... and I still haven't got Brawl yet...
Exciting stuff. I'm sure HAL will do a great job, just as they did with the last three Super Smash Bros. games. Maybe they'll let in just a few more third party characters, Snake and Sonic did really well in Brawl. It's a good thing it will be for both the 3DS and the WiiU, because I don't know how soon I'll be able to land myself a WiiU after it releases. But I have a 3DS ~ ♥
From what I've heard the 3DS and WiiU Smash Bros games will be different. 3DS will have more customizations for the characters and the WiiU will be more traditional. I also remember hearing that they will be compatible in a way that I'm assuming that All-Stars is.
It asked which charters we would like to see, anyone feel like they shoud take a look at SSBF2 and take Sor-(shot) On a realistic note, I would like to keep Pit, add Magnus, Palutena, and Viridi from Kid Icarus Uprising, leave Olimar (dude is practically useless without his pikman) Jiggly puff, add in Goku (though I doubt it ever happening) and a few others
Slightly off-topic, but that mock-up screenshot is ridiculous. VIVI WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE YOU WEREN'T EVEN ON A NINTENDO CONSOLE. All I know is, I'm crossing my fingers for K. Rool, Mega Man/X/Zero/.exe/ANYTHING, and of course Geno no matter how unlikely. And, y'know, here's hoping it's not as broken and skewed as Brawl was.
Character wise, the defs are: Geno and Krystal. The returning fighters should be Roy, Mewtwo, and Young Link. They should add the female PKMN Trainer as well.
I couldn't see Shadow happening. We'll probably see Tails instead. Isaac is perfect and should really be in the game. He was from F-Zero. I disagree. He's what Falco should have been. I think Lucario, Lucas, Ike and Snake shouldn't be in the game. I want to see new characters with entirely new skill sets. The wolf from Okami, Chrono, Minda/Link, Bomberman, Tom Nook, Banjo and Kazooie (seriously, why haven't these guys been in already? Come Microsoft, give Nintendo the rights already.)