What do you guys think about this? Originally posted by IGN [video=youtube;4T1H77mZ14s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T1H77mZ14s[/video]
While I think that discs are becoming an outdated medium, I think it's a bit too early to eliminate them entirely--what about people that use their video game system as a DVD player? Granted many people are now turning to Netflix for movies, but it is a legitimate concern. And using SD cards (or something similar), or going entirely digital, seems to be just asking for game piracy on the console. And this eliminates any hope of backwards compatibility with games you already own, not through the Xbox Store (dunno what it's called lol). But hey, maybe I'm just stuck in the past. Willing to give it a chance & all (though I have no plans to buy an Xbox). Anyone else have a feeling they're going to end up adding a disc peripheral? lol. Knowing Microsoft it'll be like $120 too.
I agree that many people use Netflix and Hulu to stream movies and TV shows but not many do use it all the time and would have to pay. If this new XBOX has no disc and only a memory card thing then yes it is begging for piracy but there is a way to use a disc for for it too (not telling how) so ether way, hackers will find a way to hack a console. Im not much of a XBOX person ether but I think it's called XBOX LIVE Arcade or something like that. It is possible they might do something like XBOX Classics (reference to PSOne Classics from PSN), might as well make the original XBOX games digital too but I dont think it's worth paying for a game you already have a psychical copy of unless it's the original XBOX games which are kinda rare to find now days.
We've seen a console try a no-disc, digital-distribution only format: the PSP Go, which was a flop. I don't see doing it that way as an option personally. They should stick to having something solid, maybe those card storage things? But I do understand the concern of continuing disc support. Current DVD's are really easy to mess up compared to Blu-rays, which I'm sure Microsoft are never going to support when it comes to gaming.
Really? I think they're going to lose a lot of potential buyers (if that's even a word... sorry if it isn't) due to that. For one, that would mean you'd have to buy the games off the console (which you can do on the Xbox 360 already), and while that is convenient, what about backwards compatibility? Without a physical disc drive, there will be no chance of being able to buy this Xbox and be able to play Xbox 360 games like you can with the original Xbox games on the Xbox 360. Also, another downside to having to buy and store Xbox games on the new Xbox-- what if it gets stolen? That happened to me with my Wii a while back. I lost most of my games and had to re-buy them all on Wii discs. That's just my thoughts on it.
Urgh...being able to buy things digitally can be useful but having it as the only source for new games will be awful. If there are no physical copies of games being produced, then game retailers will have nothing to sell and go out of business. It doesn't help that games on Xbox Live are ridiculously expensive- it can be as much as £40 for a game here in the UK even several years after it was released. I miss the days when new games never really sold for more than £20...
That's kinda whats happening to the Black Rock Shooter PSP game when it makes it's way here. You can pay for the limited edition but your not getting the retail copy just a paper with a PSN code to download it.