearing his ranger outfit) in a so creepy way that it makes me shudder even thinking about it.

    Oh yeah, another reason i don't like nightmares is because a lot of my dreams are linked so a good dream, one night some time later might be linked to nightmare. Also i've seen two times the end of the world. Talk about frightening experiences T_T
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    If you're enjoying your nightmare then it isn't a real nightmare.

    I haven't had a nightmare in a long time. When I was young I guess I used to get them, but it was never anything abnormal. The only one I really remember was about Pokemon. :v This girl was like enslaving Magnemites and towards the end somebody's head got cut off and so did mine and we were waiting for them to grow back except they grew back on the same body. For whatever reason, that dream really freaked me out.

    My sister, however, used to get horrible, oftentimes reoccurring nightmares, and suffered from many night terrors. I can honestly say that seeing her having one and not being able to do anything to get her out of it was one of the scariest things I have ever been through.
  8. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    I hate them. There's been a couple that freaked the hell out of me.
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Basically what quite a few people have said, if you enjoy nightmares, then they're not really nightmares.

    I had a lot of nightmares when I was little because of my brother who enjoyed scaring me, and all of that ended up making me paranoid of a lot of things. Those nightmares eventually stopped though until last year, where they were about I was looking for someone, I was being chased by someone, I was going to get kidnapped, and even of my brother attempting to kill me. I've also had quite a few of me losing a loved one. A lot of the nightmares I've had, I've woken up crying.

    There was one in particular though that I had a few weeks ago that literally depressed for an entire week because of the things I heard in that said dream. I cried everyday because of it, I felt lonely, depressed, miserable, everything. That nightmare literally scared me that bad and got into my head that badly.

    Nightmares are supposed to be bad dreams. They're supposed to scare you, I guess. You really shouldn't like them because then they're not nightmares.
  10. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    i usually love nightmares i dig the whole horror stuff...but...the worst are when loved ones die...the freaky thing is for me...usually when you die in sleep you wake up...for me...i either ge a falling sensation and wind up in a completely different dream...or everything goes black (or sometimes white) andd nothingness is all around
  11. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    Night mares come from subconscienes things you've seen that might've freghtained you. Example? when i saw MRs. Doubtfire i had nightmares of william robbinsin....dont ask about that but it was coming from my brain so i could stop thinking about it...and nightmares causes watching too many scary movies that don't affect u now as u watch them but later on when your trying to relax...i kno this because when i watched death note AND prom Night i had a nightmare and was scarred. get it? XD
  12. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    lol.I dont enjoy having the nightmares-I'm fricking terrified,that's why I had sleep paralysis,what I love is remembering how terrified I was and how stupid it was that I was terrified,and plus if I remember the nightmare there is always something to decode and breakdown its meaning ^^
  13. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    I normally sleep through the night completely, except when I have nightmares. I have a lot of lucid dreams, which is when you know you're dreaming but you stay in the dream. Often something makes me realize that I'm dreaming, and if it's a good-ish/not scary dream I'll just play along. But if it's a bad dream or a nightmare I'll force myself to wake up (which is the creepiest feeling ever).

    I tend to do this to myself after I've woken up from a nightmare, because usually when I fall back to sleep I have the same dream that I just woke up from.
  14. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I've always been interested in lucid dreaming but it isn't something Ive ever been able to control or learn. It has happened to me three or four times max, one of those I forced my dream self to do something different (it was in a recurring dream I was having), the other times I've forced myself to wake up. It is a creepy feeling I agree, but I prefer that to facing whatever it is that I'm forcing myself to wake up from >.<
  15. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Well, This isn't really nightmare-esque...but it slightly disturbs me:

    It seems every time I dream it always comes true.
    This is no joke guys, honestly... when I dream it's always something that happens in my future/daily life.
    For example:

    I dreamt that I was writing in my math notebook and I looked up. I looked exactly 90 degrees to the right, to the area where my friend sits. We were using linking cubes to build geometrical structures that time. When I looked at my friend he had the linking cubes shaped as a laser and was shooting them at me (playfully) making sound effects.

    The following week, the exact same thing happened.
    I don't know how to describe this, but it seems every time I dream it ends up actually happening...
  16. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    I think you just enjoy the feeling of the nightmare. How you feel afterwards and remembering how you were feeling afterwards etc. Kind of like being on a momentary high.

    I've only had four nightmares that I can remember. I always wake up from them terrified, even though the context of the dream was ridiculous. And it's always dealing with a theme of me running/being chased. I do not enjoy these whatsoever.
  17. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    I used to never dream because I would barely ever fall asleep. I was a studiaholic last year. Then when summer came I was able to sleep more, and I started having a lot more dreams and nightmares. What's really funny is that when I wake up I can almost never remember them
  18. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Deja vú is the only thing I can put it too-and its so accurate because you are so extremely firmilier with your surrounding environment and you know your friends so well I guess...
  19. Trussy1000 Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 3, 2007
    I used to suffer from nightmares nearly every night when I was younger, and it was always the same guy or thing chasing me or staring at me in the house (I would tell you my theories but its early lol) but when we moved I longer got them, and I seemed to have more happy/boring :p dreams.

    I am able to alter what happens in my dreams to suit me so if something is going to kill me, I somehow end up killing it instead etc... It's quite weird really I can wake up from a nightmare and then make myself dream of something completely different :/

    And concerning deja vu:

    Sometimes if you dream of something in the future and it happens exactly how you dream it, that ain't just deja vu you're having there, thats a premonition :) maybe you do know your surroundings so much or your mind is just setting you on a path already. I tend to dream about people and what they are going to do and then it will happen even, sometimes a year later, I dreamt that someone I know was going to have a baby girl with blonde hair and then a few months later they got pregnant with a girl, and they never talked about it before.... But yeah its freaky stuff
  20. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    Wow, i didn't know that there was a term for this. I told my friends that this happens a lot to me and they wouldn't believe me. Who's right now...

    But anyway i agree with the weird feeling after forcing yourself to wake up from a nightmare. What is worst is when you try to wake up and you can't.

    I used to have a lot of those dreams but now is my younger sister who predicts stuff for the following day. She used to see her whole daily routine for the following day in her dreams during last year O.o

    Maybe there are people who have special powers...?