I want them to stop making lego games, it's getting old. They're doing Lego rockband too, which is stupid. But if I had to pick, Lego Spiderman.
Lolno. They'd have to be existing lego for those to work and I think making these two games into lego would kill the lego series forever. KH wouldn't suit being lego and Halo is overrated and really really really wouldn't suit lego. The Spider-Man idea is definetly they should do, I remember the Spider-Man lego adverts. Anywho, I can only really think of the Spider-Man one. The Rockband one isn't very popular if I remember right which proves why Halo and KH shouldn't be lego (people prefer the real games).
Lego RockBand wouldn't use any characters that weren't already used by Lego in previous games, if any. Games such as halo and kingdom hearts would require the rights of those franchises, smart ass.
They're making a Harry Potter one now? I know they have the toys of that, but are they really gooing to start making video games of every licensed franchise they have? They must have realized that people are more into video games now, and decided to jump on the bandwagon. but they broke it.
These Lego games are getting stale (except for the Batman one because it's Batman). I want another Lego Island please.
lol i still have both for PC and the second for PS1 RIP.... Brickster, Pepper Roni, Mama Papa, Nick and Laura Brick.... i loved that game
lego rock band has some nice song but come on if they make a logo kingdom hearts i will never play a kh game again sipder man should come out if they made a 4th my friend said they could make a lego saw or pinkface if they wanted 2
None us these will happen, they usually don't make lego video games based on other video games. Plus they would have to make lego playsets for saw and pinkface, which they wouldn't because they are rated R and silly rabbit, legos are for kids. It would probably be based on the old comics like Batman was and would have every spider villian regardless of what there was in the movies.