NEWS/Are they reporting the real truth?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by newman, Oct 13, 2007.

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  1. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    Do you believe everything that you hear?How slanted or one sided is our news?How much does money,government,special-interst groups,...etc.influence the news?Have you ever noticed how differently the same story is told by different networks?How are you to know what the truth actually is,or if there is any truth at all in these reports?News greatly attects people all over the world,as what is thought to be informed decisions are made.If your told wrong,how could it be expected that you would do right?You wouldn't even realise that your being manipulated into doing something that you normally would not consider.Since we will never be told one way or another,we will continue along this way.Next time you hear different versions of the news,you might think this over?What do you think?
  2. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    I don't trust any news, or atleast the ones in america. The only place I go to for new is BBC, Physorg, and John Stewart.

    It doesn't matter what it is that you are listening to though, government place a role in affecting what they put on the air and what they don't. Politics have become so corrupt with bull crap from congress, the house, and prez. Its just not worth listening to anymore, you can't listen to one story with out hearing some bullcrap subjective side to it.
  3. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    Your right. Thanks for reply. There is so much that could be said on this topic.
  4. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I really hate the news.. >_> I hate how the news reporters are so opinionated. imo, they should just deliver the facts without getting personal or attempting to fill in the blanks, if you know what I mean...

    Need I mention Fox's "DESTROY. DIE. ATTACK" bollocks?

    You can't even trust newspapers.. they always overexaggerate things to sell the most copies. :/
  5. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    You can never tell when the media is telling the truth, part of the truth or a lie.

    Because they have their ways of hiding little bits an pieces and making everything seem so dramatic.
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The only news I trust is the BBC, just because it has been around for so long. Even though it is technically owned by the government it is still pretty reliable.

    The one place you should NEVER trust for news is newspapers. Tabloid papers print over-dramatic stories because they are basically money makers. They are the newspaper magazine, generally full of crap. The broadsheets, although more factual, are always slanted. Each paper is either left or right wing, with suitably orientated writers.

    What people forget is, news programs aren't perfect. Of course they are going to get things wrong, but when things are made to be purposefully misleading that's when problems arise and trust is (or rather should) be lost.
  7. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    They are reporting truths but they just don't know the real truth. Some network news don't reveal them because it's not for children or something. there are several reasons why. they just tend to hide them. depends on what news network
  8. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Depends on how much of a critical thinker you are.
  9. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    I noticed today,that they changed a point of view on a story from yesterday.Sure would be nice if they atleast stuck to the same point,true or not.
  10. KeybladeMaster123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 4, 2007
    agree with you totaly, i only trust BBC
  11. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    Well put!

    I very much agree that the BBC is reporting the facts more truthfully.They have been around alot longer than the rest.I think the other agencies would do alot better by following their lead.Thanks for your opinion,it was well stated.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, I have to agree that BBC is usually where I go for news reports and also I check out and some other places that seem to do -world- news and not just focus on one area. John Stewart is also great, even if he's not considered a real news man. His stuff picks apart the news and he just rux. Colbert is funny too, though of course, his views are slanted but it's all done for humor. Sometimes I go to other online news stories too if I see a report on CNN or Fox etc.

    I don't doubt that the news is at least -somewhat- accurate, but yes, there always seems to be a slant to the news that I don't like. It is worse in newspapers and magazines, as someone pointed out above. I can't even take those articles at all serious anymore and it's a shame. Not buying it though I suppose helps save trees. I think we all know anymore the news is slanted depending on the story and then who's telling it, but if we cross-check various sources, we can generally logically deduce what is the information that is valid versus the fancied up words added in to color it up to flavor whatever political or corporate agenda is desired. It's a shame we have to do that but reporters are bought out and journalists when young think it's otherwise, but we can all see it for ourselves. =:/
  13. Tonks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 3, 2006
    in my pants.
    America's news (some other places too.) tell lies for money's or fame.
    Including magazines and newspaper.

    Everything is a lie, which is why I don't bother anymore. :/

    They're also...rude.
    See what they did to Chris Crocker? (as much as I hate him.)
    They just insulted his looks. They didnt tall about the video at all.
  14. Vanquish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 14, 2007
    earth 2.0
    I hear from many places that they often hide the actual truth. Or rather, they are purposely given news from the government that is twisted or altered. Such sources are considered very bias, however.

    I personally don't follow news often-times. I might read a newspaper every now-and-then, but hardly ever. Politics is something I'd rather stay out of.
  15. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    The problem is that most news channels are slanted to one or the other direction. Liberal or Conservative.

    BBC is pretty good about only reporting the facts to the audience and not putting a slant on it. The BBC also don't worry about sugar coating the news reports.

    I don't really watch the news myself unless it's Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, or the BBC.
  16. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I think this video pertains to this thread.

    Charlie Brooker narrates some news footage and explains how the reporting of news has changed over the years.

    It's quite interesting, imo.
  17. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    I don't listen to news much anymore. Mostly because they're about total nonsense and useless stuff, or they just make things too dramatic.

    Like people here, I just flip to BBC if I want decent news.

    CNN...just no >_> What makes me laugh is when CNN hosts go:
    "Today, a tidal wave struck Indonesia again. Hundreds of people died. And Thousands are left homeless without food or water. A dramatic loss.
    Now let's go to our teen fashion magazine creator and talk about overweight people!"


    And god newspapers, they can make a "kitty got stuck in a tree and saved" extremly over-dramatic.

    Hah, I saw this vid a few days ago. It truely is very interesting. And is so true.
    The 2nd part of the (the conffesions of a Reporter) was great.
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