Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Chad Thundercucc, Aug 8, 2013.


Which side do you stand on the console wars?

  1. Xbox One

  2. PS4

  3. Wii U

  4. Ouya

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  1. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Which side do you stand on? And why?

    Me personally, I'm all for the PS4, because of the exclusives (most importantly, KH3) and the cheaper pricing, plus, it has been rumored that there WILL be a PS4 & PSVita bundle coming out soon for $500. So, if that DOES happen, that'd be so worth it.
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Definitely PS4, because of KH3 (duh!). And besides, I've had the PS1, PS2, and PS3, so I might as well continue with Sony in the next gen.
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I'm sticking with Sony for this next gen, not just because of their great exclusives, but because I feel like the PS4 is genuinely going to be better in the long run. The starting price is better, there's already going to be a great lineup of titles, not to mention the studios like Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch that they have at their disposal, and they didn't start off with specs that made the console seem like a huge joke.

    I will admit that the Wii U seems like it might be worth the investment once more good exclusives are released (Pikmin, Bayonetta 2, etc.) and there's a price drop, but it's not looking like that'll be anytime soon.
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    First off, Kingdom Hearts 3 will be on PS4 and Xbox One and it's okay that's happening.
    Second, the Ouya will never compete as a console in any respect, because it's not tailored to anyone but the poorest demographic who have the internet, which is a really, really small niche.

    Anyway, i'm going with the PS4, primarily because the multi media box that the XBoxO is offering won't be beneficial to me in the UK, since they have yet to secure anything properly and won't for years, along with the need of paying to use those features with Gold membership. Other reasons, because PS+ offers more to me considering I have a PS3 and PSV. And friends are moving to PS4 too, so much better that way

    Apart from that, the consoles are identical, and I was honestly looking to cancel my PS4 pre order when I didn't see the benefit, but I realised I need good looking consoles games : P
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    PS4. Last I checked, it was a more powerful console than the Xbox One. When the full specs were first announced the PS4 completely dominated the X1 in pretty much every way. Though now things are a bit more leveled, I'm still going for the PS4. It's just out of preference. Rumbling triggers doesn't really add anything genuinely new but it does sound cool(referring to X1's controller)...but the Dual Shock 4 has a clickable touchpad which, although we haven't seen much of it in action, sounds more practical. It actually adds another thing developers can use to directly be implemented into gameplay. Also, I prefer Sony's exclusives. Too bad those exclusives won't include KH3 or FFXV but I'm fine with that.
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    See, I get the argument that one console will be more powerful hardware wise, but that doesn't matter if nothing is being developed for the console. The PS3 was clearly more technologically advanced than the 360, but apart from primarily first party game developers, and a few select series that had been on the PS2 and had carried over to the PS3, we had basically the same game collection between the two by the end. So it didn't matter the PS3 was more powerful, in a lot of cases you couldn't tell much difference between the two ports and the 360 even ran some better than the PS3. Hardware didn't matter as much this gen or won't the next.

    And the Dualshock 3 had SIXAXIS, but that was barely used by the end of the generation, I don't know how much time and effort developers will put into making touch screen extra features, which is why the WiiU isn't getting a lot of ports, because developers would have to spend more money and time working to include a couple of gimmick features. It couldn't support proper gameplay like the WiiU platform. If it's anything like the Ouya, it'll help navigate webpages and menus, perhaps.
  7. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  8. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Hehe I've been sticking with Sony for a long time and I'll still be doing it this gen (I have no idea why the Ouya is up there).

    To be honest, I was actually gonna grab the Xbox this gen because first I never owned an Xbox 360 and I really wanted to try out some of their exclusives like Gears of War and Tales of Abyss. In truth, I was planning to grab both the PS4 and XBone until Microsoft pulled their stunt on their release day and their meh performance at E3. After that, I had no intention of buying the XBone, even after they said they were gonna take off the stuff no one wanted. Not to mention the PS4 is $100 cheaper as well as having good looking exclusives I am excited to get.

    I also wanted a Wii U, but did not buy it due to it's meh launch strength. Now that it's growing, I will pick up the Wii U for some of their games now.
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    While I do plan on getting both the PS4 and Xbox One eventually, The first one I'm going for is the PS4 solely cause there's more games for the PS4 (excluding KH3 and FFXV) that interest me. While for the Xbox One there's only Halo 5 and Titan Fall at the moment.
  10. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    So is anybody just not interested in taking a side, or even making a war of it? ...No? Just me, got it.

    I want to own a PS4 and Wii U eventually. Maximillian also got me interested in the new Killer Instinct, so at the very least there's some incentive for me to consider the merits of an Xbone in my house. I'd just rather not miss out on any of the experiences coming down the pipeline.

    ...Well, except for the Ouya, which is a glorified mobile console and doesn't interest me in the slightest. :v
  11. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    You really can't make a war when the winner is VERY obvious. Even after changes, XBox One is in a DEEP DEEP hole. It will take them time for them to get out and regain their foothold. For now, they simply cannot have a stand in this war until they can make amends which will be hard.
  12. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    It's not a war sahsdfshjsdgshgksjh

    And I'm sorry but it's premature and immature to say anybody's won at this point. PS2 was an underwhelming hunk of plastic on release, and look where it went from there.
  13. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  14. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
  15. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  16. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    Also Ps3 just started being made at Brazil, it will probably have some years left here at better prices to all "mercosul" (don't know how you call us there Merco south?).

    Not to mention that in that Game of the generation war, there were more sony's exclusives than Xbox's.

    That Being said, I have a history with Sony/playstation, and for me to change team would meant a huge investment (new games, new hardwere, new account, new friends, etc..) . Truth be told I would like to experience some of the Xbox's exclusive titles (even though they are mostly FPS, which I don't like much). But Xbox one won't have Xbox 360 titles, so I would have to buy two consoles to "change team", that is a HUGE INVESTMENT!

    I think that when you are making a new video game you must always think "What will I give for the newcomers that they won't get in other plataforms?" Because if the investment doesn't pay up you end up not getting them.

    So Xbox one is made for deep Xbox 360's players, that want to continue playing their exclusives, and didn't felt that microsoft is taking advantage of them... so by now is easier for a former Xbox's player go to Playstation's side, as Ps4 will give you the Ps3/2/1 experience via gaikai, at lower prices.
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Apart from the terrible initial marketing the XboxO isn't a bad console, no matter how people spin it, because ultimately the hardware of the two consoles are similar enough to support the same software if games, and ultimately exclusive games on the consoles will be primarily made for First Party developers of Sony and Microsoft. The rest will be because of trying to use features specific to the consoles, like Project Spark using the Kinect or to continue series associated with said console like Halo 5 on XboxO and Killzone on the PS4.

    In terms of preorders, both consoles are doing very well, and this is looking to be the biggest console launches so far, for both companies. The key thing will be to keep those sales stable and marketing it correctly, along with good games supported for both. So yeah, there is still a 'war' if you would like to call it that, because financially the are making money already.

    Gaiki services and prices haven't been confirmed yet, and the lack of openness is making me feel the prices are going to be.... not too cheap. I'm expecting the prices to be similar to the indie games being developed and sold on the Store. Just what I think, could be wrong and would be nice for a selection of the games to be free with PS+ but we'll find out eventually, more at Gamescom apparently.
  18. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    the lower price that I was saying was the console in general even a "top bundle" with Ps eye is still cheaper than Xbox, the games prices for both will continue 60 dollars, so Ps4 will be probably cheaper overall .. even though I believe that Gaikai games will be cheaper than buying a Xbox 360 with their exclusives (so It is cheaper to a person that never played Playstation get the full playstation experience than buy a Xbox one + 360 to have the full Xbox experience).

    I think that Gaikai or will be a bundle price for all games, or most games for free.. even if is not, It probably won't be the full price.
  19. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    The price of PS Eye and aPS4 would be the same price as buying an Xbox One, which is why Sony dropped it from the bundle to appear more affordable, which it clearly has shown to be. So cheaper as standard, yes, but you're technically getting less compared to the Xbox One.

    Not necessarily, I got my friend a second hand 360 for a total price of £60, which is very cheap. The price of a new 360 is likely to go to £99, with the release of the Xbox One, which makes it as affordable as an Ouya, and alot of the top games for £10-20 each. The worst part would be having to pay for Xbox Gold which you can't really get cheaper elsewhere.

    But yes, overall it would be cheaper to get the PS4 with the information we have so far, but until we know what Gaiki offers and at what price, it's still hard to compare.

    Sony has been a bit quite with the PS4 and features, so it's hard to know for sure what will happen.