Night I just got done reading this book and writing a paper on it for my Holocaust class and I must say that it is a depressing book to read but at the same time it illustrates how someone can survive even when the world around them refuses to help them. Anyone else read this or are reading this? Discuss. And please keep the discussion Intelligent and respectful.
I read it in my English class last year. Wow, the things you read in that book just makes you realize how good we've got it. The imagery from that book is just.......indescribable. Seriously, since reading Night, I don't complain about a thing. Elie Wiesel is definetly one of the people I have the most respect for.
I read it last year in my 8th grade Lang Arts class. It was really good! It had a powerful way of reaching to even the most disrespectful kids my class. I love the way the author describes the events he went through.
O_O this sounds interesting... can someone plz gimme the author of this book... i want to read it... thank you!!
The book is called Night by Elie Wiesel and recounts his experiences in the Nazi extermination camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Today in my Tolerance and Inhumanity class we watched the episode of Oprah where she went with Elie Wiesel to Auschwitz. He speaks so simply you can't help but be amazed by it. One scene where they're looking over a case of children's shoes and he says: 'Listen to these shoes. They are crying.' The children would have no chance. Right after they got off the trains, they'd walk to the gas chambers with their mothers who would not leave their children behind.
Anyone read this book? I heard it's good, It's been assigned to me as summer reading. It's the first in a trilogy. About the holocaust, written by a survivor. What's your opinion on this book? I've yet to read it.
I read it for English last year. Very very very very very very very very sad book. It's also amazing. It was one of the few assigned reading projects I enoyed. So, if you don't mind lots of sad stuff happening (and there's plenty of sad to go around.), then definately read it.
I read it with my class somewhere in January. It's really good,in a weird depressing way. It may be a little suspensful,but you'll survive!
Read it, must admit it's pretty interesting and very depressing. Well at least at first I thought it was an amazing book, but then I looked into Elie's life more... and well now I think Night should not be a required book to read in english classes. :/ My english class is actually attempting to uncover Elie's past. >> Save Darfur~
I actually did a research project on Elie Wiesel. Very depressing. It's actually a good book but most likely not something I'd reccomend reading more than twice. It made me cry a few times, I'll admit. Now, I know the Holocaust was very important and all but maybe it should be something read on your own or something. Though, I suppose my class was mature enough to handle it... But overall, it was a good book... in a depressing sort of way. Makes you realize about other instances in the world right now... xD I made a thread on this already so obviously I read it.
We have to read it too. I was a bit surprised at how...little it is. I'm sure its a good book, but it doesn't seem very assignment worthy length-wise.
Poignant. It's pretty interesting. I like it as a literary piece but hate the fact that it's very good at conveying the immense distress and pain. On another note, you seen the episode with Elie Wiesel on Oprah?
I read it with my class last year and I sat in class crying quite a bit. I thought "Holy sh*t, why do people, like Hitler, have to exist? Because all they do is f**k things up for others!" And I was really sad when at several points, he lost, or nearly lost, his faith in God. It made me so sad, I wanted to stop reading.
I had to read this book for an assignment. I think it's a very moving, informational, and aspiring book to read. The book itself was pretty interesting. My assignments, however, are the only things that made me hate it. XD (so technically, I don really hate the book, just my teacher) But anyways, it is a very sad and tragic book. Nonetheless, the ending is satisfying despite all the crap Hitler set up for them. (no spoilers <<)
I've yet to read it myself. I own both Night and Dawn, but I haven't really brought myself to reading it. Not because I don't want to, but I used to be obssesed (for lack of a better word) with everything related to the Holocaust. I would read books, search stuff, etc., etc. I've kind of had enough of the horrors. I kind of want to put it aside at the moment and try to focus on something else, like starting a commitee at my school or something.