No Thanks News?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Noise, May 15, 2011.

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  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Fun fact is that most people come to the site for the content in the forums. Moreso the codes, people like news, but they like a friendly community better. And if there's KH news, we'll have the up.

    We will expand on our news a bit, like post Square related stuff which could be relevant to the KH series. But we will not be posting about everything Square and Disney decide to dish out. Fansites are a risk like that.

    We don't plan to let the site die, however. So don't worry on that end.
  2. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    Lol, I know that.

    Think of it in terms of the national news...sure almost all of it is focused on what is happen in your country...but then there is a little time spend on stuff outside your country.

    Yes, KHV is the ultimate source for Kingdom Hearts media, be it news or otherwise, but if we could expand to a little more to the point where we put up news updates about a new SE game or whatever I feel that more people might stop by.

    Yes, people come and stay for the community and yes the coding section does get people to show up...but what about the other people who don't care about codes? or who don't go on the internet just to make friends?

    When I joined...I joined because this place had the KH cut scenes and that was at a time when I couldn't play the game but I loved it so much that I spent hours watching the videos. for the first 3 or 4 months I didn't post at all. So if I wouldn't have come by because I was attracted to this site I wouldn't have found something I like and then stayed.

    Yes, people are gonna wanna stay more cause they are KH fans...but if we can post info on stuff outside the KH universe...I think there is a possibility that this site could expand.

    and I hate to bring this up...but whats gonna happen when the KH series quits? is this site just gonna shrivel up and die? Expansion will allow us to gain more members and find other things to keep the traffic if one of the things that is our little niche ends up ending we still have other legs to stand on.

    KHV should be thought of as a is in fact making money after all. And obviously not every idea (like this one for example) will work out or be the best for the site. I know that many don't agree with this but some might not be thinking in terms of the business aspect. If this site could go on for more years even after we are all gone then we would all know that we built this site up well.

  3. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    I joined mainly because of the code vault and mainly because of the videos that were being put out.
    I am not the greatest member in the world but I made it on staff. Good things come from the people in the code vault. It may not seem that way because we are surrounded by new people but I think the code vault should get the same amount of respect as the rest of the site and the rest of the news and such. We work hard, very hard and I am not asking for a huge reward but respect is nice.

    Also even after these games die people are still hacking them for a good long time. That won't die because as long as we have people then we have the codes and other hacks that come with them.
    If this site starts to die off (not saying it will) but I believe the code vault will be the last to go.

    On a side note every single time someone (including myself) brought something that isn't KH related in the code vault it died almost instantly. A lot of people just come here for KH stuff. Simple as that.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I think what we need is more KHV projects. We have the audio archive, videos, and the podcast. I think we need to somewhat...expand the Coding section? Make it a more central part of the forum, at least the KH part? Then again, I don't know anything about codes so I have no idea what we could do.
    But another project, something else to offer KH fans, a KHV-exclusive kind of thing, would help. But I have no idea what would even be possible to do.
  5. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    The Battle Royale style tournament had me interested int he coding for a while. but to be honest, that died as sson as people figured how to do ti themselves, as well as things not working correctly.
  6. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    I don't want to spoil stuff for people but I am doing a project with bbs. I complete rom hack which changes all aspects of the game itself. A series would arise from that.

    The code vault can be oddly competitive. Everyone tries to be the best at one point that tends to get in the way of other people's work. And as for the codes not working it isn't the easiest thing to do.
  7. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    But we can't really use that analogy, since that'd be us covering news ranging from Kingdom Hearts to Dungeon Siege 3, Wakfu, Tomb Raider, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Deus Ex, Mindjack, ect. The list goes on. And while it would be completely nice to have news regarding said things, I'm afraid they don't really fit into this all.

    Even if we wanted to cover just their own developed games, I think there's site who can do it better, so we'd be competing with them too.

    ^ Is this what you had in mind? Because we will expand, just don't expect to see info on other games. You may see however interviews with Nomura, Engine updates, and future of Square Enix, if such a thing does arise.

    And regarding the people, if they didn't just come to sites for codes, or make friends. Then they are here for news. So they'd expect us to be on top of the Kingdom Hearts scene. While they may go to another site for Final Fantasy news, because we'd probably not give it as much coverage as say...a site dedicated to Final Fantasy (Can't recall any names at the moment).

    Fansites are risk. But since you ask, we could probably bounce back by shifting our focus when the need does arise. But considering how Nomura intends to continue the series after Kingdom Hearts III, I would hope we have a good run.

    I think the suggestion is an honest attempt to help, but I really don't see us spreading ourselves this way.
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